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File path: msu/utils/text.nut

Functions related to manipulating text e.g. in tooltips.


::MSU.Text.color( _color, _string );
// _color and _string are strings

_color must either be a hexadecimal color string, e.g. #ffffff, or one of the following keywords:
red green blue orange yellow black white brown gray silver purple maroon fushsia lime olive navy teal aqua
_string is the string which should be colored.
This is equivalent to calling ::Const.UI.getColorized(_string, _color). As such, the element will be wrapped by the following BBCode expression: [color = _color]_string[/color]. In JS, the expression will then be transformed into a span element with the color being passed as the CSS color style value.


::MSU.Text.colorRed( _string );
// _string is a string

Returns _string colored red (::MSU.Text.Color.Red with hex #8f1e1e).


::MSU.Text.colorGreen( _string );
// _string is a string

Returns _string colored green (::MSU.Text.Color.Green with hex #135213).


::MSU.Text.colorPositive( _string );
// _string is a string

Returns _string colored using the vanilla ::Const.UI.Color.PositiveValue.


::MSU.Text.colorNegative( _string );
// _string is a string

Returns _string colored using the vanilla ::Const.UI.Color.NegativeValue.


::MSU.Text.colorNegative( _string );
// _string is a string

Returns _string colored using the vanilla ::Const.UI.Color.DamageValue.


::MSU.Text.colorizeValue( _value, _kwargs = null )
// _value is an integer or float
// _kwargs is an optional table to specify key/value parameters:
// - _kwargs.AddSign is a boolean that defaults to false
// - _kwargs.InvertColor is a boolean that defaults to false
// - _kwargs.CompareTo is an integer or float the defaults to 0
// - _kwargs.AddPercent is a boolean the defaults to false

Returns a string which is _value colorized based on the given parameters in _kwargs. If _value is greater than or equal to _kwargs.CompareTo then it is colored using colorPositive otherwise using colorNegative. These colors are reversed if _kwargs.InvertColor is true. If _kwargs.AddSign is true then the sign + or - is included with the value in the returned string. If _kwargs.AddPercent is true then a percentage sign % is included after the value in the returned string.


// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.PositiveValue] + "]5[/color]"
// i.e. green colored 5

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.PositiveValue] + "]+5[/color]"
// i.e. green colored +5
::MSU.Text.colorizeValue(5, {AddSign = true});

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.NegativeValue] + "]+5[/color]"
// i.e. red colored +5
::MSU.Text.colorizeValue(5, {AddSign = true, InvertColor = true});

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.NegativeValue] + "]+5%[/color]"
// i.e. red colored +5%
::MSU.Text.colorizeValue(5, {AddSign = true, InvertColor = true, AddPercent = true});

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.PositiveValue] + "]+5%[/color]"
// i.e. green colored +5%
// Note: would have been red colored if InvertColor was not true
::MSU.Text.colorizeValue(5, {AddSign = true, InvertColor = true, AddPercent = true, CompareTo = 10});


::MSU.Text.colorizeMult( _value, _kwargs = null )
// _value is an integer or float
// _kwargs is an optional table to specify key/value parameters:
// - _kwargs.AddSign is a boolean that defaults to false
// - _kwargs.InvertColor is a boolean that defaults to false

Returns a colorized string based on _value and the parameters in _kwargs using [colorizeValue](#colorizeValue]. For example a _value of 0.75 will return "25%" colored using colorNegative and 1.25 will return "25%" colored using colorPositive. The use case for this function is to colorize multipliers which are meant to be applied to other values e.g. when you want to say that damage is reduced by 25% you pass a damage multiplier of 0.75 to this function and it will return a negative colored 25%.


// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.NegativeValue] + "]25%[/color]"
// i.e. red colored 25%

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.PositiveValue] + "]10%[/color]"
// i.e. green colored 10%

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.PositiveValue] + "]+10%[/color]"
// i.e. green colored +10%
::MSU.Text.colorizeMult(1.1, {AddSign = true});

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.NegativeValue] + "]+10%[/color]"
// i.e. red colored +10%
::MSU.Text.colorizeMult(1.1, {AddSign = true, InvertColor = true});


::MSU.Text.colorizeMultWithText( _value, _kwargs = null )
// _value is an integer or float
// _kwargs is an optional table to specify key/value parameters:
// - _kwargs.AddSign is a boolean that defaults to false
// - _kwargs.InvertColor is a boolean that defaults to false
// - _kwargs.Text is a a len 2 array that defaults to ["more", "less"]

Returns a colorized string based on _value and _kwargs using colorizeMult but additionally adds the words more or less, or custom text specified in _kwargs.Text, to the string based on whether it is a greater than 1.0 or less than 1.0 multiplier. See examples below.


// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.NegativeValue] + "]25%[/color] less"
// i.e. red colored 25% followed by uncolored "less"

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.PositiveValue] + "]10%[/color] more"
// i.e. green colored 10% followed by uncolored "more"

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.PositiveValue] + "]+10%[/color] more"
// i.e. green colored +10% followed by uncolored "more"
::MSU.Text.colorizeMultWithText(1.1, {AddSign = true});

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.NegativeValue] + "]+10%[/color] more"
// i.e. red colored +10% followed by uncolored "more"
::MSU.Text.colorizeMultWithText(1.1, {AddSign = true, InvertColor = true});

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.NegativeValue] + "]+10%[/color] increased"
// i.e. red colored +10% followed by uncolored "increased"
::MSU.Text.colorizeMultWithText(1.1, {AddSign = true, InvertColor = true, Text = ["increased", "decreased"]});


::MSU.Text.colorizeMultWithText( _value, _kwargs = null )
// _value is an integer or float
// _kwargs is an optional table to specify key/value parameters:
// - _kwargs.AddSign is a boolean that defaults to false
// - _kwargs.InvertColor is a boolean that defaults to false

Returns a colorized string based on _value and _kwargs using colorizeValue but additionally adds a colorized % sign after the value.F or example a _value of 0.75 will return "75%" colored using colorPositive and 1.25 will return 125% colored using colorPositive. Similarly, 0.75 will return 75% colored using colorPositive and -1.25 will 25% colored using colorNegative. The use case for this function is to colorize fractions or percentages of other values e.g. when you want to say that Hitpoints are increased by 25% of Maximum Fatigue.


// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.NegativeValue] + "]75%[/color]"
// i.e. red colored 75%

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.PositiveValue] + "]75%[/color]"
// i.e. green colored 75%

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.PositiveValue] + "]+75%[/color]"
// i.e. green colored 75%
::MSU.Text.colorizePct(0.75, {AddSign = true});

// returns "[color=" + ::Const.UI.Text.NegativeValue] + "]+75%[/color]"
// i.e. red colored 75%
::MSU.Text.colorizePct(0.75, {AddSign = true, InvertColor = true});
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