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Critical User Stories:
- As a User I can browse all available workspaces so that I can find the space I need
- As a User I can log in so I can conduct registered user functions.
- As a user I can view a specific workspace so I can get all details about a particular workspace.
- As a User I can view the reviews of the workspace so I can get a sense of the space I am going to.
- As workspace Owner I can add, edit, remove my workspace details so I can update the most current status of my workspace.
Other non-critical User Stories:
- As a User I can login to add a workspaceso that I can help others to find the workplace.
- As a User I can login and add a review for a specific workspace so that people can get details of the place before they come.
- As a User I can browse a spcific workspace so that I can see all the amenities it offers.
- As a User I can post my review so that I can reflect the changes that happened at the workspace.
- As a User I can report a closed workspace so people can see that a place is closed.
- As a User I can log in and rate the wifi quality so that people can know more about its connectivities.
- As a User I can log in and rate the noise level so that people can know about its quietness.
- As a User I can log in and post the result of air purefier exitence so that people can choose a space that they can breath better.