Retro 2018 05 26 - MadDonkeySoftware/corp-hq GitHub Wiki

What went well and/or we should continue doing

  • This seemed to be a good sprint for getting things merged.
    • Possibly due to a core reviewer stepping back to contributor
  • Focus on getting some items through the app configurable has been a huge boon. Lets keep doing that!
  • Figuring out weird ten second delay thing with some environments using docker!
    • Probably a mis-configuration of Frito's home network and odd that it didn't affect all hosts :man_shrugging:
  • Losing Nait as a core reviewer sucks but is overall mutually beneficial.

What went poorly or could be improved

  • Need to get some focus on getting the CI/CD service to actually run the script.
  • General processes for core reviewers is a big amount of overhead. Is it possible to reduce it?
    • 2 hours of meetings every other week, amount of time spent doing reviews and design sessions
      • Possibly move retro meeting to Slack / Discord rather than TeamSpeak w/
      • Need to attract other core reviewers to the project to spread the load of reviews
    • Only core reviewer left, Frito, has a fluid availability schedule making it difficult for other cores.

Action Items / tasks to create