Retro 2018 03 31 - MadDonkeySoftware/corp-hq GitHub Wiki
What went well and/or we should continue doing
- Bug resolution went well / quickly. ( +1 )
- Reviews went well.
- Reviewers pulled code down and tested locally. ( +1 )
- Got a ton of "plumbing" work out of the way.
- New core member ramp-up going well.
- Sprint kick off was known to be too much work but we managed to land most of it.
What went poorly or could be improved
- Difficulty getting environment working on Windows
- using windows and bash for windows was fundamentally flawed
- Some hiccups with linux but easy enough to overcome
- PRs stacked up at one point; Symptom due to lack of easy, documented roll-on process.
Action Items / tasks to create
- Document or script the linux environment creation - Nait
- Will research different tools like Koding + GitLab, Ansible, etc.
- We should list cores and their development platforms - Frito