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Half-Life Resized Maps Documentation

For individual map compile settings and visgroup descriptions, please refer to mapname_compile_settings and mapname_visgroups listed on the sidebar.

  1. Requirements
  2. Features

1. Requirements:

  • Half-Life: Source bought on Steam and installed.

(For mappers):

2. Frequent Asked Questions:

Q: What are the compatible games with HLRM?

A: As it is right now on the map sources, HL:S, GMod and Source SDK 2013 mods should be 100% supported. For other games / mods, some extra work may be needed.

Q: Can I use / modify these maps for my game / mod?

A: Yes, HLRM has a Creative Commons License which only requires you to give credits to our team and not being used on commercial projects (not like mods would do it anyway).

Q: Why this project exists? Why not play Sven Co-op or Black Mesa?

A: HL:S has been mostly used by many for mounting their content on other games / mods. However, very few used the maps due the amount of problems they have, and such potential was left for years untapped. With this project, not only we make them worth playing, but also allow to solve long standing problems that are even present on HL1. It also makes HL:S itself a bit more playable.

As for why not going to Sven Co-op or Black Mesa, this is a Source project, so SC is a separate world. Black Mesa is just a complete different game at this point which their changes are divisive according to who one is asking to.

Q: Why some parts have been made longer / shorter / completely new?

A: As it happens with other games that Valve worked with, the maps aren't 100% seamless and often runs into illogical layouts (like a ladder which goes down actually being placed above a surface area) so some adjustments have been made in order to solve them. While some parts like in hls03mrl or hls11cmrl have new rooms to detail and justify such new paths, is still a work in progress.

Q: There will be an HL2 version of this?

A: No. While some HL2 maps could be reworked in order to join them together, they also have a bigger number of entities and brushes than HL1, and it would be very hard to fit them within the default Source limits (modern branches would alleviate this, but they aren't available for modding).

Q: Will this project keep being worked on?

A: Yes, take a look to the Issues page to see the planned features for the next big version.

Q: Why X change has been done to the maps, and isn't possible to toggle it off via visgroup?

A: While most of the "divisive" features have been placed as visgroups so modders can choose what to use, others aren't.

These changes, like lighting, brushwork, entity and others have been done either in the name of performance (especially entity amount for avoid ED_Allocs crashes, or server-wide lag), fixes (some from the PS2 version have been already implemented) or just to give a bit of extra detail.

Q: Why when using Slartibarty's Hammer with the HLRM maps, it crashes randomly?

A: We don't know why, but seems related sometimes to Hammer mounting something from HL:S that gives problems with the 3D view. If you are suffering them, reduce the quality of the 3D view options and the draw distance to the minimum in order to solve it. Strange enough, using the HL2 config with the HL:S content mounted works perfectly, rather than using the HL:S config or others.