Installation - MadParkerD/MDials GitHub Wiki


  1. Install the Arduino IDE.
  2. Download the Arduino midi library via the library manager. Image from
  3. Navigate to your Arduino sketch folder (usually C:\Users<windows username>\Documents\Arduino).
  4. Clone this repository
  5. Connect hardware as per the following images.
  6. Connect your Arduino to your computer.
  7. Open Arduino ide.
  8. Open this repo as a sketch, specifically mdials-source.ino.
  9. Edit the sketch to correspond with your board/setup. For most people this means setting the number of potentiometers used.
  10. Upload the sketch
  11. Install dfu-programmer This may take some doing, as compatibility broke in windows 10. At minimum this requires that you install the libusb-win32 driver, and download the latest windows release. Installing libusb can be done in several ways but I recommend which is by far the easiest way I have found to do this. This will require a system restart. Everything contained in the dfu-programmer release should be copied to the scripts directory in this git checkout.
  12. Run the Downloads.bat file located in the scripts directory (requires powershell). This will prompt you for which board you have. If you are unable to identify which chip is used DO NOT FLASH ANYTHING USING THESE SCRIPTS. Alternatively provide your own firmwares and rename them arduino-serial.hex and arduino-midi.hex.


  1. Bridge the two dfu pins labeled in step 5.
  2. Open device manager and look for an "Unknown Device" under universal serial bus devices, then "install" the libusb-win32 driver for that device.
  3. THERE IS SOME RISK INVOLVED IN THIS STEP. I take no responsibility for bricked devices resulting from running these scripts, so run them AT YOUR OWN RISK. Run the install-midi.bat script in the scripts directory (This will make your arduino unable to connect via serial until the install-serial.bat script is run)
  4. DONE! Your Arduino should now be a class complaint midi device!