RDF validation using ShEx - MaastrichtU-IDS/data2services-pipeline GitHub Wiki
Validate your RDF Knowledge Graph to make sure it complies with a defined data model/ontology.
Reference implementation.
pip3 install PyShEx
shexeval -h
shexeval /home/vemonet/Desktop/181107_biolink-drugbank.jsonld /home/vemonet/sandbox/biolink-model/shex/biolink-model.shex
# Turtle
shexeval -f turtle /home/vemonet/Desktop/181121-biolink-drugbank.ttl /home/vemonet/sandbox/biolink-model/shex/biolink-model.shex
# Json-ld
shexeval -f json-ld /home/vemonet/Desktop/181107_biolink-drugbank.jsonld /home/vemonet/sandbox/biolink-model/shex/biolink-model.shex
Simple validation with rapper
Quick validation of turtle RDF file using rapper on Unix
sudo apt install raptor2-utils
rapper -i turtle 181107-biolink-drugbank-reified-associations.ttl
ShEx Java
# Start the UI
java -jar shexjapp-0.0.1.jar
# Commandline
mvn exec:java -Dexec.classpathScope=test -Dexec.mainClass="fr.inria.lille.shexjava.commandLine.Validate" -Dexec.args="-s ../../shexTest/schemas/1dotSemi.shex -d file:///home/jdusart/Documents/Shex/workspace/shexTest/validation/Is1_Ip1_Io1.ttl -l http://a.example/S1 -f http://a.example/s1 -a recursive"
Shex js
Not working. 40 tests fail.
# Install and test
npm install --save shex
npm explore shex 'npm install'
# Tests (failing)
npm explore shex 'npm test'
KGX validate
cd ~/sandbox/kgx
source env/bin/activate
kgx validate /home/vemonet/sandbox/data-constructor/resources/biogrid_test.ttl
Valid BioLink
Additional notes for the BioLink model:
- Valid prefix for CURIE
- Spec: required for nodes: id, name, category