CMDArgumentHandle - Macro206/CMDKit-Framework GitHub Wiki

CMDArgumentHandle is used to facilitate interpretation of a program's arguments. It maintains a list of valid options and of their arguments, and can even print a list of invalid options (options supplied to the program that aren't in the list of valid options).


NSString *programName
The name of the program to display when printing invalid options.

NSString *version
The version of the program to display when printing invalid options.

id<CMDPrintingDelegate> delegate
The argument handle's delegate. Required for printing program usage (and program help, although this optional).

Class Methods

+(id)argumentHandleWithArguments:(const char *[])arguments count:(int)count
The default method to create CMDArgumentHandle objects. Only one argument handle is necessary per program.
arguments should be argv and count should be argc.

Instance Methods

Returns whether the argument number "n" is an option.
Note: "n" is not an index. The first argument is number 1.

Returns whether the argument number "n" is a word option.
Note: "n" is not an index. The first argument is number 1.

-(NSString *)getArgument:(int)n
Returns the argument number "n".
Note: "n" is not an index. The first argument is number 1.

-(int)getArgumentIndex:(NSString *)argument
Returns the index of argument.
Note: "n" is an index. The first argument is at index 0.

-(NSArray *)getArgumentsForOption:(CMDOption *)option
Returns the arguments that follow a given option.
Note: option must be part of the argument handle's valid options.

Returns the number of arguments (equivalent to argc).
Note: includes the name of the program (because it's always the first argument).

-(BOOL)optionIsSpecified:(CMDOption *)option
Returns whether the given option is specified.
Note: option must be part of the argument handle's valid options.

-(BOOL)readValidOptions:(NSArray *)validOptions
The argument handle will mark every option in validOptions as a valid option.
The array should contain CMDOption objects - every option that the program has.
This method returns NO if any of the objects in the array are not of the class CMDOption.

Scans through the arguments and checks if any of the options are invalid. If so, it returns YES.
Only call this method after readValidOptions: has been called.

Prints a list of the options supplied as arguments to the program that were invalid.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️