How to Build an Application - Maes95/TFG-WebChat GitHub Wiki

How to build an application

What are the requirements for an application to be tested?

The application in question must be able to support a chat in which several users can communicate with each other.

Requires launching the application as a server listening at port and offering a WebSocket connection on the /chat address.

First conexion

When the client establishing the connection, will send his data in a string, that can be formatted to JSON and has the following structure:

  "name": "MyName",
  "chat": "MyRoom"

The application must store this data with the websocket connection so that they are "registered".

Message Management

Once the connection has been established and the initialization message has been sent, the client will send messages to the application, again as a String, which can be formatted to a JSON with the following structure:

  "name": "MyName",
  "chat": "MyRoom",

This message must be forwarded by the application to all users whose chat room is the same as the message.

IMPORTANT: Do not confuse a chat message with a connection message, the way to differentiate them is by the existence or not of the "message" key in the JSON.


The application must manage the disconnection of users. When a user disconnects, it must be removed from the application so that messages are not forwarded to it.


Although the tests are not required it, the application can prevent two users with the same name can connect (regardless of the chat to which they belong). In case it already exists the user should send a message back to the client as shown below:

   "type": "system",
   "message": "A user with that name already exists"

In addition, and in order to quickly test the correct operation of the application, you can offer an Http client that allows the connection from the browser. The template of this client can be found here

How do I include an application in a comparison?

WebChatTest contains a configuration file available in WebChatTest/src/main/resources/config.json looking like this:

    "apps" : [
            "name" : "NodeJS",
            "commands" : "node app.js",
            "port" : 8080,
            "name" : "Vert.x",
            "address" : "",
            "port" : 5000,
    "chats": [
            "numChats": 1,
            "users": [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]

Our application will be included as a new object to "apps", whose format is defined in the following table:

Property Type Required Default Explanation
name String Si - Name of application
globalDefinition String No No definition provided Definition of technology
specificDefinition String No - Specific definition of application
commands String No - Command/s which launch the app
port Number No 9000 Port on which the application listens
folderName String No name+"-WebChat" Name of the folder where the application is located
address String No IP address of the application host
delay Number No 10000 Time (in ms) that is expected to start the application
remote Boolean No false If the machine runs on remote
pid Number No - PID of process

Local aplications

These are the applications launched by WebChatTest

  • The application project must be in the same directory as the testing application, WebChatTest.

  • It should specify the startup commands for the application.

  • The address should not be overwritten.

Remote aplications

These are the applications NOT launched by WebChatTest

  • It should specify the remote parameter to true.

  • It should specify the address where it is run, unless it runs on the same machine.

  • It is not necessary, therefore, to specify the boot commands or the application folder. The delay is fixed for remote applications (0 ms).

  • If the application runs on the same machine and you want to get the performance measures, it is necessary to include in the configuration your pid

How do I test my application?

Once you have built your application and you have included it correctly in the configuration, you only have to launch the test application:

$ cd WebChatTest
$ mvn test