03 Using CohortEx Editor - MTFA/CohortEx GitHub Wiki
The CohortEx Editor
This tools enables the user to directly create and edit .jctx files stored on GitHub with just a browser.
CohortEx Editor is stored in /docs folder, which is configured to run GitHub-Pages.
Here we describe how to configure and use the CohortEx Editor.
How to edit prameters:
Parameters that define the study are stored as insert sql commands in a group of tables. That's not user friendly, so a kindly tool is in development to help a researcher to easly define study parameters. This tool is a serverless web application hosted in GitHub gs-pages branch of this repository.
You can access it at <your_login_name>.github.io/CohortEx .
Configuring CohortEx Editor
To use CohortEx, it is necessary to fork the original repository, or a repository derived from the original.
To be able to do that, you need to have an account in GitHub.
GitHub made forking is a very simple process, just click on the button and follow instructions.
After forking, you will have your own copy of CohortEx, which you use to prepare your studies modifying parameters and editing the R script.
First, you need to configure GitHub to show your docs/ folder as GitHub-Pages. To do that, follow this instructions.
After that, below the GitHub-Pages item, you will find a message like this:
Your site is published at http://mtfa.github.io/CohortEx/
but with your user name instead. Clicking on the link will open the CohortEx Editor tool.
There you will find a menu with options to create/edit a study file or a blog post.