Internals: Meeting Agenda - Macaulay2/M2 GitHub Wiki
Structure/agenda of M2 Internals meetings
- A focus topic is announced before the meeting.
This usually has wither a presenter or (a) leader(s).
- Apart from that, the objective is to have
a free non-scripted discussion of ongoing projects,
issues, and anything else related to Macaulay2.
Topics to revisit (as needed)
Events agenda
- upcoming release
- future M2internals meetings
- other M2 events
- related conferences
Recent discussions on Zulip channels
- M2 Internals Discussions
- M2 Internals Projects
Recent codebase activity
- (hot) open Issues
- merged Pull Requests
- building (cmake and autotools)
- GitHub actions
- upcoming release
Macaulay2 web presence
- GitHub org & repo
- GitHub wiki
- main website