Enum - MSUTeam/MSU GitHub Wiki

File Path: /msu/classes/enum.nut

An MSU Enum is different from a standard squirrel Enum in that it is extendable after declaration, and is better than a simple table (like those used in vanilla Battle Brothers) in that it enforces a specific order and allows for keys to be easily added after a table is created without having to keep track of things like COUNT. Of course, it also has a variety of utility functions and allows iteration.


local msuEnum = ::MSU.Class.Enum( _array = null )
// _array is an array

If _array is null, the Enum initializes empty, if it isn't, after initialization the Enum calls this.addArray(_array)



<Enum>.addArray( _array )
// _array is an array

Iterates over each element in _array and calls this.add(element) with each one.


<Enum>.add( _key )
// _key is a string

_key must be a unique (to this enum), non-empty, capitalized string.

Adds _key to the keys in the enum, assigning it a unique integer that can be accessed with


or using dot notation as normal


<Enum>.getKeyForValue( _value )
// _value is an integer

_value must be more than or equal to 0 and less than len()

Returns the Key for the _value passed.



Returns the number of identifiers in the Enum.


<Enum>.contains( _value )
// _value is an integer

Returns true if the value is in the enum, and false otherwise.


local myEnum = ::MSU.Class.Enum([
::logInfo(myEnum.First) // prints 0
::logInfo(myEnum["Second"]) // prints 1
::logInfo(myEnum.Third) // errors

::logInfo(myEnum.Third) // prints 2

::logInfo(myEnum.getKeyForValue(myEnum.First)) // prints "First"
::logInfo(myEnum.getKeyForValue(0)) // prints "First"

::logInfo(myEnum.len()) // prints 3
::logInfo(myEnum.contains(myEnum.Second)) // prints true
::logInfo(myEnum.contains(20)) // prints false

foreach (key, value in myEnum)
	::logInfo(key + " | " + value)
// this would print out
// "First | 0"
// "Second | 1"
// "Third | 2"
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