hls05bmrl_visgroups - MaestroFenix/Half-Life-Resized-Maps GitHub Wiki

  • original_lights

Original point light entities. DEBUG ONLY.

  • speaker

Speaker that went unused in retail, together with their lines.

  • 2nd_speaker

2nd Speaker that went unused in retail, together with their lines. Placed at the "outside" zone as for some reason in some games / mods, the first one doesn't reach the entire map.

  • lights_toxicpit_new

Correct white-ish lights at the falling elevator part as it was in HL1.

  • lights_toxicpit_old

Orange tinted lights at the falling elevator part as it was in HL:S.

  • water_decals

Decals used originally in HL:S for the flooded areas. While HLRM includes fixed decals ( so actually uses cubemaps ), they don't look good and hence, they aren't recommended being used ( maybe because like other decals, is not correctly configured their VMT? ).

  • water_brushes

Water brushes for the flooded areas.

  • env_sound

Env_sound entities ( soundscapes ).

  • cubemaps


  • sp_start

item_suit and other items being used on map start in Half-Life: Source.

  • autosaves

Autosaves for HL:S, don't use in MP.



Use lights_toxicpit_new or lights_toxicpit_old, and water_decals or water_brushes, but not both.