Release - MSeifert04/iteration_utilities GitHub Wiki
Just meant as a checklist:
Create new distribution:
- git clean -dfX
- python sdist
Create an new environment:
- conda create -n testnewdist python=3.5 pytest
- activate testnewdist
- cd dist
- pip install xxx.tar.gz
Run tests:
- cd ..
- py.test tests
If all went well clean the repo:
- git clean -dfX
- python sdist upload
Now create a new tag at GitHub!
- Either with command line and upload or with the webinterface
Download the new tarball and calculate the SHA-256:
- (activate root)
- conda install openssl -c conda-forge
- openssl sha256 "tarball"
- update version/sha/build in feedstock
Do a re-rendering:
- conda update conda-smithy -c conda-forge
- conda update --all (damn bug with old conda from conda-forge!)
- conda smithy rerender
- Discard any changes that try to limit the python versions and architectures (damn bug!!)
- Submit PR at feedstock
- Merge PR if all went well.