Docker documentation - MaastrichtU-IDS/data2services-pipeline GitHub Wiki

Install, known issues and fix

Install Docker here.

For issues related to Docker on Windows, see the Docker on Windows page.

If Docker can't access internet when building you might want to change the DNS (to use Google's one). E.g.: wget: unable to resolve host address

  • On Linux: vim /etc/resolv.conf > nameserver
  • On Windows: Docker Settings > Network > DNS Server > Fixed:

Installing Docker on Windows

  • Virtualization and Hyper-V must be activated.
    • Docker Hyper-V is not available for Windows 10 Home edition (you will need Pro or Enterprise edition)
    • You might need to access the BIOS to enable VT-x virtualization

Run a container

A Docker image can be run to create a container in 2 ways

  • -it Interactive: the process is attached to the terminal and you can stop it using ctrl+C
  • -d Detached: the process is detached and will continue if you exit the terminal.


To get a Docker container ID and stop it:

docker ps
docker stop my-container

Automatically delete a container after run You can use the --rm flag to automatically delete a container after its run. It avoid accumulating containers and wasting memory.

docker run -it --rm my-container

Share volumes

A lot of images will require input files, the best way to provide them is to share a volume from your system to the container. It can be done by using -v when docker run.

Let's say I have a /data/data2services/my-file.txt on my system, and I want to provide it as a container input file.

  • I need to provide he -v flag with paths separated by a :
    • before the user provide the path of the shared volume on his system
    • after the user provide the path it will be accessible from in the Docker container
docker run -it -v /path/on/my/computer:/path/in/container my-container \
	--input-file "/path/in/container/my-file.txt"
  • In this example we are sharing the /data/data2services volume from our system to /data in the Docker container. my-file.txt is then accessible as /data/my-file.txt in the container
docker run -it -v /data/data2services:/data my-container \
	--input-file "/data/my-file.txt"

Link and network

Containers can be linked using 2 ways: --link flag and --network.


Especially used when running services using docker-compose. The --link flag method can be easier to use in simple cases.

Example of a network setup in the docker-compose.yaml
version: "3"
    build: ./apache-drill
      - /data:/data:ro
      - 8047:8047
      - 31010:31010
    tty: true
      - network
    build: ./graphdb
      - /data/graphdb:/opt/graphdb/home
      - /data/graphdb-import:/root/graphdb-import
      - 7200:7200
      - network
    driver: bridge
Example of AutoR2RML connecting to the Drill container through a network
docker run -it --rm -v /data:/data \
  --network network-pipeline_data2services \
  autor2rml -r \
  -j "jdbc:drill:drillbit=data2services-pipeline_drill_1:31010" \
  -o "/data/data2services/mapping.trig" -d "/data/data2services" -g "http://data2services/graph/autor2rml"


--link is deprecated, Docker recommends to use --network. But the --link flag can be more convenient to use in simple case: e.g. when linking to a single service, you just need to provide the container name instead of setting up a whole network.

How to use link

Let's say you have a frontend application that needs to query a backend application.

  • Run the backend
docker run -it --rm --name backend -p 8080:8080 backend-image
docker run -it --rm --name frontend --link backend:localhost frontend-image
docker run -it --rm --name frontend --link backend:backend frontend-image
  • You can link to multiple backend in a frontend
docker run -it --rm --name frontend --link backend-sql:backend-sql --link backend-redis:backend-redis frontend-image
Example of AutoR2RML connecting to Drill container using link
# Run Apache Drill service
docker run -dit --rm -p 8047:8047 -p 31010:31010 --name drill -v /data:/data:ro apache-drill

# Run AutoR2RML, linking to the Apache Drill container
docker run -it --rm --link drill:drill -v /data:/data autor2rml \
	-j "jdbc:drill:drillbit=drill:31010" -r \
        -o "/data/data2services/mapping.trig" -d "/data/data2services" -g "http://data2services/graph/autor2rml"