Tile - MSUTeam/MSU GitHub Wiki

File path: scripts/config/msu/tile.nut


::MSU.Tile.canResurrectOnTile( _tile, _force = false)
// _tile is a Battle Brother tile table
// _force is a boolean

Returns true if there is a corpse on the tile and, it can be resurrected or if _force is set to true.
Returns false otherwise.

This function can be hooked by mods to add additional functionality.


::MSU.Tile.getNeighbors( _tile )
// _tile is a Battle Brothers tile instance

Returns an array containing the neighboring tiles of _tile.
If you want to further filter down the list of tiles, we recommend using built-in or MSU functions. Examples:

// get random neighbor
// get empty tiles
::MSU.Tile.getNeighbors(myTile).filter(@(_, _t) _t.IsEmpty);
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