Roadmap - MacGapProject/MacGap1 GitHub Wiki

Below is a rough roadmap of features that may be added to MacGap:

Version 0.4

  1. DONE: enable webgl. Enable developer tools via env variable.
  2. cross-domain requests
  3. SEMI DONE: FileReader support
  4. PULL REQUEST: Javascript hooks into file access

Version 0.5

  1. menu bar content
  2. Passing arguments or environment variables to an app

Version 0.6

  1. Microphone

Version 0.7

  1. Camera

Version 0.8

  1. Extremely basic Pub/Sub for communication between MacGap windows.

Wish List

The following are out of the scope of the current project, but may be useful to MacGap developers.

  1. A WinGap that uses WebKit - run your MacGap html app in windows via WinGap!
  2. A Mac OS X CSS theme - bootstrap variant?