skills - MSUTeam/MSU GitHub Wiki

MSU provides groundbreaking functionality for clean, optimized, and highly inter-mod compatible skill modding while solving several major problems in modding vanilla Battle Brothers skills.

  • MSU adds a system to save the base values of a skill's m table. In vanilla BB, skills are often tightly coupled, so if one skill wants to modify a parameter in another skill, the two are tightly coupled via a function. Secondly, in vanilla BB, many parameters of skills cannot be changed in increments e.g. ActionPointCost. If a skill changes its ActionPointCost via an increment e.g. += 1 during its onUpdate or onAfterUpdate function, then the value of the ActionPointCost will continue to increase indefinitely every time that function is called. MSU's Automated Resetting feature solves both of these problems in an elegant way, allowing you to write clean and compatible code.
  • MSU adds a clean and modular way of adding excluded injuries to entities.
  • MSU adds many new event functions to skills which significantly improve modular and compatible modding.
  • MSU adds a brand new and robust Damage Type system to skills.
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