Managed Cache - MabOneSdk/azure-powershell GitHub Wiki

How to use Azure PowerShell for Managed Cache

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Discover the cmdlets

PS C:\> help azuremanagedcache

Name                              Category  Module  Synopsis
----                              --------  ------  --------
Get-AzureManagedCache             Cmdlet    Azure   Gets the Azure Caches in your Azure account.
Get-AzureManagedCacheAccessKey    Cmdlet    Azure   Gets the access keys for an Azure Cache
New-AzureManagedCache             Cmdlet    Azure   Creates an Azure cache
New-AzureManagedCacheAccessKey    Cmdlet    Azure   Creates new access keys for an Azure Cache.
Remove-AzureManagedCache          Cmdlet    Azure   Deletes an Azure Cache
Set-AzureManagedCache             Cmdlet    Azure   Changes the properties of an Azure Cache.

Create a new managed cache

You can use New-AzureManagedCache cmdlet to create a managed cache.

You need to specify:

  • Name of the managed cache via Name parameter.
  • Location of the managed cache via Location parameter.

You can also specify:

  • Sku of the managed cache. You can use Basic, Standard or Premium. By default, it's Basic.
  • Memory of the managed cache. Valid values vary based on the sku you select.

One thing really cool is that these 2 parameters have tab-completion of their validate values so that you can find out what value you can use easily.

The following example shows how to create a managed cache of sku "Standard" and memory size 1GB.

New-AzureManagedCache -Name test -Location "West US" -Sku Standard -Memory 1GB
# For full help content, run help New-AzureManagedCache -Full

Update an existing managed cache

You can use Set-AzureManagedCache cmdlet to update an existing managed cache. You can change the sku and memory.

The following example shows how to change the memory size of an existing managed cache of to 2GB.

Set-AzureManagedCache -Name test -Memory 2GB
# For full help content, run help Set-AzureManagedCache -Full

Get existing managed cache

You can use Get-AzureManagedCache cmdlet to get existing managed cache:

  • If Name parameter is given, return the managed cache with the given name.
  • If Name parameter is not give, return all the managed cache in the subscription.

The following example shows how to get an existing managed cache by its name.

Get-AzureManagedCache -Name test
# For full help content, run help Get-AzureManagedCache -Full

Remove an existing managed cache

You can use Remove-AzureManagedCache cmdlet to remvoe an existing managed cache. This cmdlet will prompt for confirmation. If you are doing this in automation scenario, use the Force parameter to bypass the prompt.

The following example shows how to remove an existing managed cache.

Remove-AzureManagedCache -Name test
# For full help content, run help Remove-AzureManagedCache -Full

Get managed cache access key

You can use Get-AzureManagedCacheAccessKey cmdlet to get the primary and secondary access keys of an existing managed cache.

The following example shows how to get the primary and secondary access keys of an existing managed cache.

Get-AzureManagedCacheAccessKey -Name test
# For full help content, run help Get-AzureManagedCacheAccessKey -Full

Regenerate managed cache access key

You can use New-AzureManagedCacheAccessKey cmdlet to regenerate the primary or secondary access key of an existing managed cache. You can use the KeyType parameter to specify which access key to regenerate. By default, it will regenerate the primary access key.

The following example shows how to regenerate the secondary access key of an existing managed cache.

New-AzureManagedCacheAccessKey -Name test -KeyType Secondary
# For full help content, run help New-AzureManagedCacheAccessKey -Full