Microsoft Azure Service Bus Cmdlets - MabOneSdk/azure-powershell GitHub Wiki

New-AzureSBNamespace [-Name*] [-Location*]

Creates a new namespace

Name: Namespace to create Location: Region to create the namespace

  • We should validate that the name is valid according to server rules.
  • We should verify the region is valid. For now we can hardcode the region list.
Get-AzureSBNamespace [-Name]

Retrieve the list of namespaces

  • If there is an error when specifying a name, we should make the HTTP call to get the list and check if it exists in the list.

Name: Specific namespace to retrieve details for

Remove-AzureSBNamespace [-Name*]

Remove a namespace

Name: Namespace to remove

  • If there is an error when specifying a name, we should make the HTTP call to get the list and check if it exists in the list.

Retrieve the list of available locations

Test-AzureName [-Namespace] (P2)

Verify whether the namespace is available

Namespace: Namespace to verify

[ ]: Parameter can be passed positionally *: Required parameter