hls00amrl_visgroups - MaestroFenix/Half-Life-Resized-Maps GitHub Wiki

  • original_lights

Original point light entities. DEBUG ONLY.

  • train_dynlights

Visgroup about the flashing lights of the tram, for making easier debugging.

  • train_doorend

Tram door that opens at the end of the ride, on his own visgroup for debugging.

  • train_fakefollowingdoor

Fake tram door that gets replaced by the real one at the end of the tram ride. Again, on his own visgroup for testing individually settings.

  • mp_spawns

Multiplayer spawnpoints tied to the tram, together with the SP spawnpoint.

  • heli_default

Default helicopter position as seen in retail HL.

  • heli_takeoff

Setup that makes the heli to take off, as seen in a late pre-release trailer.

  • Cubemaps


  • env_sound

Env_sound entities ( soundscapes ).



Always use train_dynlights, train_doorend and train_fakefollowingdoor. Don't use heli_default and heli_takeoff at the same time.