Vanilla Fixes - MSUTeam/MSU GitHub Wiki

MSU fixes various vanilla bugs. These fixes are listed below along with links to the respective bug reports. Once these bugs are fixed in vanilla, they will be removed from MSU. In MSU codebase, vanilla fixes are marked with a comment that starts with VanillaFix (not case sensitive), so you can search for that in the codebase to find the relevant code.

onCombatStart for AI characters

Bug report:

In vanilla the onCombatStart function is not present in actor.nut and is only present in player.nut. Therefore, it is only called for players. This also leads to the issue that the skill_container onCombatStarted event is not called for skills present on AI characters. We consider this a bug and have fixed this in MSU as follows:

  • Added onCombatStart to actor.nut.
  • Overwritten spawn function of tatical_entity_manager to call onCombatStart for all actors. This function now calls the onCombatStarted functions of item_container and skill_container.
  • Overwritten onCombatStart of player.nut to remove the calls to onCombatStarted of item_container and skill_container as that is handled by our hook on actor.nut.
  • Removed the perk_inspiring_presence from standard_bearer entity because that perk has an onCombatStarted function defined in it in vanilla. In vanilla this doesn't do anything as this function isn't called for AI entities, but with our fix it would be called. So we remove the perk to ensure the final gameplay behavior is identical to vanilla.

onLeave not called when fast traveling from towns

Bug report:

In vanilla when you use the port to fast travel from a town to another one, the onLeave function is not called for the original settlement. We have fixed this in MSU as follows:

  • Hooked the fastTravelTo function in town_travel_dialog_module to manually call the onLeave function of the settlement.

Plain variants of helmets

Bug report: Bug report:

In vanilla helmets which come in painted variants have a setPlainVariant function defined in them which is supposed to set the sprite of the helmet to its non-painted variant. For certain helmets in vanilla this function sets the wrong sprite. We have fixed these in MSU as follows:

  • Hooked sallet_helmet function setPlainVariant to set the variant to 163.
  • Hooked barbute_helmet function setPlainVariant to set the variant to 158.

Missing road brushes

Bug report:

In vanilla the sprites for some road brushes are missing leading to errors in the log. These do not cause any gameplay issue but are still technically bugs. We have fixed them in MSU by manually adding these brushes.