Mach II Team Meeting December 20, 2009 - Mach-II/Mach-II-Framework GitHub Wiki

Attendees: Peter Farrell, Matt Woodward, Kurt Wiersma, Mike Rogers

Table of Contents

  1. Mach-II 1.8 Final - Remaining Tickets
  2. Mach-II 1.9 "Integrity"
  3. General Project Discussions
  4. Features for 1.9 and Applicable Milestones
  5. Features for 2.0
  6. Other Projects

Mach-II 1.8 Final - Remaining Tickets

Ticket (trac-wiki) #474 "enhancement: 'Overwrite' boolean attribute for call-method command (closed: fixed)") - add overwrite boolean for event-beans when call-method is used

  • Submitted by Mike Rogers
  • Peter, Matt, and Kurt concur this would be useful
  • Will be added for 1.8 final
  • Ticket assigned to Mike

Ticket (trac-wiki) #471 "enhancement: Add support for IE conditional in the javascript tag in the ... (closed: fixed)") - add conditional support for IE for script tag in HTML helper property

  • Peter taking this on

Ticket (trac-wiki) #412 "defect: Error in formTagBuilder.cfm (closed: fixed)") - error in form tag builder due to screwy way CF 9 handles nulls (specifically in ORM in this case)

  • We'll add in a check to see if the variable still exists and if it doesn't, we'll return a zero-length string
  • This won't break anything in Railo or OpenBD

Ticket (trac-wiki) #472 "enhancement: Event-bean should support 'prefix' like inner-bean does (closed: wontfix)") - support prefix in event-bean since it's in inner-bean?

  • Consensus was no--couldn't think of a use case where it would be necessary, and there are definitely simple workaround
  • Peter resolving as "won't fix"

Ticket (trac-wiki) #473 "enhancement: All form tags that generate names as well as 'form' and 'bind' should ... (closed: fixed)") - support prefix in form tag library form and bind

  • Will fix for 1.8 final
  • Peter accepted ticket

Mach-II 1.9 "Integrity"

Three main features: endpoints, validation, and packages


  • Will release spec soon for public feedback
  • At CFML engine level we don't have a nice servlet-type construct to respond directly to requests
    • e.g. cfchart works this way--has its own servlet

    • would be nice to handle routing like servlets at the Mach-II level

    • lets registered endpoints respond to requests

    • don't need a full Mach-II request lifecycle for some things going on in Mach-II, e.g. HTML Helper property to return concatenated javascript files

    • better support for AJAX requests

    • support for REST at the top level of the framework

      • can't really support this properly at the event handler level

        • works, but not in all situations
        • typically REST services will have different authentication than the general Mach-II requests
      • REST endpoint could interact directly with service layer

    • basically endpoints are simple, lightweight servlet handlers

      • can still tie into the full M2 request lifecycle as needed
    • endpoint will be a new framework class (like listeners, filters, etc.)

    • possible bundled endpoints

      • cfcontent to serve documents

      • scheduled task endpoint--make these easier to configure, set up, etc.

        • again, since full m2 request isn't needed, views aren't rendered, etc. this makes more sense
      • ajax endpoint

      • REST endpoint

      • all the bundled endpoints will be pretty generic and would have to be extended by the developer since the functionality would be very specific

    • will likely support CFC endpoints as well as simple cfm files

      • could specify whether CFC endpoints are singletons or not
    • implementation

      • generic endpoint--runs through index.cfm
        • additional parameter of "endpoint" (as opposed to "event")
        • could be used to serve up images, javascript, etc.
        • e.g. m2 dashboard loads up images, etc. through full m2 events--much slower than if using an endpoint-style approach
        • could also implement a Compass-like CSS framework
        • would also be used by the HTML helper property
        • custom endpoint path
        • due to way cf works a file would have to exist to handle the request even if it's blank, or hit a CFC directly
        • in usage might wind up having to use rewriting at the web server level to get true REST-style URLs
    • eliminates the need for view handlers that have been discussed in the past

    • could call an endpoint from within the context of a mach-ii request to get back endpoint results as part of a mach-ii request


  • in some ways this ties into endpoints since validation can be too complex to easily handle 100% on the client side

  • spec is well underway--should be released for public feedback before long

  • validation would be able to be applied to both client and server

  • want to bind to event-bean and form tags with respect to validation

  • validation rules need to be configurable and allow for passing in of a context

    • e.g. logging into the web site and registering both involve the user object, but the validation is completely different
  • validation will be accessible via the mach-ii utility connector so the validation is accessible in objects that are outside of mach-ii's control, e.g. service objects

  • support for numerous different validation types

    • goes much deeper than simple required fields, date ranges, numbers, etc.
    • validation across fields (e.g. must provide state if country is US)
    • leverage expression syntax so people can build custom validators (e.g. extend abstract validator CFC)
  • validation messages

    • support i18n
    • messages must support placeholders
  • discussed various ideas for xml syntax

    • current spec is out of date--needs to be updated based on investigation of other validation frameworks

    • have looked at Spring, Struts 2, iScreen, ValidateThis, and Hyrule

    • iScreen built around concept of validation sets--can extend existing validation sets and override, so very little repetition

      • iScreen also supports "fast failing"--meaning if one validation fails, don't continue with other validation
    • Spring handles client-side validation via ajax requests so all validation is done on the server side essentially

      • advantage is all the server validation rules can be more complex than what you can do with javascript in some cases
      • downside of Spring is the validation was all done in classes, so couldn't be configured in a configuration file, so less re-use possibilities
    • Hyrule is annotation based

      • non-starter in our opinion--might be CF 9 specific (?)
      • also annotations in a class don't support multiple validation contexts--this is where annotations fall down and there's even a push against this in the Java world
  • would use ColdSpring or another DI engine to integrate with validation

  • dashboard integration would generate a lot of the xml so it wouldn't have to be written by hand

  • ton of implementation details still need to be worked out, but we do have the general concepts and direction we want to go

  • since in the CF world we're a bit late to the game as far as validation goes, we have the benefit of studying what's been out there for a while and hopefully create something that takes the best of each approach

  • why reinvent the wheel?

    • based on the other frameworks we've looked at it would be more work to contribute to another project than it would be to create our own
    • in a lot of cases the base concepts were so different it would be changing the existing frameworks rather radically to go the direction we want to go
  • client-side validation--need to support different javascript frameworks?

    • gets into using endpoints probably--different endpoints for different javascript frameworks
  • use domain class metadata or a validation service?

  • leaning more towards a validation service

    • can include metadata in a domain class to indicate what validators apply
    • probably won't go with constraints declared directly in the domain classes
  • iScreen will serve as our model

  • very important particularly with this sort of feature to get people using it early for feedback

    • we can't possibly think of all the different ways everyone is going to want to use validation, so the more feedback the better

            <include file="" />

            <validator id="string" path="StringValidator" />


            <set name="registration">
                <bean path="address" ref-set="address" />

            <set name="addresss">

                <use validator="string">
                    <map from="firstName" />
                <property name="firstName">
                    <use validator="string"/>

                <use ref="address">
                    <map from="address"/>
                <property name="address">
                    <use ref="address"/>



            <resource file=""/>



  • debating whether or not to include this in 1.9; might make more sense for 2.0

  • spec is ready for feedback with a few updates--will release this soon

  • started life as "include enhancements"

    • wild-card matches for XML includes (ant-path matching)
  • idea of packages is similar to "plugins" in other frameworks--more or less application fragments that can be dropped in

    • expands concept of includes
    • allow parameter nodes inside include definition
    • gets its own prefix for events, listeners, etc. (e.g. if you included a twitter package, everything might be prefixed with 'twitter.')
    • this is bound at application startup time
    • more integrated than modules--no parent/child relationship, but is layering one Mach-II application or subset of functionality on top of another
    • idea is packages are more discrete sets of functionality--e.g. a captcha plugin, security plugin
    • modules are more appropriate for full sub-applications
    • need to build exchange/download server functionality that would live on

Other general features possibly for 1.9

  • i18n better supported at the framework level in general
  • better support for negotiation of SSL/non-SSL urls
    • mark certain event handlers to be required to be executed over ssl
    • would be tied into environment property
    • one proposed solution is addition of secure="true" to the event-handler tag
    • if an event is flagged as secure and that isn't in the url, it would automatically redirect to the secure URL

General Project Discussions

  • move to a milestone-type release for 1.9 and 2.0 instead of typical alpha, beta, etc.
    • focus on completing specific features and releasing them in milestones
  • need to come up with a complete high-level feature list for 1.9 and 2.0 and decide on what goes in which release and what the milestones would be

Features for 1.9 and Applicable Milestones

  • validation - m4
  • ant-path matching for includes, but probably not packages - m1
  • endpoints - m3
  • i18n improvements (ties in with validation) - m2
  • ssl auto-negotiation - m2
  • other fixes and improvements to existing features - m1
    • htmlhelper improvements (js compression & concatination)
    • bootstraper loading page
  • if any bugs come up in 1.8 we'll do a 1.8.1 if necessary, but won't plan on this release
  • with 1.9 the dashboard will be part of mainline framework development and won't be a separate project and download

Milestones for 1.9

  • M1: ant path matching for includes, improvements to html helper property, "loading page" for bootstrapper
  • M2: i18n support, ssl auto-negociation support
  • M3: endpoints
  • M4: validation

Features for 2.0

Discussion ensued. Kurt will be leading research effort.

Other Projects

  • Single bundled up download to get people going faster (lets people choose Railo or OpenBD to be included, or could use CF they installed).
  • Package exchange on
  • Dashboard improvements
  • Dashboard will be native in Mach-II Integriy, and will also include the Mach-II skeleton
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