Regimental Standing Armies - Madcliff/Project-Augustus-Unified GitHub Wiki
The Project Augustus Mod has two separate mechanisms to have and utilize a standing army. This enables you to choose how you wish to let your imperial realm wield its power when you reach the position of power in which Retinues and Levies are simply not enough. Regimental armies are perhaps the most versatile mechanism to achieve these ends.
A regimental standing army is based on vassalized mercenary companies. Every 50 years for every vassalized kingdom you have, you can create a single mercenary company. These companies consist of about 4-5k Pikes and Crossbows. These regiments also possess their own localisation, and in some book marks will be referred to as Legions. They represent the surrendering of military power to regional organizations to defend the realm. Easily more flexible than any other means to muster an army, regiments have the cost of forever giving you a rival to your crown, each regimental commander has a strong claim to your primary title.