5. EXPINFO - MadDeCoDeR/Classic-RBDOOM-3-BFG GitHub Wiki
EXPINFO Documentation
Table of Contents
What is EXPINFO?
How to use it?
Can I use MAPINFO?
EXPINFO structure
EXPINFO parameters
Compatibility mode
EXPINFO is a script extension similar to MAPINFO that allow you to set various map/expansion related modifications.
Unlike MAPINFO EXPINFO is more abstract and alot easier to write.
EXPINFO can be loaded as a lump like MAPINFO. Also you can load an external file with the .dlc extension.
No, Various MAPINFO scripts have been written to work with ZDoom in mind, making them harder to be handled properly by this port.
The EXPINFO structure goes like that:
EXP #General info about the expansion
max_maps = 33
final_map = 30
save_dir = MYMOD
MAP 09 #setting MAP09 special parameters
miniboss = true
sky_tex = SKY3
EXP : header for seting expansion general info
max_maps : Maximum amount of maps (limit to 99 maps)
final_map : The map which the game will end with (after completing it)
save_dir : Set custom save directory (allowing your mod to have it's own savefiles)
MAP xx : header for seting map specific info (the xx indicates the map number)
miniboss : Set if you want the specific map to use MAP07's special miniboss logic
sky_tex : Set map's sky texture (by using it's texture name)
secret_final : Set if you want the exit message to be shown ONLY if you go through the secret exit
final_flat : Set exit level message background
final_text : Set exit level message by referencing to value's name
final_music : Set exit level message music
secret_map : Set the secret map (in case the map has a secret exit)
next_map : Set the next map (if you don't want to be the exact next one )
0teleport : Set the sector id override for telepoters that teleport you to sector with id = 0
doorsecret: Force the secret event to be triggered when opening a door that is a secret sector
cspeclsecret: Force the secret event to be triggered when crossing a special line which's front or back sector is a secret
thingsecret: Force the secret event to be triggered when touching an item that is on a secret sector
cyberboss, mastermindboss: Make Cyber Demon / Mastermind enemies to act like bosses can be combined using " = " with "openDoor" and "lowerFloor"
Even through MAPINFO is not supported anymore various elements of it are still supported and they can help to convert MAPINFO to EXPINFO easier.
The supported MAPINFO structure is the following:
map MAP01 "mapname"
sky1 SKY2
next MAP02
secretnext MAP02
And it supports the following parameters:
sky1 , next , secretnext , map07special , par , music , next , secretnext , cluster, allowmonstertelefrags
Also it support MAPINFO cluster.
Supported structure:
clusterdef 1
flat RROCK16
music D_READ_M
entertext lookup C1TEXT
Supported parameters:
flat , music , entertext , exittext
Also support the parameter intermusic
Also it support MAPINFO episode.
Supported structure:
episode 1 <or> episode e1m1
titlename "M_EPI1" <or> picname "M_EPI1"
startmap "1"
endmap "8"
Episode definition is used in combination to the cluster.
Which means that you can use the cluster definition parameters
with the episode definition.
Supported parameters:
titlename, picname, startmap, endmap, interpic
endmode : set the end logic based on Ultimate Doom's episode number
Also support the parameter intermusic,clearepisodes (BOTH must be used before any other definition)