MASNavBall - MOARdV/AvionicsSystems GitHub Wiki

The MASNavBall prop module extends the InternalNavBall module by adding the ability to disable the NavBall, and by introducing an option to control how many degrees-per-second the NavBall can spin. MASNavBall does this through one mandatory and two optional parameters.

The added parameters and their defaults are listed below:

name = MASNavBall

// Stock InternalNavBall fields are still required
variable = ""
range = ""
maxAngle = 180
  • variable - Required. The variable that controls whether the MASNavBall is enabled or disabled.
  • range - Optional. When present, variable operates in Threshold mode. When absent, variable operates in Boolean mode. range consists of two value, separated by commas, that may be numeric or simple variables.
  • maxAngle - Optional. When set to less than 180, it represents the maximum degrees-per-second that the NavBall may spin.