PowerShellGet - MabOneSdk/azure-powershell GitHub Wiki


PowerShellGet Contacts:

  • Manikyam Bavandla
  • Keith Bankston


  • Modules are discoverable by default after install
  • Modules are installed under %ProgramFiles%\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
  • To check updates for all the installed modules execute Update-Module –WhatIf
  • PSGet will automatically add symbols during new package publishing


Install, Uninstall and other cmdlets are described here

Known issues (will be fixed in the next preview-release):

  • Updating loaded module fails because PSGet tries to delete a module file that is already loaded. You will need to remove the module Remove-Module <Module Name> and then update to the latest version.
  • There is no support to module dependency. ModuleVersion will be used to specify the minimum version and RequiredVersion will be used for the exact version.
  • There is no way to list installed modules. Next release will include Get-InstalledModule cmdlet.
  • Not possible to install side by side versions of the same module. Will be supported by Install-Module -Name <Module Name> -Force cmdlet.

Known unresolved issues:

  • Module specification doesn’t support the version range yet.
  • No way to run script upon successful installation.
  • The local PSGet source does not work as expected. You always need to specify the source in every cmdlet.
  • There is no way to automatically notify users about new versions of already installed modules.