GettingStarted - MWRuszczycky/btx GitHub Wiki

Getting Started

Cloning and compiling btx

btx uses the Haskell Tool Stack. To clone and build the repository, run the following in your terminal:

$ clone
$ cd btx
$ stack build

This will build the executable isolated within the repository. If you get an error at this point regarding buildable sublibraries but no buildable libraries, then you may need to upgrade your version of Stack by first running stack update and then stack upgrade (I can get it to compile with Stack-1.9.3).

Once you have compiled the binary, you can run it by creating an alias for the Stack exec command:

$ alias btx='stack exec btx --'

You can then run the executable from within the repository as shown in the examples. Alternatively, you can perform a local installation using,

$ stack install

Stack will tell you where the binary is placed (e.g., .local/bin in your home directory) in case you want to later delete it, which is all you need to do to uninstall it. Now you can envoke btx anywhere with just btx and no need to create an alias.

A test-suite is also currently under development. You can run the tests so far implemented with

$ stack test

Getting help

btx is written with an emphasis on help documentation. You can get a complete list of all currently supported commands using:

$ btx help

You can get detailed information about any one command using:

$ btx help <command>

for example, to get the details about the get command use btx help get.

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