Lab 5 Description - MadhuriGumma/Python-Programming GitHub Wiki
Game of Life:
It is a game invented by Conway where there are set of conditions for live cells and when they will be dead and when they can survive.
Then there are set of transitions that happen which are captured in below screen shots
For Tic Tac Toe gae:
It is actually a grid that checks the winning conditions of computer and user. There are different permutations and combinations of who can win basing on how they play but a winning condition will always result in all the 3 rows or columns or diagonals all having same symbol that is either 'X' or 'O'
Below are the screen shots for the same:
Library Management:
For this I have used all the conditions mentioned in Assignment document like I created 5 classes Librarian, Person, student, book and staff. Staff work in a college and also have access to library. A book can be issued by any person like student, staff etc.