Azure Profile Cmdlets - MabOneSdk/azure-powershell GitHub Wiki

Azure Profile - PowerShell Design

Change existing cmdlets

Add Profile parameter to all commands

We should add -Profile to all existing commands, except for the ones that are reading local profile file, e.g., Clear-AzureProfile and also Select-AzureSubscription -Default.

Add-AzureAccount [[-Profile] <AzureProfile>]
Get-AzureWebsite [[-Profile] <AzureProfile>]
New-AzureResourceGroup [[-Profile] <AzureProfile>]


Add the following parameters

Name Type Required Default Value Description
Profile AzureProfile No local azure profile Feeds the Azure profile (accounts, environments, etc) for the command to read from. If not specified, read from local default profile file.


Add-AzureAccount <Other cmdlet parameters> -Profile $profile
Get-AzureWebsite <Other cmdlet parameters> -Profile $profile
New-AzureResourceGroup <Other cmdlet parameters> -Profile $profile

New cmdlets


# Parameter Set: Certificate
New-AzureProfile [-Environment <AzureEnvironment>] [-SubscriptionId] <Guid> [-StorageAccount <String>] [-Certificate] <X509Certificate>

# Parameter Set: PSCredential
New-AzureProfile [-Environment <AzureEnvironment>] [-SubscriptionId] <Guid> [-StorageAccount <String>] [-Credential] <PSCredential> # Use user principal
New-AzureProfile [-Environment <AzureEnvironment>] [-SubscriptionId] <Guid> [-StorageAccount <String>] [-Credential] <PSCredential> [-Tenant] <Guid> -ServicePrincipal# Use service principal

# Parameter Set: Token
New-AzureProfile [-Environment <AzureEnvironment>] [-SubscriptionId] <Guid> [-StorageAccount <String>] [-AccountId] <String> [-AccessToken] <String>

# Parameter Set: Property Bag
New-AzureProfile [-Properties] <Hashtable>

# Parameter Set: File
New-AzureProfile [-Path] <String>  [-Source IDataStore]


Name Type Required Default Value Description
Environment AzureEnvironment No AzureCloud The Azure Environment object.
SubscriptionId Guid Yes N/A The subscription Guid.
StorageAccount String No N/A The storage account name.
Certificate X509Certificate Yes N/A The certificate object.
Credential PSCredential Yes N/A the PSCredential object with user name and password.
Tenant Guid Yes N/A The tenant id for the service principal.
Properties Hashtable Yes N/A The property bag for the profile properties. The key names are same as the cmdlet other parameters.
Path String Yes None The path to load profile file from.
Source IDataStore No Disk Store The data store object.
AccessToken String Yes N/A JWT token.
AccountId String Yes N/A The unique identifier for the access token.


AzureProfile object.


New-AzureProfile -SubscriptionId 058DE55E-28E0-49E7-8CF2-6701D4A88EF5 -Environment AzureChinaCloud -StorageAccount myStorage -Certificate $cert
New-AzureProfile -SubscriptionId 058DE55E-28E0-49E7-8CF2-6701D4A88EF5 -Environment AzureChinaCloud -StorageAccount myStorage -Credential $(Get-Credential)
New-AzureProfile -SubscriptionId 058DE55E-28E0-49E7-8CF2-6701D4A88EF5 -Environment AzureChinaCloud -StorageAccount myStorage -Credential $(Get-Credential) -Tenant 0BD8B108-B47E-4476-A6D7-EC0FCAB0973E
$profile = New-AzureProfile -Path C:\azureProfile.json


# Parameter Set: Disk
Save-AzureProfile [-Profile] <AzureProfile> [[-Path] <String>] [[-Source] <IDataStore>] [[-PassThru] SwitchParameter]


Name Type Required Default Value Description
Profile AzureProfile Yes N/A The azure profile object to save.
Path String No Default Azure PowerShell profile The path to save profile file.
Source IDataStore No Disk Store The data store object.
PassThru SwitchParameter No false If specified the profie object is displayed.


AzureProfile object.


Save-AzureProfile -Profile $profile -Path C:\azureProfile.json


Select-AzureProfile [-Profile] <AzureProfile>


Name Type Required Default Value Description
Profile AzureProfile Yes N/A The azure profile object to save.

Note Update Select-AzureSubscription deprecating -Current and -Default


AzureProfile object.


Select-AzureProfile -Profile $profile 
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️