Items New Functions - MSUTeam/MSU GitHub Wiki

New functions


onAfterUpdateProperties( _properties )

Is called during update of the actor's skill container when the onAfterUpdate functions for skills are run. Similar to the onUpdateProperties function of items, this function is called via the generic_item skill that each item adds to the actor when that item is equipped. Hence, the SkillOrder of this function being called is ::Const.SkillOrder.Item.


onAnySkillUsed( _skill, _targetEntity, _properties )
// _skill is the skill being used
// _targetEntity is the target actor for the _skill
// _properties is the properties of the skill user

This function is analogous to the onAnySkillUsed function for skills and can be used to modify the _properties of the user before the skill is executed.



Returns an array which contains the skills of this item that have been added to an actor after equipping the item.


<item_container>.getStaminaModifier( _slots = null )
// _slots is either a key in ::Const.ItemSlot or an array of keys in that table

If _slots is null, returns the total StaminaModifier of all items in every slot.
If _slots is a key in ::Const.ItemSlot returns the total StaminaModifier of every item in all slots of that type.
If _slots is an array, then returns the total StaminaModifier of every in item in all slots of the given slot types.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️