actor - MSUTeam/MSU GitHub Wiki

Modified Functions


MSU modifies the vanilla getActionPointsMax function of actor to now return a floored value.

New Functions

MSU adds several convenience functions to actor which allow for cleaner code and a faster modding experience.



Vanilla has a setter for the MaxMoraleState of an actor but not a getter. MSU adds the getter. Returns this.m.MaxMoraleState by default.

Get items


Returns the item currently equipped by <actor> in the Mainhand item slot. Returns null if no item is found in that slot.


Returns the item currently equipped by <actor> in the Offhand item slot. Returns null if no item is found in that slot.


Returns the item currently equipped by <actor> in the Head item slot. Returns null if no item is found in that slot.


Returns the item currently equipped by <actor> in the Body item slot. Returns null if no item is found in that slot.

Check equipment


Returns true if <actor> is currently holding a One-Handed item in their Mainhand, otherwise returns false.


Returns true if <actor> is currently holding a Two-Handed item in their Mainhand, otherwise returns false.

<actor>.getRemainingArmorFraction( _bodyPart = null )
// _bodyPart is a key in ::Const.BodyPart

Returns a float which is the current remaining armor durability as a fraction of the maximum durability. If _bodyPart is null then it returns the total remaining armor fraction calculated using both head and body armor, otherwise only returns the fraction calculated for the specified slot.

Check situation


Returns true only if <actor> is placed on the tactical map and there is an enemy who is exerting zone of control on <actor>. Otherwise returns false.


Returns true if <actor> has access to the special.double_grip skill and the skill is not hidden. Otherwise returns false.


Returns true if <actor> has the effects.disarmed effect. This function should be used whenever you want to check for an actor being disarmed, because it is expected that mods will hook and extend this function to include any other conditions which may lead to an actor being considered disarmed.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️