InverseSystems - Macaulay2/Workshop-2015-Boise GitHub Wiki
Basic background on inverse systems:
chapter 1 of the Iarrobino-Kanev book
some lecture notes by Geramita here
a little bit of information in some papers I have written or co-written,
- (this is mostly expository)
Those papers are mostly interested in using inverse systems (or equivalently, apolarity) in order to study Waring rank and stuff like that. That is not necessarily the goal of this team at the workshop. But anyway they have some basic facts about apolarity and inverse systems, and references to more. (Plus, I like Waring rank and I don't mind if people read about it :-) )
Noetherian operators and generalized inverse systems:
Eigenvectors of tensors and algorithms for Waring decomposition:
Singular vectors:
- Write documentations.
- Create commands to make a generic symmetric tensor of variables and a generic skew-symmetric tensor of variables.
- Create a command to make Koszul flattenings.
- Create a command to perform group actions.