Systems - MSUTeam/MSU GitHub Wiki

MSU adds a variety of systems all of which are interacted with using a Mod object and its addons. Systems are accessed from a mod object using <Mod>.SystemName.

Currently MSU adds the following systems:

Adds improved debugging functionality allowing the modder to leave debugging code in their released mod and turn it on/off programmatically or with user input

Allows a mod to easily add a user-configurable function to be run when a user presses a specific key-combination.

A save-compatible, automated way of managing and displaying player-configurable mod settings.

Adds an easy way for a modder to handle serialization changes across different mod versions.

Adds an easy way for a modder to add UI tooltips.

Adds a way to store mod data across saves with the use of BBParser developed by the MSU Team (TaroEld).

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