What's New in Mach II 1.9 - Mach-II/Mach-II-Framework GitHub Wiki

A Quickstart for Current Mach-II Developers

Table of Contents

  1. The Ethos of Mach-II 1.9
  2. Mach-II 1.9 Goals
  3. Mach-II 1.9 Feature Overview
  4. Mach-II 1.9 Features in Depth
  5. Miscellaneous Addition or Changes
  6. Differences in Behavior
  7. Special Thanks
  8. What You Can Do To Help
  9. The Road Ahead

The Ethos of Mach-II 1.9

Integrity is the essence of everything successful (Richard Buckminster "Bucky" Fuller, 1895-1983)

Mach-II 1.9 Goals

In addition to the introduction of new features that Mach-II developers have requested, we had several other goals during the development of Mach-II 1.9.

  • Maintain backwards compatibility. Mach-II 1.9 is 100% compatible with existing Mach-II applications currently running on earlier versions of Mach-II (except for a classpath changes).
  • Build new features that not only provide a great value to framework users, but are simple, powerful and elegant to use.
  • Refine and expand features introduced is previous versions of the framework.
  • Set the stage for future version of Mach-II Velocity 2.0. We made several behind-the-scenes changes that will enable functionality we have planned for Mach-II 2.0, which we are currently targeting for late 2010.

Mach-II 1.9 Feature Overview

Although in terms of version numbering Mach-II 1.9 is only a "1 point release" over Mach-II 1.8, numerous new features are introduced in Mach-II 1.9. In addition to bug fixes and general performance improvements, the new features in Mach-II 1.9 are as follows:

TODO: List features here

Mach-II 1.9 Features in Depth



Globalization / i18n

Miscellaneous Addition or Changes

Milestone 1

  • Boostrapper "loading page" option - (trac-wiki) #195 "enhancement: Loading Page option in Bootstrapper (closed: completed)")
  • Add 'prepend' attribute to the view-page command - (trac-wiki) #420 "enhancement: Add 'prepend' attribute to the view-page command (closed: fixed)")
  • Improvements to the logging package
    • Use <cfhtmlbody> for M2 logger output when on Open BD - (trac-wiki) #439 "task: Use for M2 logger output when on Open BD (closed: fixed)")
    • Allow for MachIILogger use IP list to show debugging output - (trac-wiki) #329 "enhancement: Allow for MachIILogger use IP list to show debugging output (closed: completed)")
  • Improvements to the HtmlHelperProperty
    • Add support for nested "inline" JS in asset packages - (trac-wiki) #469 "enhancement: Add support for nested "inline" JS in asset packages (closed: fixed)")
    • Add option to add JS before HTML body in HtmlHelperProperty - (trac-wiki) #230 "enhancement: Add option to add JS before HTML body in HtmlProperty (closed: fixed)")
  • Miscellaneous improvements
    • Add ability to use a module event as default event - (trac-wiki) #382 "enhancement: Add ability to use a module event as default event (closed: fixed)")
    • Add helper methods to ViewContext and BaseComponent for environment related functionality - (trac-wiki) #467 "enhancement: Add helper methods to ViewContext and BaseComponent for environment ... (closed: fixed)")

Differences in Behavior

Utils package has been refactored

We have refactored a few components into sub-packages. If you are using any of our utils components, you will need to update the CFC dot path.

Old Path New Path Component Added in Version
MachII.util.AntPathMatcher MachII.util.matching.AntPathMatcher 1.8.0
MachII.util.SimplePatternMatcher MachII.util.matching.SimplePatternMatcher 1.8.0

Special Thanks

Team Mach-II would like to send a special thanks to the following individuals that helped us produce Mach-II Integrity by providing feedback, testing nightly / release candidate builds, test cases / application or finding defects (in no particular order):

  • Doug Smith (The Lampo Group, Inc.)
  • Eli Tapolcsanyi (The Lampo Group, Inc.)
  • Ty Delong (The Lampo Group, Inc.)
  • Phil Thomas (The Lampo Group, Inc.)

We hope that the above list shows how great of a community we have for Mach-II and that it inspires more people to become involved. Just a few minutes of your time saves hours for others. Think about contributing today.

This list is by no means a complete list of people Team Mach-II would like to thank. If you participated by filing a defect, patch, enhancement and have been inadvertently left of this list, we're so sorry we forgot you. You're efforts have not been forgotten and please consider yourself thanked!

What You Can Do To Help

First and foremost, thank you for using Mach-II! We continue to strive to make Mach-II the best MVC framework for CFML development, and your use of and feedback about Mach-II is a vital part of our development process.

If you'd like to help further, there are many ways to do so:

  • Write an FAQ or other documentation on the wiki
  • Report a bug
  • Request a new feature
  • Add your site/company to the "Who's Using Mach-II" page on mach-ii.com (coming soon!)
  • Contact us to set up an interview or case study that we can publish on mach-ii.com
  • Tell your friends and colleagues about Mach-II

In terms of helping us, a little goes a long way. If everyone using Mach-II spent even 10 minutes helping out with documentation, that translates into a massive number of man hours contributed to the project.

The Road Ahead

After we recover from the 1.9 release, we're going to dive right into Mach-II Velocity (2.0), which we're targeting for release in the Q3/4 of 2010.

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