About Boise - Macaulay2/Workshop-2015-Boise GitHub Wiki
Boise State Campus
Spring photos:
- http://academics.boisestate.edu/undergraduate/home/campus-scenes-spring-jk-6/
- http://coas.boisestate.edu/?attachment_id=29921
- http://nsfp.boisestate.edu/?attachment_id=22601
- http://cobe.boisestate.edu/emboe/program-format-and-curriculum/cobe-spring-campus-scenes-john-kelly-photo-2/
- http://news.boisestate.edu/update/2014/04/22/photo-week-april-22/
Visitor Information
- Visitor Information about the city of Boise
- Boise State University visitor information
Transportation in Boise
- Public transportation See route 3 for a bus that connects the airport to campus and downtown
- Bicycle rentals
Travel information
To get to Boise, fly to the Boise Airport, code BOI.
Arrival in Boise
A taxi to Boise State campus or downtown should cost $10-15. Boise City Taxi is recommended; more taxis are available in the airport arrival area.
The Route 3 bus runs from the airport directly to campus and downtown, every 20 minutes until 6pm. Get on the bus at the airport arrival area. Get off at Capital & University (by the big "Boise State University" sign). It is a 10 minute ride. The fare is $1.
Depending on the weather and time of day it may be possible to walk from the airport to campus or downtown! It's about 3 miles, straight north on Vista Ave.
Depending on demand and circumstances I might be able to arrange a shuttle or car. More information on this closer to the workshop dates. For now please consider the bus or taxi options.