10. Package your Mod - MadDeCoDeR/Classic-RBDOOM-3-BFG GitHub Wiki
The first thing to do is to open each level of your mod in order to generate all the files. You can use the map command for quick access.
The generated files are models, animations, textures and additional map files (.cm, .proc)
So you don't need to keep model files (.lwo, .ase, .md5*) and texture files (generally images) and additional map files (.cm, .proc) but you MUST keep the MD5 Camera files (.md5camera) since they are not getting generated.
Once all the files are generated create a new folder in order to put the files for packaging.
The package CANNOT contain .cfg, .lang, .bik, .roq, .dll, .so, .PAT, .wad files, if your mod uses these files they must be outside of the package.
The folder for packaging must be < 4GB and for better performance it must be < 1GB. If the mod folder is too huge then create additional folders and segment your mod in order each folder to be less than 1GB.
Now that your folder(s) are ready open DOOM BFA with enabled console (+set com_allowConsole 1), open Doom 3,
- open the console (~)
- type "writeresourcefilewithdir" followed by the folder name to be packaged.
Note: in case of multiple folders you must run the command multiple times for each folder
Setting up
Once you finished with packaging close the game and go to the save directory in order to get your .resources files
The folder on Windows usually is: "C:\Users\"your username"\Saved Games\Id Software\DOOM BFA\ <"base or the name of the mod you used">
And on linux usually is: "/home/"your username"/.DoomBFA/ <"base or the name of the mod you used">
- Cut/Move the .resources in to your mod folder (DONT Copy).
- Add the files the package cannot contain in that folder. Also if you want your mod to show as a new expansion as described in Page.4then create a folder maps and put your .resources files in them