MASRadar - MOARdV/AvionicsSystems GitHub Wiki

The MASRadar module is very similar to the JSIRadar in RasterPropMonitor. When enabled, it will automatically select the nearest target within its scanning cone. Additional configuration options allow it to select debris (in addition to most vessels), and to select an available, compatible dock when the radar is installed on a docking port part.

The following is an example configuration for MASRadar showing all defaults:

	name = MASRadar

	maxRange = 200
	scanAngle = 30
	resourceName = ElectricCharge
	resourceAmount = 0.0
	radarTransform = ""
	targetDockingPorts = true
	DeployFxModules = -1
	radarEnabled = false
	targetDebris = false
  • maxRange - The maximum range at which the radar can detect target, in km.
  • scanAngle - The maximum angle off of the axis of the radar at which targets may be detected, in degrees.
  • resourceName - The type of resource consumed by the radar when enabled.
  • resourceAmount - The number of units of the specified resource that is consumed per second.
  • radarTransform - The name of a transform that will provide the bore sight of the radar. If not provided, MASRadar will select the docking port transform (if present) or the root transform of the part.
  • targetDockingPorts - Whether the radar will select an available, compatible docking port when the target is close enough. The MASRadar module must be installed on a part with a docking port for this feature to work.
  • DeployFxModules - Allows the radar to require some sort of deployment before functioning. This value is the index to the animation controller that will allow the radar to be enabled. MASRadar supports ModuleAnimateGeneric and ModuleDeployablePart.
  • radarEnabled - The toggle that controls whether the radar is actively scanning. May be changed in the editor and in flight from the part's context menu.
  • targetDebris - This toggle determines whether MASRadar will try to track debris (true) or will ignore debris (false). May be changed in the editor and in flight from the part's context menu.