Lang - MSWS/SuperGive GitHub Wiki

Prefix: '&9SuperGive>&7'
    MustBePlayer: '%prefix% You must be a player to run this command.'
    MustHaveItem: '%prefix% You must have an item in your hand to run this command.'
    NoTargets: '%prefix% No entities were selected by &e%s&7.'
    NoPermission: '%prefix% This requires the permission &e%s&7.'
    None: '%prefix% Successfully did nothing.'
    Given: '%prefix% Successfully gave &a%s &e%s&7.'
    Received: '%prefix% &6%s&7 has given you &e%s&7.'
      SelectorPerms: '%prefix% You do not have access to all selectors, this may or
        may not be intended.'
      AttributePerms: '%prefix% &cYou lacked permissions for these modifications:
    Prefix: '%prefix% The item in your hand can be generated with the command:'
      Item: '%prefix% You must specify an item to give.'
      Target: '%prefix% You must specify a target.'
      Generic: '%prefix% You are missing an argument for that command.'
      Name: '%prefix% You must specify a name.'
      Target: '%prefix% Unable to parse the target &e%s&7.'
      Block: '%prefix% &e%s &7cannot hold items, try looking at a chest, dropper,
      Item: '%prefix% Unable to parse the item &e%s&7.'
      Generic: A specified argument was invalid.
      Loadout: '%prefix% Could not find a loadout under tha name &e%s&7.'
    None: '%prefix% There are no loadouts set yet, create one with &e/loadout create&7.'
    Prefix: '%prefix% Listing all loadouts available.'
    Exists: '%prefix% A loadout already exists under that name.'
    Created: '%prefix% Successfully created the &a%s&7 loadout.'
    AlreadyEditing: '%prefix% You are already editing the &a%s&7 loadout.'
    NowEditing: |-
      %prefix% You are now editing the &e%s&7 loadout.
      To edit the loadout, simply &lmodify your own inventory&7.
      Type &e/loadout edit&7 to save the changes, or &c/loadout cancel&7 to cancel them.
    Deleted: '%prefix% Successfully deleted the &c%s&7 loadout.'
    NotDeleted: '%prefix% Unable to delete the &c%s&7 loadout.'
    NotEditing: '%prefix% You are not editing a loadout.'
    Canceled: '%prefix% You canceled and reverted all changes to &e%s&7.'
  Help: |-
    %prefix% &7SuperGive &7Format: &6/give &e[target] &a[item] &3<modifiers>
    &eTab Completion &7is a very useful function, it will show the possibilities for each item.
    A few possible valid commands would be:
    &6/give &a@self &ediamondsword
    &6/give &a@players &estone 32
    &6/give &a@zombie &estick &3knockback:3
    &6/give &a@world,perm:rank.staff &efireworkrocket &3firework:red,blue,flicker
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