hls09amrl_visgroups - MaestroFenix/Half-Life-Resized-Maps GitHub Wiki

  • original_lights

Original point light entities. DEBUG ONLY.

  • shitty_decals

Unfitting HL2 trash decals at the trash compactor and a problematic blood one in the middle of two displacements.

  • old_terrain

Original HL:S displacement terrain.

  • new_terrain

Displacement terrain modified to resemble the original HL1 one.

  • satchel_oldpos

Original Satchel position. Use if the game / mod doesn't use weapons with physics.

  • satchel_newpos

New Satchel position. Use if the game / mod use weapons with physics.

  • disabled_snds

Disabled several ambient sounds due the map already having too many sounds being played at the same time.

  • env_sound

Env_sound entities ( soundscapes ).

  • cubemaps


  • autosaves

Autosaves for HL:S, don't use in MP.



Use old_terrain or new_terrain, and satchel_oldpos or satchel_newpos, but not both.