Index of Functions - MOARdV/AvionicsSystems GitHub Wiki

The following is an index to all functions available in MOARdV's Avionics Systems, sorted by function name. Partial summaries are included, along with a link to the full documentation.

The list of all categories is found here.

Master Function Index, 1009 functions:

  • Abort(): fc.Abort() Trigger the Abort action group. (see)
  • Abs(double value): fc.Abs(double value) Returns the absolute value of v... (see)
  • AccelEngines(): fc.AccelEngines() Returns the current acceleration... (see)
  • Acceleration(): fc.Acceleration() Returns the net acceleration on ... (see)
  • AccelForward(): fc.AccelForward() Returns the forward (towards the... (see)
  • AccelRight(): fc.AccelRight() Returns the rightward component ... (see)
  • AccelSurfaceForward(): fc.AccelSurfaceForward() Returns the surface forward-rela... (see)
  • AccelSurfacePrograde(): fc.AccelSurfacePrograde() Returns the surface prograde-rel... (see)
  • AccelSurfaceRight(): fc.AccelSurfaceRight() Returns the surface right-relati... (see)
  • AccelTop(): fc.AccelTop() Returns the top (towards the 'to... (see)
  • AccelUp(): fc.AccelUp() Returns the surface-relative up ... (see)
  • ActionGroupActiveMemo(double groupID): fc.ActionGroupActiveMemo(double groupID) Returns the current memo from th... (see)
  • ActionGroupHasActions(double groupID): fc.ActionGroupHasActions(double groupID) Returns 1 if there is at least o... (see)
  • ActionGroupMemo(double groupID, bool active): fc.ActionGroupMemo(double groupID, bool active) Returns the action group memo sp... (see)
  • ActiveDockingPortCamera(): fc.ActiveDockingPortCamera() Returns the name of the camera (... (see)
  • ActiveDockingPortCameraIndex(): fc.ActiveDockingPortCameraIndex() Returns the index of the camera ... (see)
  • AddFoV(double index, double deltaFoV): fc.AddFoV(double index, double deltaFoV) Adjusts the field of view settin... (see)
  • AddManeuverNode(double progradedV, double normaldV, double radialdV, double timeUT): fc.AddManeuverNode(double progradedV, double normaldV, double radialdV, double timeUT) Replace any scheduled maneuver n... (see)
  • AddPan(double index, double deltaPan): fc.AddPan(double index, double deltaPan) Adjusts the pan setting on the s... (see)
  • AddPersistent(string persistentName, double amount): fc.AddPersistent(string persistentName, double amount) This method adds an amount to th... (see)
  • AddPersistentClamped(string persistentName, double amount, double minValue, double maxValue): fc.AddPersistentClamped(string persistentName, double amount, double minValue, double maxValue) This method adds an amount to th... (see)
  • AddPersistentWrapped(string persistentName, double amount, double minValue, double maxValue): fc.AddPersistentWrapped(string persistentName, double amount, double minValue, double maxValue) This method adds an amount to th... (see)
  • AddTilt(double index, double deltaTilt): fc.AddTilt(double index, double deltaTilt) Adjusts the tilt setting on the ... (see)
  • AlarmCount(): kac.AlarmCount() Returns the number of future ala... (see)
  • AlarmExists(string alarmID): kac.AlarmExists(string alarmID) Scans the list of alarms assigne... (see)
  • AlternatorCount(): fc.AlternatorCount() Returns the number of alternator... (see)
  • AlternatorOutput(): fc.AlternatorOutput() Returns the current net output o... (see)
  • Altitude(): fc.Altitude() Returns the vessel's altitude ab... (see)
  • AltitudeAtmospheric(): fc.AltitudeAtmospheric() Returns altitude above datum (or... (see)
  • AltitudeBottom(): fc.AltitudeBottom() Returns the distance from the lo... (see)
  • AltitudeTerrain(bool ignoreOcean): fc.AltitudeTerrain(bool ignoreOcean) Returns the height above the gro... (see)
  • AltitudeTerrainRate(): fc.AltitudeTerrainRate() Returns the rate at which the ve... (see)
  • AmbientTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.AmbientTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the static temperature o... (see)
  • AngleOfAttack(): far.AngleOfAttack() Returns the vessel's angle of at... (see)
  • AngleOfAttack(): fc.AngleOfAttack() Returns the angle of attack of t... (see)
  • AntennaCount(): fc.AntennaCount() Returns the number of antennae o... (see)
  • AntennaDamaged(): fc.AntennaDamaged() Returns 1 if any antennae are da... (see)
  • AntennaDeployable(): fc.AntennaDeployable() Returns 1 if at least one antenn... (see)
  • AntennaMoving(): fc.AntennaMoving() Returns -1 if an antenna is retr... (see)
  • AntennaPosition(): fc.AntennaPosition() Returns a number representing th... (see)
  • AntennaRetractable(): fc.AntennaRetractable() Returns 1 if at least one antenn... (see)
  • AnyRCSDisabled(): fc.AnyRCSDisabled() Returns 1 if any RCS ports are d... (see)
  • Apoapsis(): fc.Apoapsis() Returns the orbit's apoapsis (fr... (see)
  • AppendPersistent(string persistentName, string addon, double maxLength): fc.AppendPersistent(string persistentName, string addon, double maxLength) Append the string addon to the... (see)
  • AppendPersistentDigit(string persistentName, double digit, double maxLength): fc.AppendPersistentDigit(string persistentName, double digit, double maxLength) Treat the persistent value pers... (see)
  • ApproachSpeed(): fc.ApproachSpeed() Returns the approach speed (the ... (see)
  • AscentAutopilotActive(): mechjeb.AscentAutopilotActive() Returns 1 if the MJ Ascent Autop... (see)
  • AssemblyLoaded(string assemblyName): fc.AssemblyLoaded(string assemblyName) Checks for the existence of the ... (see)
  • AtmosphereDepth(): fc.AtmosphereDepth() Returns the atmospheric depth as... (see)
  • AtmosphereTop(): fc.AtmosphereTop() Returns the altitude of the top ... (see)
  • AtmosphericDensity(): fc.AtmosphericDensity() Returns the atmospheric density. (see)
  • AutopilotActive(): mechjeb.AutopilotActive() Returns 1 if any of the MechJeb ... (see)
  • Available(): chatterer.Available() Reports whether the Chatterer mo... (see)
  • Available(): far.Available() Returns 1 if FAR is installed an... (see)
  • Available(): kac.Available() Returns 1 if Kerbal Alarm Clock ... (see)
  • Available(): ke.Available() Returns 1 if Kerbal Engineer Red... (see)
  • Available(): mechjeb.Available() Returns 1 if MechJeb is installe... (see)
  • Available(): vtol.Available() Indicates whether the Wild Blue ... (see)
  • Bearing(double latitude1, double longitude1, double latitude2, double longitude2): nav.Bearing(double latitude1, double longitude1, double latitude2, double longitude2) Returns the great-circle route b... (see)
  • BearingFromVessel(double latitude, double longitude): nav.BearingFromVessel(double latitude, double longitude) Returns the great-circle bearing... (see)
  • Between(double value, double lowerBound, double upperBound): fc.Between(double value, double lowerBound, double upperBound) Returns 1 if value is at least... (see)
  • BitwiseAnd(double value1, double value2): fc.BitwiseAnd(double value1, double value2) Converts value1 and value2 t... (see)
  • BitwiseNegate(double value): fc.BitwiseNegate(double value) Converts value to a 32 bit val... (see)
  • BitwiseOr(double value1, double value2): fc.BitwiseOr(double value1, double value2) Converts value1 and value2 t... (see)
  • BitwiseXor(double value1, double value2): fc.BitwiseXor(double value1, double value2) Converts value1 and value2 t... (see)
  • BodyArea(object id): fc.BodyArea(object id) Returns the surface area of the ... (see)
  • BodyAtmosphereTop(object id): fc.BodyAtmosphereTop(object id) Returns the altitude of the top ... (see)
  • BodyBiome(object id, double latitude, double longitude): fc.BodyBiome(object id, double latitude, double longitude) Returns the name of the biome at... (see)
  • BodyCount(): fc.BodyCount() The number of Celestial Bodies i... (see)
  • BodyDistance(object id): fc.BodyDistance(object id) Returns the distance to the requ... (see)
  • BodyEscapeVelocity(object id): fc.BodyEscapeVelocity(object id) Returns the escape velocity of t... (see)
  • BodyGeeASL(object id): fc.BodyGeeASL(object id) Returns the acceleration from gr... (see)
  • BodyGM(object id): fc.BodyGM(object id) Returns the standard gravitation... (see)
  • BodyHasAtmosphere(object id): fc.BodyHasAtmosphere(object id) Indicates if the selected body h... (see)
  • BodyHasOxygen(object id): fc.BodyHasOxygen(object id) Indicates if the selected body's... (see)
  • BodyIndex(object id): fc.BodyIndex(object id) Returns the numeric identifier f... (see)
  • BodyIsHome(object id): fc.BodyIsHome(object id) Returns 1 if the selected body i... (see)
  • BodyIsMoon(object id): fc.BodyIsMoon(object id) Returns 0 if the selected body o... (see)
  • BodyMass(object id): fc.BodyMass(object id) Returns the mass of the requeste... (see)
  • BodyMoonCount(object id): fc.BodyMoonCount(object id) Returns the number of worlds orb... (see)
  • BodyMoonId(object id, double moonIndex): fc.BodyMoonId(object id, double moonIndex) Returns the numeric ID of the mo... (see)
  • BodyName(object id): fc.BodyName(object id) Returns the name of the requeste... (see)
  • BodyParent(object id): fc.BodyParent(object id) Returns the index of the parent ... (see)
  • BodyRadius(object id): fc.BodyRadius(object id) Returns the radius of the select... (see)
  • BodyRotationPeriod(object id): fc.BodyRotationPeriod(object id) Returns the rotation period of t... (see)
  • BodySoI(object id): fc.BodySoI(object id) Returns the radius of the body's... (see)
  • BodySunLongitude(object id): fc.BodySunLongitude(object id) Returns the longitude on the bod... (see)
  • BodySurfaceTemp(object id, bool useKelvin): fc.BodySurfaceTemp(object id, bool useKelvin) Returns the temperature of the b... (see)
  • BodySyncOrbitSMA(object id): fc.BodySyncOrbitSMA(object id) Returns the semi-major axis of a... (see)
  • BodySyncOrbitVelocity(object id): fc.BodySyncOrbitVelocity(object id) Returns the speed of a synchrono... (see)
  • BodyTargetIndex(): fc.BodyTargetIndex() Returns the body index of the cu... (see)
  • BodyTerrainHeight(object id, double latitude, double longitude): fc.BodyTerrainHeight(object id, double latitude, double longitude) Returns the terrain height at a ... (see)
  • BodyTerrainSlope(object id, double latitude, double longitude): fc.BodyTerrainSlope(object id, double latitude, double longitude) Returns an estimate of the terra... (see)
  • BoolToNumber(bool condition): fc.BoolToNumber(bool condition) Returns 1 if condition is true... (see)
  • BrakesHasActions(): fc.BrakesHasActions() Returns 1 if the brakes action g... (see)
  • CameraCount(): fc.CameraCount() Returns a count of the valid MAS... (see)
  • CancelTimeWarp(bool instantCancel): fc.CancelTimeWarp(bool instantCancel) Cancel time warp. (see)
  • CanSetSASMode(double mode): fc.CanSetSASMode(double mode) Query if a select SAS mode is ma... (see)
  • CargoBayCount(): fc.CargoBayCount() Returns a count of the number of... (see)
  • CargoBayMoving(): fc.CargoBayMoving() Returns -1 if any cargo bay door... (see)
  • CargoBayPosition(): fc.CargoBayPosition() Returns a number representing th... (see)
  • Ceiling(double value): fc.Ceiling(double value) Rounds a number up to the next i... (see)
  • ChangeApoapsis(double newAltitude): transfer.ChangeApoapsis(double newAltitude) Raise or lower the altitude of t... (see)
  • ChangeApoapsis(double newAp): mechjeb.ChangeApoapsis(double newAp) Change apoapsis to the specified... (see)
  • ChangeInclination(double newInclination): transfer.ChangeInclination(double newInclination) Change the inclination of the or... (see)
  • ChangePeriapsis(double newAltitude): transfer.ChangePeriapsis(double newAltitude) Raise or lower the altitude of t... (see)
  • ChangePeriapsis(double newPe): mechjeb.ChangePeriapsis(double newPe) Change Periapsis to the new alti... (see)
  • ChangePowerDraw(double rateChange): fc.ChangePowerDraw(double rateChange) Increase or decrease the amount ... (see)
  • ChangeRotation(double changeDegrees): vtol.ChangeRotation(double changeDegrees) Instructs the rotation controlle... (see)
  • ChangeVerticalSpeed(double amount): vtol.ChangeVerticalSpeed(double amount) Increase (positive amount) or de... (see)
  • CircularizeAltitude(double newAltitude): transfer.CircularizeAltitude(double newAltitude) Circularize the vessel's orbit a... (see)
  • CircularizeAt(double newAlt): mechjeb.CircularizeAt(double newAlt) Circularize at the specified alt... (see)
  • CircularOrbitSpeed(double altitude): fc.CircularOrbitSpeed(double altitude) Returns the speed in m/s require... (see)
  • Clamp(double value, double a, double b): fc.Clamp(double value, double a, double b) Clamps value to stay within th... (see)
  • ClearBits(string persistentName, double bits): fc.ClearBits(string persistentName, double bits) Clears 0 or more bits in the num... (see)
  • ClearManeuverNode(): fc.ClearManeuverNode() Clear all scheduled maneuver nod... (see)
  • ClearTarget(): fc.ClearTarget() Clears any targets being tracked... (see)
  • ClearTargetFilter(double vesselType): fc.ClearTargetFilter(double vesselType) Removes the specified vesselType... (see)
  • CoeffBallistic(): far.CoeffBallistic() Return the ballistic coefficient... (see)
  • CoeffDrag(): far.CoeffDrag() Return the coefficient of drag f... (see)
  • CoeffLift(): far.CoeffLift() Return the coefficient of lift f... (see)
  • CollectExperiments(double scienceContainerId): fc.CollectExperiments(double scienceContainerId) Tell the science container ident... (see)
  • ColorChangerCount(): fc.ColorChangerCount() Returns the total number of Modu... (see)
  • ColorChangerId(double ccId): fc.ColorChangerId(double ccId) Returns the module ID for the se... (see)
  • ColorComponent(string namedColor, double channel): fc.ColorComponent(string namedColor, double channel) Returns the requested color chan... (see)
  • ColorTag(double red, double green, double blue): fc.ColorTag(double red, double green, double blue) Converts the supplied RGB value ... (see)
  • ColorTag(double red, double green, double blue, double alpha): fc.ColorTag(double red, double green, double blue, double alpha) Converts the supplied RGBA value... (see)
  • ColorTag(string namedColor): fc.ColorTag(string namedColor) Looks up the [Named Color](https... (see)
  • CommNetCanCommunicate(): fc.CommNetCanCommunicate() Reports if the vessel can commun... (see)
  • CommNetCanScience(): fc.CommNetCanScience() Reports if the vessel can transm... (see)
  • CommNetConnected(): fc.CommNetConnected() Reports if the vessel is connect... (see)
  • CommNetConnectedHome(): fc.CommNetConnectedHome() Reports if the vessel has a conn... (see)
  • CommNetControlState(): fc.CommNetControlState() Returns the current control stat... (see)
  • CommNetEndpoint(): fc.CommNetEndpoint() Returns the name of the endpoint... (see)
  • CommNetLatitude(): fc.CommNetLatitude() Returns the latitude on Kerbin o... (see)
  • CommNetLongitude(): fc.CommNetLongitude() Returns the longitude on Kerbin ... (see)
  • CommNetSignalDelay(): fc.CommNetSignalDelay() Returns the signal delay between... (see)
  • CommNetSignalQuality(): fc.CommNetSignalQuality() Returns a quality value for the ... (see)
  • CommNetSignalStrength(): fc.CommNetSignalStrength() Returns the signal strength of t... (see)
  • ComputerActive(): mechjeb.ComputerActive() Returns 1 if any managed autopil... (see)
  • Conditioned(double value): fc.Conditioned(double value) Applies some "realism" condition... (see)
  • Conditioned(double value, double defaultValue): fc.Conditioned(double value, double defaultValue) Applies some "realism" condition... (see)
  • ControlNeutral(): fc.ControlNeutral() Returns 1 when roll/translation ... (see)
  • CreateAlarm(string name, double UT): kac.CreateAlarm(string name, double UT) Create a Raw alarm at the time s... (see)
  • CrewBadS(double seatNumber): fc.CrewBadS(double seatNumber) Returns 1 if the crew in seatNu... (see)
  • CrewConscious(double seatNumber): fc.CrewConscious(double seatNumber) Returns 1 if the crew in seatNu... (see)
  • CrewEva(double seatNumber): fc.CrewEva(double seatNumber) Ejects ... or sends ... the sele... (see)
  • CrewExperience(double seatNumber): fc.CrewExperience(double seatNumber) Returns the number of experience... (see)
  • CrewGender(double seatNumber): fc.CrewGender(double seatNumber) Returns a number representing th... (see)
  • CrewLevel(double seatNumber): fc.CrewLevel(double seatNumber) Returns the experience level of ... (see)
  • CrewName(double seatNumber): fc.CrewName(double seatNumber) Returns the name of the crew mem... (see)
  • CrewPanic(double seatNumber): fc.CrewPanic(double seatNumber) Returns the 'PANIC' level of the... (see)
  • CrewStupidity(double seatNumber): fc.CrewStupidity(double seatNumber) Returns the stupidity rating of ... (see)
  • CrewTitle(double seatNumber): fc.CrewTitle(double seatNumber) Returns the job title of the sel... (see)
  • CrewWhee(double seatNumber): fc.CrewWhee(double seatNumber) Returns the 'WHEE' level of the ... (see)
  • CrossTrackDistance(double latitude1, double longitude1, double bearing1, double latitude2, double longitude2): nav.CrossTrackDistance(double latitude1, double longitude1, double bearing1, double latitude2, double longitude2) Returns the cross-track distance... (see)
  • CrossTrackDistanceFromVessel(double latitude, double longitude): nav.CrossTrackDistanceFromVessel(double latitude, double longitude) Returns the cross-track distance... (see)
  • CurrentBodyIndex(): fc.CurrentBodyIndex() Returns the index of the body cu... (see)
  • CurrentEjectionAngle(): transfer.CurrentEjectionAngle() Reports the vessel's current eje... (see)
  • CurrentFuelFlow(): fc.CurrentFuelFlow() Returns the current fuel flow in... (see)
  • CurrentFuelFlow(double groupId): engine.CurrentFuelFlow(double groupId) Returns the current fuel flow in... (see)
  • CurrentGimbalDeflection(): fc.CurrentGimbalDeflection() Returns the average deflection o... (see)
  • CurrentIsp(): fc.CurrentIsp() Return the current specific impu... (see)
  • CurrentOberthEjectionAngle(): transfer.CurrentOberthEjectionAngle() The current ejection angle for t... (see)
  • CurrentPhaseAngle(): transfer.CurrentPhaseAngle() Returns the current phase angle ... (see)
  • CurrentRatedThrust(): fc.CurrentRatedThrust() Returns the current thrust outpu... (see)
  • CurrentRCSThrust(): fc.CurrentRCSThrust() Returns the current thrust perce... (see)
  • CurrentSpeedModeSpeed(): fc.CurrentSpeedModeSpeed() Returns the speed selected by th... (see)
  • CurrentStage(): fc.CurrentStage() Returns the current stage. Befo... (see)
  • CurrentThrust(bool useThrottleLimits): fc.CurrentThrust(bool useThrottleLimits) Returns the current thrust outpu... (see)
  • CurrentThrustkN(): fc.CurrentThrustkN() Returns the current thrust in ki... (see)
  • CurrentThrustkN(double groupId): engine.CurrentThrustkN(double groupId) Returns the current thrust in ki... (see)
  • CurrentTWR(): fc.CurrentTWR() Returns the current thrust-to-we... (see)
  • CutParachute(): parachute.CutParachute() Cut all deployed parachutes (Rea... (see)
  • DataTransmitterAvailable(double transmitterId): fc.DataTransmitterAvailable(double transmitterId) Indicates whether the selected t... (see)
  • DataTransmitterCount(): fc.DataTransmitterCount() Returns the number of data trans... (see)
  • DebugValue(double index): fc.DebugValue(double index) Returns the value of a debug 're... (see)
  • DecreaseFlapSetting(): far.DecreaseFlapSetting() Reduce flap setting one step, un... (see)
  • DeleteAlarm(string alarmID): kac.DeleteAlarm(string alarmID) Attempts to remove the alarm ide... (see)
  • DeltaV(): fc.DeltaV() Returns the total delta-V remain... (see)
  • DeltaV(): ke.DeltaV() Returns the total delta-V availa... (see)
  • DeltaV(): mechjeb.DeltaV() Returns the dV remaining for the... (see)
  • DeltaVFinal(): transfer.DeltaVFinal() Returns an estimate of the ΔV re... (see)
  • DeltaVFinal(double destinationAltitude): transfer.DeltaVFinal(double destinationAltitude) Returns and estimate of the ΔV r... (see)
  • DeltaVInitial(): transfer.DeltaVInitial() Returns an estimate of the ΔV re... (see)
  • DeltaVInitial(double destinationAltitude): transfer.DeltaVInitial(double destinationAltitude) Returns and estimate of the ΔV r... (see)
  • DeltaVStage(): fc.DeltaVStage() Returns an estimate of the delta... (see)
  • DeltaVStageMax(): fc.DeltaVStageMax() Returns an estimate of the maxim... (see)
  • DeployableGearCount(): fc.DeployableGearCount() Returns the number of deployable... (see)
  • DeployFairings(): fc.DeployFairings() Deploys all stock procedural fai... (see)
  • DeploymentSafe(): parachute.DeploymentSafe() Returns 1 if it is safe to deplo... (see)
  • DeployParachute(): parachute.DeployParachute() Deploy all parachutes (RealChute... (see)
  • DestinationLatitude(double latitude, double longitude, double range, double bearing): nav.DestinationLatitude(double latitude, double longitude, double range, double bearing) Returns the latitude found at th... (see)
  • DestinationLatitudeFromVessel(double range, double bearing): nav.DestinationLatitudeFromVessel(double range, double bearing) Returns the latitude found at th... (see)
  • DestinationLongitude(double latitude, double longitude, double range, double bearing): nav.DestinationLongitude(double latitude, double longitude, double range, double bearing) Returns the longitude found at t... (see)
  • DestinationLongitudeFromVessel(double range, double bearing): nav.DestinationLongitudeFromVessel(double range, double bearing) Returns the longitude found at t... (see)
  • DisengageAscentPilot(): fc.DisengageAscentPilot() Disengage the Ascent Control Pil... (see)
  • DockConnected(): fc.DockConnected() Return 1 if the dock is attached... (see)
  • Docked(): fc.Docked() Return 1 if the dock is attached... (see)
  • DockedObjectName(): fc.DockedObjectName() Returns the name of the object d... (see)
  • DockingAutopilotActive(): mechjeb.DockingAutopilotActive() Returns 1 if the Docking Autopil... (see)
  • DockReady(): fc.DockReady() Return 1 if the dock is ready; r... (see)
  • Drag(): fc.Drag() Returns the drag force on the ve... (see)
  • DragAccel(): fc.DragAccel() Returns the drag effect on the v... (see)
  • DragForce(): far.DragForce() Return the total force applied t... (see)
  • DrillActiveCount(): fc.DrillActiveCount() Returns the number of active dri... (see)
  • DrillDeployedCount(): fc.DrillDeployedCount() Returns the number of drills tha... (see)
  • DrillTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.DrillTemperature(bool useKelvin) Query returns the average temper... (see)
  • DrillThermalEfficiency(): fc.DrillThermalEfficiency() Query returns the thermal effici... (see)
  • DumpScienceContainer(double scienceContainerId): fc.DumpScienceContainer(double scienceContainerId) Dump all of the data stored in t... (see)
  • DuplicateExperiment(double experimentId): fc.DuplicateExperiment(double experimentId) Checks to see if the vessel curr... (see)
  • DuplicateScienceType(double scienceTypeId): fc.DuplicateScienceType(double scienceTypeId) Checks to see if the vessel alre... (see)
  • DynamicPressure(): far.DynamicPressure() Returns the current dynamic pres... (see)
  • DynamicPressure(): fc.DynamicPressure() Returns the current dynamic pres... (see)
  • Eccentricity(): fc.Eccentricity() Return the eccentricity of the o... (see)
  • EjectionVelocity(): transfer.EjectionVelocity() The ΔV required to reach the cor... (see)
  • EnableAllRCS(): fc.EnableAllRCS() Enables any RCS ports that have ... (see)
  • EngageAscentPilot(double apoapsis, double periapsis, double inclination, double roll): fc.EngageAscentPilot(double apoapsis, double periapsis, double inclination, double roll) Engage the Ascent Control Pilot.... (see)
  • EngageAttitudePilot(double reference): fc.EngageAttitudePilot(double reference) Engage the MAS Attitude Control ... (see)
  • EngageAttitudePilot(double reference, double heading, double pitch): fc.EngageAttitudePilot(double reference, double heading, double pitch) Engage the MAS Attitude Control ... (see)
  • EngageAttitudePilot(double reference, double heading, double pitch, double roll): fc.EngageAttitudePilot(double reference, double heading, double pitch, double roll) Engages SAS and sets the vessel'... (see)
  • EngineCountActive(): fc.EngineCountActive() Returns a count of the total num... (see)
  • EngineCountTotal(): fc.EngineCountTotal() Returns a count of the total num... (see)
  • EngineFlameout(): fc.EngineFlameout() Returns 1 if any active engines ... (see)
  • EngineGroupValid(double groupId): engine.EngineGroupValid(double groupId) Returns 1 if the selected groupI... (see)
  • EquivalentAirspeed(): fc.EquivalentAirspeed() Compute equivalent airspeed base... (see)
  • ExperimentAvailableCount(double scienceTypeId): fc.ExperimentAvailableCount(double scienceTypeId) Returns a count of the number of... (see)
  • ExperimentBiome(double experimentId): fc.ExperimentBiome(double experimentId) Returns the name of the biome wh... (see)
  • ExperimentCount(double scienceTypeId): fc.ExperimentCount(double scienceTypeId) Returns a count of the total num... (see)
  • ExperimentDataSize(double experimentId): fc.ExperimentDataSize(double experimentId) Returns the size of the data for... (see)
  • ExperimentId(double scienceTypeId, double experimentIndex): fc.ExperimentId(double scienceTypeId, double experimentIndex) Returns the experimentId value... (see)
  • ExperimentResults(double experimentId): fc.ExperimentResults(double experimentId) Returns the results of the selec... (see)
  • ExperimentScienceValue(double experimentId): fc.ExperimentScienceValue(double experimentId) Returns the science value of the... (see)
  • ExperimentSituation(double experimentId): fc.ExperimentSituation(double experimentId) Returns the name of the situatio... (see)
  • ExperimentStatus(double experimentId): fc.ExperimentStatus(double experimentId) Returns the status of the select... (see)
  • ExperimentTotal(): fc.ExperimentTotal() Returns the total number of scie... (see)
  • ExperimentTransmissionScalar(double experimentId): fc.ExperimentTransmissionScalar(double experimentId) Returns the data transmission sc... (see)
  • ExperimentType(double experimentId): fc.ExperimentType(double experimentId) Returns the type of experiment t... (see)
  • ExternalTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.ExternalTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the current actual tempe... (see)
  • FairingsCanDeploy(): fc.FairingsCanDeploy() Returns 1 if at least one instal... (see)
  • FairingsCount(): fc.FairingsCount() Returns the number of stock proc... (see)
  • FlightPathAngle(double altitude): fc.FlightPathAngle(double altitude) Returns the angle between the pr... (see)
  • FlightUIMode(): fc.FlightUIMode() Returns the current Flight UI Mo... (see)
  • Floor(double value): fc.Floor(double value) Rounds a number down to the next... (see)
  • FormatString(string format, object arg0): fc.FormatString(string format, object arg0) Applies parameter to formatSt... (see)
  • FuelCellCount(): fc.FuelCellCount() Returns the number of fuel cells... (see)
  • FuelCellOutput(): fc.FuelCellOutput() Returns the current output of in... (see)
  • GearBrokenCount(): fc.GearBrokenCount() Returns the number of landing ge... (see)
  • GearCount(): fc.GearCount() Returns the number of wheels / l... (see)
  • GearHasActions(): fc.GearHasActions() Returns 1 if there are actions a... (see)
  • GearMoving(): fc.GearMoving() Returns -1 if any deployable lan... (see)
  • GearPosition(): fc.GearPosition() Returns a number representing th... (see)
  • GearStress(): fc.GearStress() Returns the highest stress perce... (see)
  • GeneratorCount(): fc.GeneratorCount() Returns the number of generators... (see)
  • GeneratorOutput(): fc.GeneratorOutput() Returns the current output of in... (see)
  • GetAbort(): fc.GetAbort() Returns 1 if the Abort action ha... (see)
  • GetActionGroup(double groupID): fc.GetActionGroup(double groupID) Get the current state of the spe... (see)
  • GetActiveEnginesGimbal(): fc.GetActiveEnginesGimbal() Returns 1 if any currently-activ... (see)
  • GetAfterburnerThrottle(double engineId): engine.GetAfterburnerThrottle(double engineId) Returns the afterburner throttle... (see)
  • GetAirBrakeCount(): fc.GetAirBrakeCount() Returns the number of air brakes... (see)
  • GetAirBrakes(): fc.GetAirBrakes() Returns 1 if any air brakes are ... (see)
  • GetAscentPilotActive(): fc.GetAscentPilotActive() Returns 1 if the MAS ascent auto... (see)
  • GetAttitudePilotActive(): fc.GetAttitudePilotActive() Reports if the attitude control ... (see)
  • GetAttitudePilotHeading(): fc.GetAttitudePilotHeading() Returns the currently stored hea... (see)
  • GetAttitudePilotPitch(): fc.GetAttitudePilotPitch() Returns the currently stored pit... (see)
  • GetAttitudePilotRoll(): fc.GetAttitudePilotRoll() Returns the currently stored rol... (see)
  • GetAttitudeReference(): fc.GetAttitudeReference() Returns the current attitude ref... (see)
  • GetBrakeForce(): fc.GetBrakeForce() Returns the average brake force ... (see)
  • GetBrakes(): fc.GetBrakes() Returns the current state of the... (see)
  • GetCameraCanPan(double index): fc.GetCameraCanPan(double index) Returns 1 if the camera is capab... (see)
  • GetCameraCanTilt(double index): fc.GetCameraCanTilt(double index) Returns 1 if the camera is capab... (see)
  • GetCameraCanZoom(double index): fc.GetCameraCanZoom(double index) Returns 1 if the camera is capab... (see)
  • GetCameraDamaged(double index): fc.GetCameraDamaged(double index) Returns 1 if the selected camera... (see)
  • GetCameraDeployable(double index): fc.GetCameraDeployable(double index) Returns 1 if the selected camera... (see)
  • GetCameraDeployed(double index): fc.GetCameraDeployed(double index) Returns 1 if the selected camera... (see)
  • GetCameraMaxFoV(double index): fc.GetCameraMaxFoV(double index) Returns the maximum field of vie... (see)
  • GetCameraMaxPan(double index): fc.GetCameraMaxPan(double index) Returns the maximum pan angle su... (see)
  • GetCameraMaxTilt(double index): fc.GetCameraMaxTilt(double index) Returns the maximum tilt angle s... (see)
  • GetCameraMinFoV(double index): fc.GetCameraMinFoV(double index) Returns the minimum field of vie... (see)
  • GetCameraMinPan(double index): fc.GetCameraMinPan(double index) Returns the minimum pan angle su... (see)
  • GetCameraMinTilt(double index): fc.GetCameraMinTilt(double index) Returns the minimum tilt angle s... (see)
  • GetCameraMode(double index): fc.GetCameraMode(double index) Returns the id number of the cur... (see)
  • GetCameraModeCount(double index): fc.GetCameraModeCount(double index) Returns the number of modes avai... (see)
  • GetCameraModeName(double index, double mode): fc.GetCameraModeName(double index, double mode) Returns the id number of the cur... (see)
  • GetCameraMoving(double index): fc.GetCameraMoving(double index) Returns -1 if the selected camer... (see)
  • GetCameraName(double index): fc.GetCameraName(double index) Returns the name of the camera s... (see)
  • GetColorChanger(): fc.GetColorChanger() Returns the current state of the... (see)
  • GetControlPointName(double controlPoint): fc.GetControlPointName(double controlPoint) Get the name for the selected co... (see)
  • GetCoreThrottle(double engineId): engine.GetCoreThrottle(double engineId) Returns the core (non-afterburni... (see)
  • GetCurrentControlPoint(): fc.GetCurrentControlPoint() Returns the index of the current... (see)
  • GetCurrentJetTemperature(double engineId, bool useKelvin): engine.GetCurrentJetTemperature(double engineId, bool useKelvin) Returns the current temperature ... (see)
  • GetDesiredLaunchAltitude(): mechjeb.GetDesiredLaunchAltitude() Returns the MJ Ascent Autopilot'... (see)
  • GetDesiredLaunchInclination(): mechjeb.GetDesiredLaunchInclination() Returns the MJ Ascent Autopilot'... (see)
  • GetDMESlantDistance(double radioId): nav.GetDMESlantDistance(double radioId) Returns the slant distance in me... (see)
  • GetDockIsReference(): fc.GetDockIsReference() Returns 1 if the primary docking... (see)
  • GetEngineCount(): engine.GetEngineCount() Returns the number of correctly ... (see)
  • GetEngineGroupActive(double groupId): engine.GetEngineGroupActive(double groupId) Returns 1 if any engine in the s... (see)
  • GetEngineGroupCount(): engine.GetEngineGroupCount() Returns the number of unique eng... (see)
  • GetEnginesActive(): vtol.GetEnginesActive() Returns 1 if the engines managed... (see)
  • GetEnginesEnabled(): fc.GetEnginesEnabled() Returns 1 if at least one engine... (see)
  • GetFlapSetting(): far.GetFlapSetting() Returns the current flap setting... (see)
  • GetForceRoll(): mechjeb.GetForceRoll() Returns 1 if MechJeb is installe... (see)
  • GetFoV(double index): fc.GetFoV(double index) Retrieve the current field of vi... (see)
  • GetFuelCellActive(): fc.GetFuelCellActive() Returns 1 if at least one fuel c... (see)
  • GetGear(): fc.GetGear() Returns 1 if the landing gear ac... (see)
  • GetGimbalDeflectionX(): fc.GetGimbalDeflectionX() Returns the normalized (-1 to +1... (see)
  • GetGimbalDeflectionY(): fc.GetGimbalDeflectionY() Returns the normalized (-1 to +1... (see)
  • GetGimbalLimit(): fc.GetGimbalLimit() Returns the currently-configured... (see)
  • GetGimbalPitch(): fc.GetGimbalPitch() Returns 1 if any active, unlocke... (see)
  • GetGimbalRoll(): fc.GetGimbalRoll() Returns 1 if any active, unlocke... (see)
  • GetGimbalsActive(): fc.GetGimbalsActive() Returns 1 if any gimbals are cur... (see)
  • GetGimbalsLocked(): fc.GetGimbalsLocked() Returns 1 if at least one active... (see)
  • GetGimbalYaw(): fc.GetGimbalYaw() Returns 1 if any active, unlocke... (see)
  • GetGrappleIsReference(): fc.GetGrappleIsReference() Returns 1 if the primary grapple... (see)
  • GetGrapplePivotLocked(): fc.GetGrapplePivotLocked() Returns 1 if the primary grapple... (see)
  • GetHover(): vtol.GetHover() Returns 1 if the VTOL manager re... (see)
  • GetILSGlideSlopeDefault(double radioId): nav.GetILSGlideSlopeDefault(double radioId) Return the default glide slope f... (see)
  • GetILSGlideSlopeError(double radioId, double glideSlope): nav.GetILSGlideSlopeError(double radioId, double glideSlope) Returns the vertical deviation f... (see)
  • GetILSGlideSlopeValid(double radioId, double glideSlope): nav.GetILSGlideSlopeValid(double radioId, double glideSlope) Returns whether the glide slope ... (see)
  • GetILSLocalizerError(double radioId): nav.GetILSLocalizerError(double radioId) Returns the horizontal error fro... (see)
  • GetILSLocalizerValid(double radioId): nav.GetILSLocalizerValid(double radioId) Returns 1 if the localizer signa... (see)
  • GetIntakesCount(): engine.GetIntakesCount() Returns the number of intakes on... (see)
  • GetIntakesOpen(): engine.GetIntakesOpen() Returns 1 if any intake is open.... (see)
  • GetLandingSiteCount(): mechjeb.GetLandingSiteCount() Returns the number of landing si... (see)
  • GetLaunchClampCount(): fc.GetLaunchClampCount() Returns the number of launch cla... (see)
  • GetLights(): fc.GetLights() Returns 1 if the Lights action g... (see)
  • GetManeuverPilotActive(): fc.GetManeuverPilotActive() Returns 1 if the MAS maneuver au... (see)
  • GetMaxJetTemperature(double engineId, bool useKelvin): engine.GetMaxJetTemperature(double engineId, bool useKelvin) Returns the maximum temperature ... (see)
  • GetMultiModeEngineMode(): fc.GetMultiModeEngineMode() Returns 1 if any multi-mode engi... (see)
  • GetNavAidBearing(double radioId, bool relativeBearing): nav.GetNavAidBearing(double radioId, bool relativeBearing) Returns the bearing to the navai... (see)
  • GetNavAidCrossTrackDistance(double radioId): nav.GetNavAidCrossTrackDistance(double radioId) Returns the cross-track distance... (see)
  • GetNavAidDME(double radioId): nav.GetNavAidDME(double radioId) Queries the radio beacon selecte... (see)
  • GetNavAidIdentifier(double radioId): nav.GetNavAidIdentifier(double radioId) Get the identifier for the beaco... (see)
  • GetNavAidLatitude(double radioId): nav.GetNavAidLatitude(double radioId) Returns the latitude of the acti... (see)
  • GetNavAidLongitude(double radioId): nav.GetNavAidLongitude(double radioId) Returns the longitude of the act... (see)
  • GetNavAidName(double radioId): nav.GetNavAidName(double radioId) Get the name for the beacon on t... (see)
  • GetNavAidType(double radioId): nav.GetNavAidType(double radioId) Returns the type of radio beacon... (see)
  • GetNDBBearing(double radioId): nav.GetNDBBearing(double radioId) Returns the NDB bearing for the ... (see)
  • GetNumControlPoints(): fc.GetNumControlPoints() Returns the number of control po... (see)
  • GetPan(double index): fc.GetPan(double index) Retrieve the current pan setting... (see)
  • GetParachuteArmed(): parachute.GetParachuteArmed() Returns 1 if at least one RealCh... (see)
  • GetParachuteArmedOrDeployed(): parachute.GetParachuteArmedOrDeployed() Returns 1 is at least one RealCh... (see)
  • GetParachuteDeployed(): parachute.GetParachuteDeployed() Returns 1 if at least one RealCh... (see)
  • GetParked(): vtol.GetParked() Returns 1 if the Air Park featur... (see)
  • GetPersistent(string persistentName): fc.GetPersistent(string persistentName) Return value of the persistent. ... (see)
  • GetPersistentAsNumber(string persistentName): fc.GetPersistentAsNumber(string persistentName) Return the value of the persiste... (see)
  • GetPersistentExists(string persistentName): fc.GetPersistentExists(string persistentName) Returns 1 if the named persisten... (see)
  • GetPilotActive(): fc.GetPilotActive() Returns 1 if any MAS autopilot i... (see)
  • GetPitchTrim(): fc.GetPitchTrim() Returns the current pitch trim. (see)
  • GetPodColorChanger(): fc.GetPodColorChanger() Returns the current state of the... (see)
  • GetPodIsReference(): fc.GetPodIsReference() Returns 1 if the current IVA pod... (see)
  • GetPowerDraw(): fc.GetPowerDraw() Returns the amount of power this... (see)
  • GetPrecisionMode(): fc.GetPrecisionMode() Returns whether the controls are... (see)
  • GetPropellerBoost(double engineId): engine.GetPropellerBoost(double engineId) Get the current supercharger/tur... (see)
  • GetPropellerBrakeShaftPower(double engineId): engine.GetPropellerBrakeShaftPower(double engineId) Get the current brake shaft powe... (see)
  • GetPropellerChargeAirTemp(double engineId, bool useKelvin): engine.GetPropellerChargeAirTemp(double engineId, bool useKelvin) Get the charge air temperature. (see)
  • GetPropellerManifoldPressure(double engineId): engine.GetPropellerManifoldPressure(double engineId) Get the current manifold pressur... (see)
  • GetPropellerMixture(double engineId): engine.GetPropellerMixture(double engineId) Get the current mixture setting ... (see)
  • GetPropellerNetExhaustThrust(double engineId): engine.GetPropellerNetExhaustThrust(double engineId) Get the net exhaust thrust of th... (see)
  • GetPropellerNetMeredithEffect(double engineId): engine.GetPropellerNetMeredithEffect(double engineId) Get the net Meredith effect of t... (see)
  • GetPropellerPitch(double engineId): engine.GetPropellerPitch(double engineId) Get the current pitch of the pro... (see)
  • GetPropellerRPM(double engineId): engine.GetPropellerRPM(double engineId) Returns the current RPM of the s... (see)
  • GetPropellerRPMLever(double engineId): engine.GetPropellerRPMLever(double engineId) Returns the current RPM lever po... (see)
  • GetPropellerThrust(double engineId): engine.GetPropellerThrust(double engineId) Get the thrust of the engine, in... (see)
  • GetRadioFrequency(double radioId): nav.GetRadioFrequency(double radioId) Returns the radio frequency sett... (see)
  • GetRCS(): fc.GetRCS() Returns 1 if RCS is on, 0 otherw... (see)
  • GetRCSActive(): fc.GetRCSActive() Returns 1 if any RCS thrusters a... (see)
  • GetRCSRotate(): fc.GetRCSRotate() Returns 1 if any RCS thrusters a... (see)
  • GetRCSThrustLimit(): fc.GetRCSThrustLimit() Returns the thrust-weighted aver... (see)
  • GetRCSTranslate(): fc.GetRCSTranslate() Returns 1 if any RCS thrusters a... (see)
  • GetReactionWheelActive(): fc.GetReactionWheelActive() Returns 1 if at least one reacti... (see)
  • GetReactionWheelAuthority(): fc.GetReactionWheelAuthority() Returns the current reaction whe... (see)
  • GetReactionWheelDamaged(): fc.GetReactionWheelDamaged() Returns 1 if at least one reacti... (see)
  • GetResourceConverterActive(double id): fc.GetResourceConverterActive(double id) Returns 1 if at least one resour... (see)
  • GetRollTrim(): fc.GetRollTrim() Returns the current roll trim. (see)
  • GetSAS(): fc.GetSAS() Returns 1 if SAS is on, 0 otherw... (see)
  • GetSASMode(): fc.GetSASMode() Returns a number representing th... (see)
  • GetSASModeName(double mode): fc.GetSASModeName(double mode) Returns the localized name for... (see)
  • GetSASSForceRollEnabled(): mechjeb.GetSASSForceRollEnabled() Reports if the SASS Force Roll c... (see)
  • GetSASSMode(): mechjeb.GetSASSMode() Returns the number of the curren... (see)
  • GetSASSModeActive(double mode): mechjeb.GetSASSModeActive(double mode) Returns 1 if the current SASS mo... (see)
  • GetSASSpeedMode(): fc.GetSASSpeedMode() Return the current speed display... (see)
  • GetSASSRollAngle(): mechjeb.GetSASSRollAngle() Reports the current SASS Force R... (see)
  • GetSpoilerSetting(): far.GetSpoilerSetting() Returns 1 if spoilers are deploy... (see)
  • GetStageLocked(): fc.GetStageLocked() Returns 1 if staging is locked, ... (see)
  • GetTargetDockIndex(): fc.GetTargetDockIndex() Returns the index of the docking... (see)
  • GetTargetFilter(double vesselType): fc.GetTargetFilter(double vesselType) Indicates whether the specified ... (see)
  • GetThrottle(): fc.GetThrottle() Returns the current main throttl... (see)
  • GetThrottleKeyPressed(): fc.GetThrottleKeyPressed() Returns 1 if any of the throttle... (see)
  • GetThrottleLimit(): fc.GetThrottleLimit() Returns the average of the throt... (see)
  • GetThrottleLimit(double groupId): engine.GetThrottleLimit(double groupId) Returns the average of the throt... (see)
  • GetThrustMode(): vtol.GetThrustMode() Returns the current thrust mode ... (see)
  • GetTilt(double index): fc.GetTilt(double index) Retrieve the current tilt settin... (see)
  • GetTurnRoll(): mechjeb.GetTurnRoll() Return the current ascent autopi... (see)
  • GetVerticalRoll(): mechjeb.GetVerticalRoll() Return the current ascent autopi... (see)
  • GetVerticalSpeed(): vtol.GetVerticalSpeed() Returns the commanded vertical s... (see)
  • GetVORApproach(double radioId, double bearing): nav.GetVORApproach(double radioId, double bearing) Returns a number representing TO... (see)
  • GetVORDeviation(double radioId, double bearing): nav.GetVORDeviation(double radioId, double bearing) Returns the deviation from the d... (see)
  • GetWarpDirection(): vtol.GetWarpDirection() Get the Crazy Mode Warp Directio... (see)
  • GetWaypointIndex(): nav.GetWaypointIndex() Get the custom waypoint index of... (see)
  • GetYawTrim(): fc.GetYawTrim() Returns the current yaw trim. (see)
  • GForce(): fc.GForce() Returns the magnitude of g-force... (see)
  • GForceVertical(): fc.GForceVertical() Returns the magnitude of g-force... (see)
  • GrappleArmed(): fc.GrappleArmed() Returns 1 if the primary grapple... (see)
  • Grappled(): fc.Grappled() Returns 1 if the primary grapple... (see)
  • GrappledObjectName(): fc.GrappledObjectName() Returns the name of the object g... (see)
  • GrappleMoving(): fc.GrappleMoving() Returns a number representing wh... (see)
  • GrappleReady(): fc.GrappleReady() Returns 1 if the primary grapple... (see)
  • GrappleRelease(): fc.GrappleRelease() Release the primary grapple from... (see)
  • GravityForce(): fc.GravityForce() Returns the force of gravity aff... (see)
  • GroundDistance(double latitude1, double longitude1, double latitude2, double longitude2): nav.GroundDistance(double latitude1, double longitude1, double latitude2, double longitude2) Return the ground distance betwe... (see)
  • GroundDistanceFromVessel(double latitude, double longitude): nav.GroundDistanceFromVessel(double latitude, double longitude) Return the ground distance betwe... (see)
  • GroundStationAltitude(double dsnIndex): fc.GroundStationAltitude(double dsnIndex) Returns the altitude of the sele... (see)
  • GroundStationCount(): fc.GroundStationCount() Returns the number of ground sta... (see)
  • GroundStationLatitude(double dsnIndex): fc.GroundStationLatitude(double dsnIndex) Returns the latitude of the sele... (see)
  • GroundStationLongitude(double dsnIndex): fc.GroundStationLongitude(double dsnIndex) Returns the longitude of the sel... (see)
  • GroundStationName(double dsnIndex): fc.GroundStationName(double dsnIndex) Returns the name of the selected... (see)
  • HasAirPark(): vtol.HasAirPark() Returns 1 if the current vessel ... (see)
  • HasAtmosphere(): fc.HasAtmosphere() Returns 1 if the body the vessel... (see)
  • HasCrazyMode(): vtol.HasCrazyMode() Returns 1 if the current vessel ... (see)
  • HasDock(): fc.HasDock() Indicates whether a primary dock... (see)
  • HasGrapple(): fc.HasGrapple() Indicates whether a primary grap... (see)
  • HasHover(): vtol.HasHover() Returns 1 if the current vessel ... (see)
  • HasRCS(): fc.HasRCS() Returns 1 if there is at least o... (see)
  • HasRotationController(): vtol.HasRotationController() Returns 1 if at least one WBI Ro... (see)
  • HasThrustVector(): vtol.HasThrustVector() Returns 1 if the current vessel ... (see)
  • Heading(): fc.Heading() Return heading relative to the s... (see)
  • HeadingPrograde(): fc.HeadingPrograde() Return the heading of the surfac... (see)
  • HeadingRate(): fc.HeadingRate() Return the instantaneous rate of... (see)
  • HeatShieldMaxTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.HeatShieldMaxTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the maximum temperature ... (see)
  • HeatShieldTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.HeatShieldTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the current temperature ... (see)
  • HeatShieldTemperatureSign(): fc.HeatShieldTemperatureSign() Returns the direction of tempera... (see)
  • HohmannTransfer(): transfer.HohmannTransfer() Generate a maneuver to conduct a... (see)
  • HorizontalSpeed(): fc.HorizontalSpeed() Measure of the surface speed of ... (see)
  • HottestEngineMaxTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.HottestEngineMaxTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the maximum temperature ... (see)
  • HottestEngineTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.HottestEngineTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the current temperature ... (see)
  • HottestEngineTemperatureSign(): fc.HottestEngineTemperatureSign() Returns the direction of tempera... (see)
  • HottestPartMaxTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.HottestPartMaxTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the maximum temperature ... (see)
  • HottestPartSign(): fc.HottestPartSign() Returns the direction of tempera... (see)
  • HottestPartTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.HottestPartTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the hottest part on the ... (see)
  • HourOfDay(double time): fc.HourOfDay(double time) Returns the hour of the day (0-5... (see)
  • HoursPerDay(): fc.HoursPerDay() Returns the number of hours per ... (see)
  • Inclination(): fc.Inclination() Return the vessel's orbital incl... (see)
  • IncreaseFlapSetting(): far.IncreaseFlapSetting() Increase flap setting one step, ... (see)
  • IndicatedAirspeed(): fc.IndicatedAirspeed() Returns the indicated airspeed i... (see)
  • InitializePersistent(string persistentName, object value): fc.InitializePersistent(string persistentName, object value) Set the persistent value in per... (see)
  • InternalMaxTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.InternalMaxTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the maximum interior tem... (see)
  • InternalTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.InternalTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the interior temperature... (see)
  • InternalTemperatureSign(): fc.InternalTemperatureSign() Returns the direction of the tem... (see)
  • IntersectionOfTwoPathsLatitude(double latitude1, double longitude1, double bearing1, double latitude2, double longitude2, double bearing2): nav.IntersectionOfTwoPathsLatitude(double latitude1, double longitude1, double bearing1, double latitude2, double longitude2, double bearing2) Return the latitude where two gr... (see)
  • IntersectionOfTwoPathsLongitude(double latitude1, double longitude1, double bearing1, double latitude2, double longitude2, double bearing2): nav.IntersectionOfTwoPathsLongitude(double latitude1, double longitude1, double bearing1, double latitude2, double longitude2, double bearing2) Return the longitude where two g... (see)
  • InverseLerp(double value, double range1, double range2): fc.InverseLerp(double value, double range1, double range2) Provides an "inverse lerp" of va... (see)
  • KerbinTime(): fc.KerbinTime() Returns 1 if the KSP UI is confi... (see)
  • KillVerticalSpeed(): vtol.KillVerticalSpeed() Set the commanded vertical speed... (see)
  • LandingAltitude(): fc.LandingAltitude() Returns the predicted altitude o... (see)
  • LandingAltitude(): ke.LandingAltitude() Returns the projected altitude o... (see)
  • LandingAltitude(): mechjeb.LandingAltitude() When the landing prediction comp... (see)
  • LandingAutopilotActive(): mechjeb.LandingAutopilotActive() Returns 1 if the MechJeb landing... (see)
  • LandingComputerActive(): mechjeb.LandingComputerActive() Returns 1 if the MechJeb landing... (see)
  • LandingLatitude(): fc.LandingLatitude() Returns the predicted latitude o... (see)
  • LandingLatitude(): ke.LandingLatitude() Returns the projected latitude o... (see)
  • LandingLatitude(): mechjeb.LandingLatitude() When the landing prediction comp... (see)
  • LandingLongitude(): fc.LandingLongitude() Returns the predicted longitude ... (see)
  • LandingLongitude(): ke.LandingLongitude() Returns the projected longitude ... (see)
  • LandingLongitude(): mechjeb.LandingLongitude() When the landing prediction comp... (see)
  • LandingPredictorActive(): fc.LandingPredictorActive() Returns 1 if landing predictions... (see)
  • LandingSiteAltitude(double siteIndex): mechjeb.LandingSiteAltitude(double siteIndex) Returns the altitude of the sele... (see)
  • LandingSiteLatitude(double siteIndex): mechjeb.LandingSiteLatitude(double siteIndex) Returns the latitude of the sele... (see)
  • LandingSiteLongitude(double siteIndex): mechjeb.LandingSiteLongitude(double siteIndex) Returns the longitude of the sel... (see)
  • LandingSiteName(double siteIndex): mechjeb.LandingSiteName(double siteIndex) Returns the name of the selected... (see)
  • LandingSpeed(): fc.LandingSpeed() Returns an estimate of the speed... (see)
  • LandingTime(): fc.LandingTime() Returns the predicted time until... (see)
  • LandingTime(): ke.LandingTime() Returns the projected time of la... (see)
  • LandingTime(): mechjeb.LandingTime() When the prediction computer is ... (see)
  • Latitude(): fc.Latitude() Return the vessel's latitude. (see)
  • LaunchSiteLatitude(): nav.LaunchSiteLatitude() The latitude of the vessel's lau... (see)
  • LaunchSiteLongitude(): nav.LaunchSiteLongitude() The longitude of the vessel's la... (see)
  • LaunchSiteName(): nav.LaunchSiteName() The name of the vessel's launch ... (see)
  • Lift(): fc.Lift() Returns the lift force on the ve... (see)
  • LiftForce(): far.LiftForce() Return the total force applied t... (see)
  • LiftUpForce(): fc.LiftUpForce() Returns the force of lift oppose... (see)
  • LightsHasActions(): fc.LightsHasActions() Returns 1 if the Lights action g... (see)
  • LineOfSight(double altitude): nav.LineOfSight(double altitude) Returns the distance to the hori... (see)
  • LogMessage(string message): fc.LogMessage(string message) Log messages to the KSP.log. Me... (see)
  • Longitude(): fc.Longitude() Return the vessel's longitude. (see)
  • MachNumber(): fc.MachNumber() Returns the vessel's current Mac... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeAp(): fc.ManeuverNodeAp() Returns the apoapsis of the orbi... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeBurnTime(): fc.ManeuverNodeBurnTime() Returns an estimate of the maneu... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeDV(): fc.ManeuverNodeDV() Delta-V remaining for the next s... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeDVNormal(): fc.ManeuverNodeDVNormal() The normal component of the next... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeDVPrograde(): fc.ManeuverNodeDVPrograde() The prograde component of the ne... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeDVRadial(): fc.ManeuverNodeDVRadial() The radial component of the next... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeEcc(): fc.ManeuverNodeEcc() Returns the eccentricity of the ... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeExecutorActive(): mechjeb.ManeuverNodeExecutorActive() Returns 1 if the maneuver node e... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeExists(): fc.ManeuverNodeExists() Returns 1 if there is a valid ma... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeInc(): fc.ManeuverNodeInc() Returns the inclination of the o... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeNextBody(): fc.ManeuverNodeNextBody() Returns the index to the body th... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeNextSoI(): fc.ManeuverNodeNextSoI() Returns 1 if the SoI change afte... (see)
  • ManeuverNodePe(): fc.ManeuverNodePe() Returns the periapsis of the orb... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeRelativeInclination(): fc.ManeuverNodeRelativeInclination() Returns the relative inclination... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeTargetClosestApproachDistance(): fc.ManeuverNodeTargetClosestApproachDistance() Closest approach to the target a... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeTargetClosestApproachSpeed(): fc.ManeuverNodeTargetClosestApproachSpeed() Relative speed of the target at ... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeTargetClosestApproachTime(): fc.ManeuverNodeTargetClosestApproachTime() Time when the closest approach w... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeTime(): fc.ManeuverNodeTime() Returns time in seconds until th... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeTimeToNextSoI(): fc.ManeuverNodeTimeToNextSoI() Returns the time to the next SoI... (see)
  • ManeuverNodeTotalDV(): fc.ManeuverNodeTotalDV() Total Delta-V required for the n... (see)
  • MapIconU(double iconId): fc.MapIconU(double iconId) Returns the U texture shift requ... (see)
  • MapIconV(double iconId): fc.MapIconV(double iconId) Returns the V texture shift requ... (see)
  • MASLandingAltitude(): fc.MASLandingAltitude() Returns the predicted altitude o... (see)
  • MASLandingLatitude(): fc.MASLandingLatitude() Returns the predicted latitude o... (see)
  • MASLandingLongitude(): fc.MASLandingLongitude() Returns the predicted longitude ... (see)
  • MASLandingTime(): fc.MASLandingTime() Returns the predicted time until... (see)
  • Mass(bool wetMass): fc.Mass(bool wetMass) Returns the mass of the vessel i... (see)
  • MASVersion(): fc.MASVersion() Returns the version number of th... (see)
  • MatchPlane(): transfer.MatchPlane() Match the plane of the target's ... (see)
  • MatchVelocities(): mechjeb.MatchVelocities() Instructs MechJeb to match veloc... (see)
  • MatchVelocities(): transfer.MatchVelocities() Match velocities with the target... (see)
  • Max(double a, double b): fc.Max(double a, double b) Return the larger value (see)
  • MaxFuelFlow(): fc.MaxFuelFlow() Returns the maximum fuel flow in... (see)
  • MaxImpactSpeed(): fc.MaxImpactSpeed() Reports the maximum impact speed... (see)
  • MaxIsp(): fc.MaxIsp() Returns the maximum specific imp... (see)
  • MaxRatedThrustkN(): fc.MaxRatedThrustkN() Returns the maximum rated thrust... (see)
  • MaxThrustkN(bool useThrottleLimits): fc.MaxThrustkN(bool useThrottleLimits) Returns the maximum thrust in kN... (see)
  • MaxThrustkN(double groupId): engine.MaxThrustkN(double groupId) Returns the maximum thrust in ki... (see)
  • MaxTWR(bool useThrottleLimits): fc.MaxTWR(bool useThrottleLimits) Returns the maximum thrust-to-we... (see)
  • MET(): fc.MET() Fetch the current MET (Mission E... (see)
  • Min(double a, double b): fc.Min(double a, double b) Return the smaller value (see)
  • MinutesOfHour(double time): fc.MinutesOfHour(double time) Given a standard time in seconds... (see)
  • NavballB(double iconId): fc.NavballB(double iconId) Returns the B color value for th... (see)
  • NavballG(double iconId): fc.NavballG(double iconId) Returns the G color value for th... (see)
  • NavballR(double iconId): fc.NavballR(double iconId) Returns the R color value for th... (see)
  • NavballU(double iconId): fc.NavballU(double iconId) Returns the U texture shift to s... (see)
  • NavballV(double iconId): fc.NavballV(double iconId) Returns the V texture shift to s... (see)
  • NextBodyName(): fc.NextBodyName() Returns the name of the body tha... (see)
  • NextSoI(): fc.NextSoI() Returns 1 if the next SoI change... (see)
  • NormalizeAngle(double angle): fc.NormalizeAngle(double angle) Normalizes an angle to the range... (see)
  • NormalizeLongitude(double angle): fc.NormalizeLongitude(double angle) Normalizes an angle to the range... (see)
  • NormalizePitch(double angle): fc.NormalizePitch(double angle) Converts an angle to a pitch val... (see)
  • NumberSeats(): fc.NumberSeats() Returns the number of seats in t... (see)
  • OberthAltitude(): transfer.OberthAltitude() The preferred altitude over the ... (see)
  • OberthEjectionDeltaV(): transfer.OberthEjectionDeltaV() Returns the ΔV in m/s required f... (see)
  • OrbitPeriod(): fc.OrbitPeriod() Returns the orbital period, in s... (see)
  • OrbitSpeed(): fc.OrbitSpeed() Return the orbital speed of the ... (see)
  • ParachuteCount(): parachute.ParachuteCount() Returns the total number of para... (see)
  • Periapsis(): fc.Periapsis() Returns the orbits periapsis (fr... (see)
  • PeriodCount(double period, double countTo): fc.PeriodCount(double period, double countTo) Returns a periodic variable that... (see)
  • PeriodRandom(double period): fc.PeriodRandom(double period) Returns a random number in the r... (see)
  • PeriodSine(double period): fc.PeriodSine(double period) Returns a periodic variable that... (see)
  • PeriodStep(double period): fc.PeriodStep(double period) Returns a stair-step periodic va... (see)
  • Pitch(): fc.Pitch() Return pitch relative to the sur... (see)
  • PitchActivePrograde(): fc.PitchActivePrograde() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchAntiNormal(): fc.PitchAntiNormal() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchAntiTarget(): fc.PitchAntiTarget() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchDockingAlignment(): fc.PitchDockingAlignment() Returns the pitch component of t... (see)
  • PitchManeuver(): fc.PitchManeuver() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchNormal(): fc.PitchNormal() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchPrograde(): fc.PitchPrograde() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchRadialIn(): fc.PitchRadialIn() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchRadialOut(): fc.PitchRadialOut() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchRate(): fc.PitchRate() Returns the pitch rate of the ve... (see)
  • PitchRetrograde(): fc.PitchRetrograde() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchSAS(): fc.PitchSAS() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchSurfacePrograde(): fc.PitchSurfacePrograde() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchSurfaceRetrograde(): fc.PitchSurfaceRetrograde() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchTarget(): fc.PitchTarget() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchTargetPrograde(): fc.PitchTargetPrograde() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchTargetRetrograde(): fc.PitchTargetRetrograde() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PitchWaypoint(): fc.PitchWaypoint() Pitch of the vessel relative to ... (see)
  • PlayAudio(string sound, double volume, bool stopCurrent): fc.PlayAudio(string sound, double volume, bool stopCurrent) Play the audio file specified in... (see)
  • PlayMorseSequence(string sequence, double volume, bool stopCurrent): fc.PlayMorseSequence(string sequence, double volume, bool stopCurrent) Play the sequence of letters as ... (see)
  • PlayNavAidIdentifier(double radioId, double volume, bool stopCurrent): nav.PlayNavAidIdentifier(double radioId, double volume, bool stopCurrent) Plays the Morse code identifier ... (see)
  • PlotTransfer(): mechjeb.PlotTransfer() When a target is selected and th... (see)
  • PodColorChangerCanChange(): fc.PodColorChangerCanChange() Returns 1 if the pod's color cha... (see)
  • PodColorChangerExists(): fc.PodColorChangerExists() Returns 1 if the current IVA has... (see)
  • PodMaxTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.PodMaxTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the maximum skin tempera... (see)
  • PodTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.PodTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the skin temperature of ... (see)
  • PodTemperatureSign(): fc.PodTemperatureSign() Returns the direction of the tem... (see)
  • PowerCurrent(): fc.PowerCurrent() Returns the current level of ava... (see)
  • PowerDelta(): fc.PowerDelta() Returns the rate of change in av... (see)
  • PowerMax(): fc.PowerMax() Returns the maximum capacity of ... (see)
  • PowerPercent(): fc.PowerPercent() Returns the current percentage o... (see)
  • PowerThreshold(double firstBound, double secondBound): fc.PowerThreshold(double firstBound, double secondBound) Reports whether the vessel's pow... (see)
  • PropellantCurrent(): fc.PropellantCurrent() Reports the total quantity in un... (see)
  • PropellantDelta(): fc.PropellantDelta() Reports the propellant consumpti... (see)
  • PropellantDensity(): fc.PropellantDensity() Returns the current density of t... (see)
  • PropellantMass(): fc.PropellantMass() Reports the current mass of the ... (see)
  • PropellantMax(): fc.PropellantMax() Reports the maximum amount of pr... (see)
  • PropellantPercent(): fc.PropellantPercent() Reports the current percentage o... (see)
  • PropellantReserve(): fc.PropellantReserve() Reports the amount of propellant... (see)
  • PropellantStageCount(): fc.PropellantStageCount() Reports the number of propellant... (see)
  • PropellantStageCurrent(): fc.PropellantStageCurrent() Reports the current amount of pr... (see)
  • PropellantStageDisplayName(double index): fc.PropellantStageDisplayName(double index) Returns the display (localized) ... (see)
  • PropellantStageMax(): fc.PropellantStageMax() Reports the maximum amount of pr... (see)
  • PropellantStageName(double index): fc.PropellantStageName(double index) Returns the name of the active p... (see)
  • PropellantStagePercent(): fc.PropellantStagePercent() Reports the percentage of propel... (see)
  • PropellantStageResourceId(double index): fc.PropellantStageResourceId(double index) Returns the resourceId of the ac... (see)
  • PropellantStageThreshold(double firstBound, double secondBound): fc.PropellantStageThreshold(double firstBound, double secondBound) Reports whether the current stag... (see)
  • PropellantThreshold(double firstBound, double secondBound): fc.PropellantThreshold(double firstBound, double secondBound) Reports whether the vessel's ava... (see)
  • PseudoLog10(double sourceValue): fc.PseudoLog10(double sourceValue) Apply a log10-like curve to the ... (see)
  • RadarActive(): fc.RadarActive() Returns 1 if any radars are turn... (see)
  • RadarCount(): fc.RadarCount() Returns the number of radar modu... (see)
  • RadiatorActive(): fc.RadiatorActive() Returns 1 if there is at least o... (see)
  • RadiatorCount(): fc.RadiatorCount() Returns the number of radiators ... (see)
  • RadiatorDamaged(): fc.RadiatorDamaged() Returns 1 if any deployable radi... (see)
  • RadiatorDeployable(): fc.RadiatorDeployable() Returns 1 if at least one radiat... (see)
  • RadiatorInactive(): fc.RadiatorInactive() Returns 1 if there is at least o... (see)
  • RadiatorMoving(): fc.RadiatorMoving() Returns -1 if a deployable radia... (see)
  • RadiatorPosition(): fc.RadiatorPosition() Returns a number representing th... (see)
  • RadiatorRetractable(): fc.RadiatorRetractable() Returns 1 if at least one radiat... (see)
  • RadiatorUtilization(): fc.RadiatorUtilization() Returns current radiator utiliza... (see)
  • Random(): fc.Random() Return a random number in the ra... (see)
  • RandomNormal(double mean, double stdDev): fc.RandomNormal(double mean, double stdDev) Return an approximation of a nor... (see)
  • RcsCurrent(): fc.RcsCurrent() Tracks the current units of all ... (see)
  • RcsDelta(): fc.RcsDelta() Tracks the current resource cons... (see)
  • RcsDensity(): fc.RcsDensity() Reports the current density of p... (see)
  • RCSHasActions(): fc.RCSHasActions() Returns 1 if the RCS action grou... (see)
  • RcsMass(): fc.RcsMass() Reports the current mass of RCS ... (see)
  • RcsMax(): fc.RcsMax() Tracks the total units that can ... (see)
  • RcsPercent(): fc.RcsPercent() Tracks the percentage of total R... (see)
  • RcsReserve(): fc.RcsReserve() Returns the number of units of R... (see)
  • RcsStageCurrent(): fc.RcsStageCurrent() Reports the current amount of RC... (see)
  • RcsStageMax(): fc.RcsStageMax() Reports the maximum amount of RC... (see)
  • RcsStagePercent(): fc.RcsStagePercent() Reports the percentage of RCS pr... (see)
  • RcsStageThreshold(double firstBound, double secondBound): fc.RcsStageThreshold(double firstBound, double secondBound) Reports whether the current stag... (see)
  • RcsThreshold(double firstBound, double secondBound): fc.RcsThreshold(double firstBound, double secondBound) Reports whether the vessel's RCS... (see)
  • ReactionWheelPitch(): fc.ReactionWheelPitch() Returns the net pitch being appl... (see)
  • ReactionWheelRoll(): fc.ReactionWheelRoll() Returns the net roll being appli... (see)
  • ReactionWheelTorque(): fc.ReactionWheelTorque() Returns the total torque percent... (see)
  • ReactionWheelYaw(): fc.ReactionWheelYaw() Returns the net yaw being applie... (see)
  • RealChuteAvailable(): parachute.RealChuteAvailable() Returns 1 if RealChute is instal... (see)
  • Receiving(): chatterer.Receiving() Reports on whether or not Missio... (see)
  • RecoverVessel(): fc.RecoverVessel() Recover the vessel if it is reco... (see)
  • RefArea(): far.RefArea() Return the RefArea for this vess... (see)
  • ReferenceTransformType(): fc.ReferenceTransformType() Returns a number identifying wha... (see)
  • RelativeEjectionAngle(): transfer.RelativeEjectionAngle() Reports the difference between t... (see)
  • RelativeOberthEjectionAngle(): transfer.RelativeOberthEjectionAngle() Returns the relative ejection an... (see)
  • RelativePhaseAngle(): transfer.RelativePhaseAngle() Returns the difference (in degre... (see)
  • ReleaseLaunchClamps(): fc.ReleaseLaunchClamps() Release all launch clamps holdin... (see)
  • Remap(double value, double bound1, double bound2, double map1, double map2): fc.Remap(double value, double bound1, double bound2, double map1, double map2) Remaps value from the range [ ... (see)
  • RendezvousAutopilotActive(): mechjeb.RendezvousAutopilotActive() Returns 1 if the rendezvous auto... (see)
  • Reset(): mechjeb.Reset() Resets / disables all auto pilot... (see)
  • ResetExperiment(double experimentId): fc.ResetExperiment(double experimentId) Resets the selected experiment. ... (see)
  • ResourceAbbreviatedName(object resourceId): fc.ResourceAbbreviatedName(object resourceId) Returns the abbreviation for the... (see)
  • ResourceAbundance(object resourceId): fc.ResourceAbundance(object resourceId) Returns a resource abundance rat... (see)
  • ResourceConverterCount(double id): fc.ResourceConverterCount(double id) Returns the number of resource c... (see)
  • ResourceConverterOutput(double id): fc.ResourceConverterOutput(double id) Returns the current output of in... (see)
  • ResourceCount(): fc.ResourceCount() Returns the total number of reso... (see)
  • ResourceCurrent(object resourceId): fc.ResourceCurrent(object resourceId) Returns the current available am... (see)
  • ResourceDelta(object resourceId): fc.ResourceDelta(object resourceId) Returns the instantaneous change... (see)
  • ResourceDensity(object resourceId): fc.ResourceDensity(object resourceId) Returns the density of the selec... (see)
  • ResourceDisplayName(object resourceId): fc.ResourceDisplayName(object resourceId) Returns the display (localized) ... (see)
  • ResourceExists(object resourceId): fc.ResourceExists(object resourceId) Returns 1 if resourceId is valid... (see)
  • ResourceIsPropellant(object resourceId): fc.ResourceIsPropellant(object resourceId) Returns 1 if the identified reso... (see)
  • ResourceLocked(object resourceId): fc.ResourceLocked(object resourceId) Returns 1 if the selected resour... (see)
  • ResourceMass(object resourceId): fc.ResourceMass(object resourceId) Returns the current mass of the ... (see)
  • ResourceMassMax(object resourceId): fc.ResourceMassMax(object resourceId) Returns the maximum mass of the ... (see)
  • ResourceMax(object resourceId): fc.ResourceMax(object resourceId) Returns the maximum quantity of ... (see)
  • ResourceName(object resourceId): fc.ResourceName(object resourceId) Returns the internal name of the... (see)
  • ResourcePercent(object resourceId): fc.ResourcePercent(object resourceId) Returns the amount of the select... (see)
  • ResourceReserve(object resourceId): fc.ResourceReserve(object resourceId) Returns the amount of the select... (see)
  • ResourceScannerInRange(object resourceId): fc.ResourceScannerInRange(object resourceId) Returns 1 if the selected resour... (see)
  • ResourceStageCurrent(object resourceId): fc.ResourceStageCurrent(object resourceId) Returns the current amount of th... (see)
  • ResourceStageMass(object resourceId): fc.ResourceStageMass(object resourceId) Returns the current mass of the ... (see)
  • ResourceStageMassMax(object resourceId): fc.ResourceStageMassMax(object resourceId) Returns the maximum mass of the ... (see)
  • ResourceStageMax(object resourceId): fc.ResourceStageMax(object resourceId) Returns the max amount of the se... (see)
  • ResourceStagePercent(object resourceId): fc.ResourceStagePercent(object resourceId) Returns the max amount of the se... (see)
  • ResourceStageThreshold(object resourceId, double firstBound, double secondBound): fc.ResourceStageThreshold(object resourceId, double firstBound, double secondBound) Reports whether the named resour... (see)
  • ResourceThreshold(object resourceId, double firstBound, double secondBound): fc.ResourceThreshold(object resourceId, double firstBound, double secondBound) Reports whether the vessel's tot... (see)
  • ReturnFromMoon(double newAltitude): transfer.ReturnFromMoon(double newAltitude) Return from a moon with a result... (see)
  • ReviewExperiment(double experimentId): fc.ReviewExperiment(double experimentId) Trigger the stock "Review Scienc... (see)
  • ReviewScienceContainer(double scienceContainerId): fc.ReviewScienceContainer(double scienceContainerId) Trigger the stock "Review Scienc... (see)
  • Roll(): fc.Roll() Returns roll relative to the sur... (see)
  • RollDockingAlignment(): fc.RollDockingAlignment() Returns the roll angle in degree... (see)
  • RollRate(): fc.RollRate() Returns the roll rate of the ves... (see)
  • RoundZero(double sourceValue): fc.RoundZero(double sourceValue) Round the given value towards ze... (see)
  • RunAvailableExperiment(double scienceTypeId): fc.RunAvailableExperiment(double scienceTypeId) Run the first available experime... (see)
  • RunExperiment(double experimentId): fc.RunExperiment(double experimentId) Run the selected experiment. I... (see)
  • RunMonitorStartupScript(): fc.RunMonitorStartupScript() Run the startupScript on every... (see)
  • SafeDivide(double numerator, double denominator): fc.SafeDivide(double numerator, double denominator) Divides numerator by denomina... (see)
  • SafeModulo(double numerator, double denominator): fc.SafeModulo(double numerator, double denominator) Returns the remainder of numera... (see)
  • SASHasActions(): fc.SASHasActions() Returns 1 if the SAS action grou... (see)
  • SASSOff(): mechjeb.SASSOff() Returns true if SASS is off (see)
  • ScienceContainerCapacity(double scienceContainerId): fc.ScienceContainerCapacity(double scienceContainerId) Returns the number of experiment... (see)
  • ScienceContainerCount(): fc.ScienceContainerCount() Returns the number of science co... (see)
  • ScienceContainerDataCount(double scienceContainerId): fc.ScienceContainerDataCount(double scienceContainerId) Returns the number of experiment... (see)
  • ScienceContainerDataSize(double scienceContainerId): fc.ScienceContainerDataSize(double scienceContainerId) Returns the size of all the data... (see)
  • ScienceContainerName(double scienceContainerId): fc.ScienceContainerName(double scienceContainerId) Returns the name of the part tha... (see)
  • ScienceDataTotal(): fc.ScienceDataTotal() Returns the total science data s... (see)
  • ScienceType(double scienceTypeId): fc.ScienceType(double scienceTypeId) Returns the type of experiment r... (see)
  • ScienceTypeId(string scienceTypeName): fc.ScienceTypeId(string scienceTypeName) Returns a number usable as the ... (see)
  • ScienceTypeTotal(): fc.ScienceTypeTotal() Returns the total number of cate... (see)
  • ScrollingMarquee(string inputString, double maxChars, double scrollRate): fc.ScrollingMarquee(string inputString, double maxChars, double scrollRate) The ScrollingMarquee function ta... (see)
  • SeatOccupied(double seatNumber): fc.SeatOccupied(double seatNumber) Indicates whether a given seat i... (see)
  • SecondsOfMinute(double time): fc.SecondsOfMinute(double time) Given a standard time in seconds... (see)
  • Select(bool condition, object trueValue, object falseValue): fc.Select(bool condition, object trueValue, object falseValue) Returns trueValue when condit... (see)
  • Select(double condition, object negativeValue, object zeroValue, object positiveValue): fc.Select(double condition, object negativeValue, object zeroValue, object positiveValue) Select one of three values, depe... (see)
  • SemiMajorAxis(): fc.SemiMajorAxis() Returns the semi-major axis of t... (see)
  • SendSoftkey(string monitorName, double softkeyNumber): fc.SendSoftkey(string monitorName, double softkeyNumber) Send a softkey event to the name... (see)
  • SetActionGroup(double groupID, bool active): fc.SetActionGroup(double groupID, bool active) Set the specified action group t... (see)
  • SetAirBrakes(bool active): fc.SetAirBrakes(bool active) Set the state of the air brakes. (see)
  • SetAllResourcesUnlocked(): fc.SetAllResourcesUnlocked() Sets all resources aboard the ve... (see)
  • SetAntenna(bool deploy): fc.SetAntenna(bool deploy) Deploys antennae (when 'deployed... (see)
  • SetAttitudePilotActive(bool active): fc.SetAttitudePilotActive(bool active) Set the attitude pilot to the se... (see)
  • SetBits(string persistentName, double bits): fc.SetBits(string persistentName, double bits) Sets 0 or more bits in the numbe... (see)
  • SetBodyTarget(object id): fc.SetBodyTarget(object id) Set the vessel's target to the s... (see)
  • SetBrakeForce(double force): fc.SetBrakeForce(double force) Sets the brake force setting of ... (see)
  • SetBrakes(bool active): fc.SetBrakes(bool active) Set the brake action group to th... (see)
  • SetCameraDeployment(double index, bool deploy): fc.SetCameraDeployment(double index, bool deploy) Extends or retracts a deployable... (see)
  • SetCameraMode(double index, double mode): fc.SetCameraMode(double index, double mode) Returns the id number of the cur... (see)
  • SetCargoBay(bool open): fc.SetCargoBay(bool open) Open or close cargo bays. Will ... (see)
  • SetColorChanger(bool newState): fc.SetColorChanger(bool newState) Set the state of all color chang... (see)
  • SetCurrentControlPoint(double newControlPoint): fc.SetCurrentControlPoint(double newControlPoint) Set the control point to the ind... (see)
  • SetDesiredLaunchAltitude(double altitude): mechjeb.SetDesiredLaunchAltitude(double altitude) Set the ascent guidance desired ... (see)
  • SetDesiredLaunchInclination(double inclination): mechjeb.SetDesiredLaunchInclination(double inclination) Set the desired launch inclinati... (see)
  • SetDockToReference(): fc.SetDockToReference() Set the primary docking port to ... (see)
  • SetEnginesEnabled(bool enable): fc.SetEnginesEnabled(bool enable) Turns on/off engines for the cur... (see)
  • SetEnginesEnabled(double groupId, bool newState): engine.SetEnginesEnabled(double groupId, bool newState) Toggles all of the engines in th... (see)
  • SetFoV(double index, double newFoV): fc.SetFoV(double index, double newFoV) Adjusts the field of view settin... (see)
  • SetFuelCellActive(bool active): fc.SetFuelCellActive(bool active) Sets the fuel cells on or off pe... (see)
  • SetGear(bool active): fc.SetGear(bool active) Set the landing gear action grou... (see)
  • SetGimbalLimit(double newLimit): fc.SetGimbalLimit(double newLimit) Change the gimbal limit for acti... (see)
  • SetGimbalLock(bool locked): fc.SetGimbalLock(bool locked) Locks or unlocks engine gimbals ... (see)
  • SetGimbalPitch(bool enable): fc.SetGimbalPitch(bool enable) Controls whether active, unlocke... (see)
  • SetGimbalRoll(bool enable): fc.SetGimbalRoll(bool enable) Controls whether active, unlocke... (see)
  • SetGimbalYaw(bool enable): fc.SetGimbalYaw(bool enable) Controls whether active, unlocke... (see)
  • SetGrappleArmed(bool armGrapple): fc.SetGrappleArmed(bool armGrapple) Sets the arming state of the pri... (see)
  • SetGrapplePivot(bool locked): fc.SetGrapplePivot(bool locked) Change whether the primary grapp... (see)
  • SetGrappleToReference(): fc.SetGrappleToReference() Set the primary grapple to be th... (see)
  • SetIntakesOpen(bool open): engine.SetIntakesOpen(bool open) Sets the state of all intakes ab... (see)
  • SetLights(bool active): fc.SetLights(bool active) Set the state of the lights acti... (see)
  • SetManeuverPilotActive(bool active): fc.SetManeuverPilotActive(bool active) Sets the maneuver autopilot stat... (see)
  • SetMultiModeEngineMode(bool runPrimary): fc.SetMultiModeEngineMode(bool runPrimary) Selects the primary or secondary... (see)
  • SetPan(double index, double newPan): fc.SetPan(double index, double newPan) Adjusts the pan setting on the s... (see)
  • SetParachuteArmed(bool arm): parachute.SetParachuteArmed(bool arm) Arms or disarms parachutes for a... (see)
  • SetPersistent(string persistentName, object value): fc.SetPersistent(string persistentName, object value) Set a persistent to value . v... (see)
  • SetPersistentBlended(string persistentName, double value, double maxChangePerSecond): fc.SetPersistentBlended(string persistentName, double value, double maxChangePerSecond) Set a persistent to value , but... (see)
  • SetPitchTrim(double pitchTrim): fc.SetPitchTrim(double pitchTrim) Returns the current pitch trim. (see)
  • SetPodColorChanger(bool newState): fc.SetPodColorChanger(bool newState) Set the state of the pod color c... (see)
  • SetPodToReference(): fc.SetPodToReference() Set the current IVA pod to be th... (see)
  • SetPrecisionMode(bool state): fc.SetPrecisionMode(bool state) Activates or deactivates precisi... (see)
  • SetPropellerBoost(double engineId, double newBoost): engine.SetPropellerBoost(double engineId, double newBoost) Sets the turbo/super charger boo... (see)
  • SetPropellerMixture(double engineId, double newMixture): engine.SetPropellerMixture(double engineId, double newMixture) Sets the engine mixture for the ... (see)
  • SetPropellerRPM(double engineId, double newPosition): engine.SetPropellerRPM(double engineId, double newPosition) Sets the RPM lever position for ... (see)
  • SetRadarActive(bool active): fc.SetRadarActive(bool active) Activate or deactivate docking r... (see)
  • SetRadiator(bool deploy): fc.SetRadiator(bool deploy) Deploys deployable radiators, or... (see)
  • SetRadioFrequency(double radioId, double frequency): nav.SetRadioFrequency(double radioId, double frequency) Sets the specified navigational ... (see)
  • SetRCS(bool active): fc.SetRCS(bool active) Set the state of RCS. (see)
  • SetRCSRotate(bool active): fc.SetRCSRotate(bool active) Enable or disable RCS rotation c... (see)
  • SetRCSThrustLimit(double limit): fc.SetRCSThrustLimit(double limit) Set the maximum thrust limit of ... (see)
  • SetRCSTranslate(bool active): fc.SetRCSTranslate(bool active) Enable or disable RCS translatio... (see)
  • SetReactionWheelActive(bool active): fc.SetReactionWheelActive(bool active) Enable or disable reaction wheel... (see)
  • SetReactionWheelAuthority(double authority): fc.SetReactionWheelAuthority(double authority) Update all active reaction wheel... (see)
  • SetResourceConverterActive(double id, bool newState): fc.SetResourceConverterActive(double id, bool newState) Sets the resource converter grou... (see)
  • SetResourceLock(object resourceId, bool lockResource): fc.SetResourceLock(object resourceId, bool lockResource) Controls whether resourceId ca... (see)
  • SetRollTrim(double rollTrim): fc.SetRollTrim(double rollTrim) Returns the current roll trim. (see)
  • SetRotation(double position): vtol.SetRotation(double position) Instructs the rotation controlle... (see)
  • SetSAS(bool active): fc.SetSAS(bool active) Set the SAS state to on or off p... (see)
  • SetSASMode(double mode): fc.SetSASMode(double mode) Set the SAS mode. Note that whi... (see)
  • SetSASSForceRoll(bool enabled): mechjeb.SetSASSForceRoll(bool enabled) Enable or disable the SASS Force... (see)
  • SetSASSMode(double mode): mechjeb.SetSASSMode(double mode) Set the SASS pilot to the specif... (see)
  • SetSASSRollAngle(double angle): mechjeb.SetSASSRollAngle(double angle) Set the SASS Force Roll angle to... (see)
  • SetSolarPanelDeploy(bool deploy): fc.SetSolarPanelDeploy(bool deploy) Deploys / undeploys solar panels... (see)
  • SetSpoilers(bool newState): far.SetSpoilers(bool newState) Deploy or retract spoilers. (see)
  • SetStageLocked(bool locked): fc.SetStageLocked(bool locked) Sets stage locking to the specif... (see)
  • SetTargetDock(double idx): fc.SetTargetDock(double idx) Targets the docking port on the ... (see)
  • SetTargetFilter(double vesselType): fc.SetTargetFilter(double vesselType) Adds the specified vesselType to... (see)
  • SetTargetVessel(double id): fc.SetTargetVessel(double id) Set the active target to the ves... (see)
  • SetThrottle(double throttlePercentage): fc.SetThrottle(double throttlePercentage) Set the throttle. May be set to... (see)
  • SetThrottleLimit(double groupId, double newLimit): engine.SetThrottleLimit(double groupId, double newLimit) Set the throttle limit for all o... (see)
  • SetThrottleLimit(double newLimit): fc.SetThrottleLimit(double newLimit) Set the throttle limit. May be ... (see)
  • SetThrustMode(double mode): vtol.SetThrustMode(double mode) Set the VTOL manager thrust mode... (see)
  • SetThrustReverser(bool active): engine.SetThrustReverser(bool active) Sets the state of thrust reverse... (see)
  • SetTilt(double index, double newTilt): fc.SetTilt(double index, double newTilt) Adjusts the tilt setting on the ... (see)
  • SetTrim(double yawTrim, double pitchTrim, double rollTrim): fc.SetTrim(double yawTrim, double pitchTrim, double rollTrim) Update all trim settings at once... (see)
  • SetTurnRoll(double turnRoll): mechjeb.SetTurnRoll(double turnRoll) Set the ascent autopilot's turn ... (see)
  • SetVerticalRoll(double verticalRoll): mechjeb.SetVerticalRoll(double verticalRoll) Set the ascent autopilot's verti... (see)
  • SetVerticalSpeed(double vSpeed): vtol.SetVerticalSpeed(double vSpeed) Set the commanded vertical speed... (see)
  • SetWarp(double warpRate, bool instantChange): fc.SetWarp(double warpRate, bool instantChange) Attempt to set time warp rate to... (see)
  • SetWarpDirection(double direction): vtol.SetWarpDirection(double direction) Set the Crazy Mode Warp Directio... (see)
  • SetWaypoint(double waypointIndex): nav.SetWaypoint(double waypointIndex) Set the stock waypoint system to... (see)
  • SetWaypointToGroundStation(double dsnIndex): nav.SetWaypointToGroundStation(double dsnIndex) Select the ground station identi... (see)
  • SetWaypointToLandingSite(double siteIndex): nav.SetWaypointToLandingSite(double siteIndex) Select the MechJeb landing site ... (see)
  • SetWaypointToLaunchSite(): nav.SetWaypointToLaunchSite() Sets the waypoint manager to tar... (see)
  • SetYawTrim(double yawTrim): fc.SetYawTrim(double yawTrim) Returns the current yaw trim. (see)
  • Sideslip(): far.Sideslip() Returns the sideslip of the vess... (see)
  • Sideslip(): fc.Sideslip() Returns the vessel's current sid... (see)
  • SIFormatValue(double value, double totalLength, double minDecimal, string delimiter, bool forceSign, bool showPrefix): fc.SIFormatValue(double value, double totalLength, double minDecimal, string delimiter, bool forceSign, bool showPrefix) Provides a custom SI formatter w... (see)
  • SkinTemperature(bool useKelvin): fc.SkinTemperature(bool useKelvin) Returns the skin temperature of ... (see)
  • SlantDistance(double latitude1, double longitude1, double altitude1, double latitude2, double longitude2, double altitude2): nav.SlantDistance(double latitude1, double longitude1, double altitude1, double latitude2, double longitude2, double altitude2) Returns the slant distance (dire... (see)
  • SlantDistanceFromVessel(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude): nav.SlantDistanceFromVessel(double latitude, double longitude, double altitude) Returns the slant distance (dire... (see)
  • SlopeAngle(): fc.SlopeAngle() Returns the slope of the terrain... (see)
  • SolarPanelCount(): fc.SolarPanelCount() Returns the number of solar pane... (see)
  • SolarPanelDamaged(): fc.SolarPanelDamaged() Returns 1 if any solar panels ar... (see)
  • SolarPanelDeployable(): fc.SolarPanelDeployable() Returns 1 if at least one solar ... (see)
  • SolarPanelEfficiency(): fc.SolarPanelEfficiency() Returns the net efficiency of so... (see)
  • SolarPanelMoving(): fc.SolarPanelMoving() Returns -1 if a solar panel is r... (see)
  • SolarPanelOutput(): fc.SolarPanelOutput() Returns the current output of in... (see)
  • SolarPanelPosition(): fc.SolarPanelPosition() Returns a number representing th... (see)
  • SolarPanelRetractable(): fc.SolarPanelRetractable() Returns 1 if at least one solar ... (see)
  • SpecFuelConsumption(): far.SpecFuelConsumption() Returns the thrust specific fuel... (see)
  • SpeedDisplayMode(): fc.SpeedDisplayMode() Returns +1 if the KSP automatic ... (see)
  • Stage(): fc.Stage() Activate the next stage. (see)
  • StageDeltaV(): ke.StageDeltaV() Returns the total delta-V availa... (see)
  • StageDeltaV(): mechjeb.StageDeltaV() Returns the dV remaining for the... (see)
  • StageReady(): fc.StageReady() Can the vessel stage? (see)
  • StageValid(): fc.StageValid() The staging manager sets the 'cu... (see)
  • StallFraction(): far.StallFraction() Returns the stall fraction for t... (see)
  • StartTalking(): chatterer.StartTalking() If the comm channel is idle, sta... (see)
  • StaticPressureAtm(): fc.StaticPressureAtm() Returns the static atmospheric p... (see)
  • StaticPressureKPa(): fc.StaticPressureKPa() Returns the static atmospheric p... (see)
  • StickPitch(): fc.StickPitch() Returns the current pitch contro... (see)
  • StickRoll(): fc.StickRoll() Returns the current roll control... (see)
  • StickTranslationX(): fc.StickTranslationX() Returns the current X translatio... (see)
  • StickTranslationY(): fc.StickTranslationY() Returns the current Y translatio... (see)
  • StickTranslationZ(): fc.StickTranslationZ() Returns the current Z translatio... (see)
  • StickTrimPitch(): fc.StickTrimPitch() Returns the current pitch trim s... (see)
  • StickTrimRoll(): fc.StickTrimRoll() Returns the current roll trim se... (see)
  • StickTrimYaw(): fc.StickTrimYaw() Returns the current yaw trim set... (see)
  • StickYaw(): fc.StickYaw() Returns the current yaw control ... (see)
  • StockDeltaV(): fc.StockDeltaV() Returns the total delta-V remain... (see)
  • StockDeltaVStage(): fc.StockDeltaVStage() Returns an estimate of the delta... (see)
  • SuicideBurnTime(): fc.SuicideBurnTime() Returns the time (in seconds) un... (see)
  • SurfaceForwardSpeed(): fc.SurfaceForwardSpeed() Returns the component of surface... (see)
  • SurfaceLateralSpeed(): fc.SurfaceLateralSpeed() Returns the lateral (right/left)... (see)
  • SurfaceSpeed(): fc.SurfaceSpeed() Return the surface-relative spee... (see)
  • TargetAltitude(): fc.TargetAltitude() Returns the altitude of the targ... (see)
  • TargetAngle(): fc.TargetAngle() Returns the raw angle between th... (see)
  • TargetApoapsis(): fc.TargetApoapsis() Returns the target's apoapsis. (see)
  • TargetAxialAngle(): fc.TargetAxialAngle() Returns the geometric angle of t... (see)
  • TargetAxialDistance(): fc.TargetAxialDistance() Returns the axial displacement o... (see)
  • TargetAxialVelocity(): fc.TargetAxialVelocity() Returns the relative axial veloc... (see)
  • TargetBearing(bool relative): nav.TargetBearing(bool relative) Returns the bearing to the curre... (see)
  • TargetBodyName(): fc.TargetBodyName() Returns the name of the body tha... (see)
  • TargetClosestApproachDistance(): fc.TargetClosestApproachDistance() Returns the distance of the clos... (see)
  • TargetClosestApproachSpeed(): fc.TargetClosestApproachSpeed() Returns the relative speed of th... (see)
  • TargetClosestApproachTime(): fc.TargetClosestApproachTime() Returns the time until the close... (see)
  • TargetDistance(): fc.TargetDistance() Returns the distance to the curr... (see)
  • TargetDistanceX(): fc.TargetDistanceX() Returns the displacement between... (see)
  • TargetDistanceY(): fc.TargetDistanceY() Returns the displacement between... (see)
  • TargetDistanceZ(): fc.TargetDistanceZ() Returns the displacement between... (see)
  • TargetDockCount(): fc.TargetDockCount() Returns the number of available ... (see)
  • TargetDockError(): fc.TargetDockError() Returns the angle in degrees tha... (see)
  • TargetDockName(double idx): fc.TargetDockName(double idx) Returns the name of the target d... (see)
  • TargetEccentricity(): fc.TargetEccentricity() Returns the eccentricity of the ... (see)
  • TargetGroundDistance(): nav.TargetGroundDistance() Returns the ground distance in m... (see)
  • TargetHeadingPrograde(): fc.TargetHeadingPrograde() Returns the heading of the targe... (see)
  • TargetInclination(): fc.TargetInclination() Returns the orbital inclination ... (see)
  • TargetIsVessel(): fc.TargetIsVessel() Returns 1 if the target is a ves... (see)
  • TargetLatitude(): fc.TargetLatitude() Returns the target latitude for ... (see)
  • TargetLatLonValid(): fc.TargetLatLonValid() Returns whether the latitude / l... (see)
  • TargetLongitude(): fc.TargetLongitude() Returns the target longitude for... (see)
  • TargetName(): fc.TargetName() Get the name of the current targ... (see)
  • TargetNextDock(): fc.TargetNextDock() Targets the next valid docking p... (see)
  • TargetNextMoon(): fc.TargetNextMoon() Sets the target to the next moon... (see)
  • TargetNextVessel(): fc.TargetNextVessel() Sets the target to the nearest v... (see)
  • TargetOrbitPeriod(): fc.TargetOrbitPeriod() Returns the orbital period, in s... (see)
  • TargetOrbitSpeed(): fc.TargetOrbitSpeed() Returns the orbital speed of the... (see)
  • TargetPeriapsis(): fc.TargetPeriapsis() Returns the target's periapsis. (see)
  • TargetRelativeInclination(): fc.TargetRelativeInclination() Returns the relative inclination... (see)
  • TargetSameSoI(): fc.TargetSameSoI() Returns 1 if there is a target, ... (see)
  • TargetSituation(): fc.TargetSituation() Returns the target's situation, ... (see)
  • TargetSMA(): fc.TargetSMA() Returns the semi-major axis of t... (see)
  • TargetSpeed(): fc.TargetSpeed() Target-relative speed in m/s. 0... (see)
  • TargetTimeToAp(): fc.TargetTimeToAp() Returns the time until the targe... (see)
  • TargetTimeToPe(): fc.TargetTimeToPe() Returns the time until the targe... (see)
  • TargetType(): fc.TargetType() Returns a number identifying the... (see)
  • TargetTypeId(): fc.TargetTypeId() Returns a number representing th... (see)
  • TargetVelocityX(): fc.TargetVelocityX() Returns the target's velocity re... (see)
  • TargetVelocityY(): fc.TargetVelocityY() Returns the target's velocity re... (see)
  • TargetVelocityZ(): fc.TargetVelocityZ() Returns the target's velocity re... (see)
  • TargetVesselCount(): fc.TargetVesselCount() Returns the number of other non-... (see)
  • TargetVesselDistance(double id): fc.TargetVesselDistance(double id) Returns the distance to the non-... (see)
  • TargetVesselIndex(): fc.TargetVesselIndex() Returns the index of the non-deb... (see)
  • TargetVesselName(double id): fc.TargetVesselName(double id) Returns the name of the non-debr... (see)
  • TargetVesselType(): fc.TargetVesselType() Returns the name of the target v... (see)
  • TerminalVelocity(): far.TerminalVelocity() Returns an estimate of the termi... (see)
  • TerminalVelocity(): fc.TerminalVelocity() Returns the current terminal vel... (see)
  • TerrainHeight(): fc.TerrainHeight() Returns the terrain height benea... (see)
  • TerrainHeight(double range, double bearing): nav.TerrainHeight(double range, double bearing) Returns the terrain height (dist... (see)
  • ThrustReverserCount(): engine.ThrustReverserCount() The number of thrust reverser mo... (see)
  • ThrustReverserPosition(): engine.ThrustReverserPosition() Returns the normalized thrust re... (see)
  • TimeOfDay(double time): fc.TimeOfDay(double time) Similar to fc.HourOfDay() , but... (see)
  • TimeToAlarm(): kac.TimeToAlarm() Returns the time to the next ala... (see)
  • TimeToAltitude(double altitude): fc.TimeToAltitude(double altitude) Given an altitude in meters, ret... (see)
  • TimeToANEq(): fc.TimeToANEq() For non-hyperbolic orbits, retur... (see)
  • TimeToANTarget(): fc.TimeToANTarget() Returns the time until the next ... (see)
  • TimeToAp(): fc.TimeToAp() Fetch the time to the next apoap... (see)
  • TimeToAtmosphere(): fc.TimeToAtmosphere() Fetch the time until the vessel'... (see)
  • TimeToDNEq(): fc.TimeToDNEq() Returns the time to the equatori... (see)
  • TimeToDNTarget(): fc.TimeToDNTarget() Returns the time until the next ... (see)
  • TimeToLanding(): fc.TimeToLanding() Alias for fc.LandingTime() (see)
  • TimeToNextSoI(): fc.TimeToNextSoI() Returns the time to the next SoI... (see)
  • TimeToPe(): fc.TimeToPe() Fetch the time to the next peria... (see)
  • TimeToSoI(): fc.TimeToSoI() Returns the number of seconds un... (see)
  • TimeUntilEjection(): transfer.TimeUntilEjection() Provides the time until the vess... (see)
  • TimeUntilOberthEjectionAngle(): transfer.TimeUntilOberthEjectionAngle() Returns the time until the eject... (see)
  • TimeUntilPhaseAngle(): transfer.TimeUntilPhaseAngle() Returns the time in seconds unti... (see)
  • ToggleActionGroup(double groupID): fc.ToggleActionGroup(double groupID) Toggle the selected action group... (see)
  • ToggleAirBrakes(): fc.ToggleAirBrakes() Toggle the state of the air brak... (see)
  • ToggleAirPark(): vtol.ToggleAirPark() Toggle the Air Park feature. Re... (see)
  • ToggleAntenna(): fc.ToggleAntenna() Deploys / undeploys antennae. (see)
  • ToggleAscentAutopilot(): mechjeb.ToggleAscentAutopilot() Toggles the Ascent Autopilot on ... (see)
  • ToggleAttitudePilot(): fc.ToggleAttitudePilot() Toggle the MAS attitude pilot. ... (see)
  • ToggleBrakes(): fc.ToggleBrakes() Toggle the state of the brake ac... (see)
  • ToggleCameraDeployment(double index): fc.ToggleCameraDeployment(double index) Toggles a deployable camera (ret... (see)
  • ToggleCargoBay(): fc.ToggleCargoBay() Opens closed cargo bays, closes ... (see)
  • ToggleColorChanger(): fc.ToggleColorChanger() Toggle the color changers on the... (see)
  • ToggleDockingAutopilot(): mechjeb.ToggleDockingAutopilot() Toggles the Docking Autopilot on... (see)
  • ToggleEngines(): vtol.ToggleEngines() Toggles engines managed by the V... (see)
  • ToggleEnginesEnabled(): fc.ToggleEnginesEnabled() Turns on/off engines for the cur... (see)
  • ToggleEnginesEnabled(double groupId): engine.ToggleEnginesEnabled(double groupId) Toggles all of the engines in th... (see)
  • ToggleForceRoll(): mechjeb.ToggleForceRoll() Toggle the Ascent Autopilot's "F... (see)
  • ToggleFuelCellActive(): fc.ToggleFuelCellActive() Toggles fuel cells from off to o... (see)
  • ToggleGear(): fc.ToggleGear() Toggle the landing gear action g... (see)
  • ToggleGimbalLock(): fc.ToggleGimbalLock() Toggles gimbal lock on/off for t... (see)
  • ToggleGimbalPitch(): fc.ToggleGimbalPitch() Toggles pitch control for active... (see)
  • ToggleGimbalRoll(): fc.ToggleGimbalRoll() Toggles roll control for active,... (see)
  • ToggleGimbalYaw(): fc.ToggleGimbalYaw() Toggles yaw control for active, ... (see)
  • ToggleGrappleArmed(): fc.ToggleGrappleArmed() Arm or disarm the installed prim... (see)
  • ToggleGrapplePivot(): fc.ToggleGrapplePivot() Toggle the state of the primary ... (see)
  • ToggleHover(): vtol.ToggleHover() Toggles VTOL hover mode. (see)
  • ToggleIntakes(): engine.ToggleIntakes() Toggles intakes (opens them if t... (see)
  • ToggleLandingAutopilot(): mechjeb.ToggleLandingAutopilot() Toggles the MechJeb landing auto... (see)
  • ToggleLandingComputer(): mechjeb.ToggleLandingComputer() Toggles the MechJeb landing pred... (see)
  • ToggleLights(): fc.ToggleLights() Toggle the lights action group. (see)
  • ToggleManeuverNodeExecutor(): mechjeb.ToggleManeuverNodeExecutor() Enables / disables Maneuver Node... (see)
  • ToggleManeuverPilot(): fc.ToggleManeuverPilot() Toggles the maneuver autopilot. (see)
  • ToggleMultiModeEngineMode(): fc.ToggleMultiModeEngineMode() Toggles the mode for any multi-m... (see)
  • ToggleParachuteArmed(): parachute.ToggleParachuteArmed() Toggles the armed state of any R... (see)
  • TogglePersistent(string persistentName): fc.TogglePersistent(string persistentName) Toggle a persistent between 0 an... (see)
  • TogglePodColorChanger(): fc.TogglePodColorChanger() Toggle the pod's color changer. (see)
  • TogglePrecisionMode(): fc.TogglePrecisionMode() Toggle precision control mode (see)
  • ToggleRadar(): fc.ToggleRadar() Toggle any installed radar from ... (see)
  • ToggleRadiator(): fc.ToggleRadiator() Deploys deployable radiators, or... (see)
  • ToggleRCS(): fc.ToggleRCS() Toggle RCS off-to-on or vice ver... (see)
  • ToggleRCSRotate(): fc.ToggleRCSRotate() Toggle RCS rotation control. (see)
  • ToggleRCSTranslate(): fc.ToggleRCSTranslate() Toggle RCS translation control. (see)
  • ToggleReactionWheel(): fc.ToggleReactionWheel() Toggle the reaction wheels. (see)
  • ToggleRendezvousAutopilot(): mechjeb.ToggleRendezvousAutopilot() Engages / disengages the MechJeb... (see)
  • ToggleResourceConverterActive(double id): fc.ToggleResourceConverterActive(double id) Toggles the resource converter g... (see)
  • ToggleResourceLock(object resourceId): fc.ToggleResourceLock(object resourceId) Toggles the lock / unlock state ... (see)
  • ToggleSAS(): fc.ToggleSAS() Toggles SAS on-to-off or vice-ve... (see)
  • ToggleSASSForceRoll(): mechjeb.ToggleSASSForceRoll() Toggles the SASS Force Roll cont... (see)
  • ToggleSASSpeedMode(): fc.ToggleSASSpeedMode() Toggles the SAS speed mode. (see)
  • ToggleSolarPanel(): fc.ToggleSolarPanel() Deploys / undeploys solar panels... (see)
  • ToggleStageLocked(): fc.ToggleStageLocked() Toggle the stage lock on or off.... (see)
  • ToggleTargetFilter(double vesselType): fc.ToggleTargetFilter(double vesselType) Toggles the specified vesselType... (see)
  • ToggleThrustReverser(): engine.ToggleThrustReverser() Toggles installed thrust reverse... (see)
  • TrackResourceConverter(double id, string resourceName): fc.TrackResourceConverter(double id, string resourceName) Registers a family of Resource C... (see)
  • TransferEjectionAngle(): transfer.TransferEjectionAngle() Reports the ejection angle when ... (see)
  • TransferOberthEjectionAngle(): transfer.TransferOberthEjectionAngle() Returns the ejection angle requi... (see)
  • TransferPhaseAngle(): transfer.TransferPhaseAngle() Returns the phase angle required... (see)
  • TransmitExperiment(double transmitterId, double experimentId): fc.TransmitExperiment(double transmitterId, double experimentId) Transmit the experiment selected... (see)
  • TransmitScienceContainer(double transmitterId, double scienceContainerId): fc.TransmitScienceContainer(double transmitterId, double scienceContainerId) Transmit all of the contents of ... (see)
  • Transmitting(): chatterer.Transmitting() Reports whether or not the vesse... (see)
  • Undock(): fc.Undock() Undock / detach (if pre-attached... (see)
  • UT(): fc.UT() Fetch the current UT (universal ... (see)
  • VerticalSpeed(): fc.VerticalSpeed() Returns the vertical speed of th... (see)
  • VesselCrewBadS(double crewIndex): fc.VesselCrewBadS(double crewIndex) Returns 1 if the selected crew h... (see)
  • VesselCrewCapacity(): fc.VesselCrewCapacity() Capacity of all crewed locations... (see)
  • VesselCrewCount(): fc.VesselCrewCount() Total count of crew aboard the v... (see)
  • VesselCrewExperience(double crewIndex): fc.VesselCrewExperience(double crewIndex) Returns the number of experience... (see)
  • VesselCrewGender(double crewIndex): fc.VesselCrewGender(double crewIndex) Returns a number representing th... (see)
  • VesselCrewLevel(double crewIndex): fc.VesselCrewLevel(double crewIndex) Returns the experience level of ... (see)
  • VesselCrewName(double crewIndex): fc.VesselCrewName(double crewIndex) Returns the name of the crew mem... (see)
  • VesselCrewPanic(double crewIndex): fc.VesselCrewPanic(double crewIndex) Returns the 'PANIC' level of the... (see)
  • VesselCrewStupidity(double crewIndex): fc.VesselCrewStupidity(double crewIndex) Returns the stupidity rating of ... (see)
  • VesselCrewTitle(double crewIndex): fc.VesselCrewTitle(double crewIndex) Returns the job title of the sel... (see)
  • VesselCrewWhee(double crewIndex): fc.VesselCrewWhee(double crewIndex) Returns the 'WHEE' level of the ... (see)
  • VesselDescription(): fc.VesselDescription() Returns the text entered into th... (see)
  • VesselFlying(): fc.VesselFlying() Returns 1 if the vessel is in a ... (see)
  • VesselLanded(): fc.VesselLanded() Returns 1 if the vessel is in a ... (see)
  • VesselName(): fc.VesselName() Returns the name of the vessel. (see)
  • VesselPowered(): fc.VesselPowered() Returns 1 when there is at least... (see)
  • VesselRecoverable(): fc.VesselRecoverable() Returns 1 if the vessel is recov... (see)
  • VesselSituation(): fc.VesselSituation() Returns the vessel's situation, ... (see)
  • VesselSituationName(): fc.VesselSituationName() Returns the name of the vessel's... (see)
  • VesselType(): fc.VesselType() Returns a string naming the type... (see)
  • VesselTypeId(): fc.VesselTypeId() Returns a number representing th... (see)
  • WarpRate(): fc.WarpRate() Returns the current time warp mu... (see)
  • WarpTo(double UT): fc.WarpTo(double UT) Warp to the specified universal ... (see)
  • WaypointActive(): nav.WaypointActive() Returns 1 if there is a waypoint... (see)
  • WaypointAltitude(double waypointIndex): nav.WaypointAltitude(double waypointIndex) Get the altitude of the waypoint... (see)
  • WaypointBearing(double waypointIndex): nav.WaypointBearing(double waypointIndex) Get the absolute bearing to the ... (see)
  • WaypointCount(): nav.WaypointCount() Returns the number of waypoints ... (see)
  • WaypointCrossTrackDistance(double waypointIndex): nav.WaypointCrossTrackDistance(double waypointIndex) Get the cross-track distance to ... (see)
  • WaypointDistance(double waypointIndex): nav.WaypointDistance(double waypointIndex) Get the slant distance to the se... (see)
  • WaypointGroundDistance(double waypointIndex): nav.WaypointGroundDistance(double waypointIndex) Returns the ground distance from... (see)
  • WaypointLatitude(double waypointIndex): nav.WaypointLatitude(double waypointIndex) Get the latitude of the waypoint... (see)
  • WaypointLongitude(double waypointIndex): nav.WaypointLongitude(double waypointIndex) Get the longitude of the waypoin... (see)
  • WaypointName(double waypointIndex): nav.WaypointName(double waypointIndex) Returns the name of waypoint ide... (see)
  • YawActivePrograde(): fc.YawActivePrograde() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawAntiNormal(): fc.YawAntiNormal() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawAntiTarget(): fc.YawAntiTarget() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawDockingAlignment(): fc.YawDockingAlignment() Returns the yaw angle between th... (see)
  • YawManeuver(): fc.YawManeuver() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawNormal(): fc.YawNormal() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawPrograde(): fc.YawPrograde() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawRadialIn(): fc.YawRadialIn() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawRadialOut(): fc.YawRadialOut() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawRate(): fc.YawRate() Returns the yaw rate of the vess... (see)
  • YawRetrograde(): fc.YawRetrograde() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawSAS(): fc.YawSAS() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawSurfacePrograde(): fc.YawSurfacePrograde() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawSurfaceRetrograde(): fc.YawSurfaceRetrograde() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawTarget(): fc.YawTarget() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawTargetPrograde(): fc.YawTargetPrograde() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawTargetRetrograde(): fc.YawTargetRetrograde() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)
  • YawWaypoint(): fc.YawWaypoint() Yaw of the vessel relative to th... (see)


Master Category Index, 81 categories:

  • Abort: fc The Abort action and the GetAbort query belong in this category. (see)
  • Action Groups: fc Variables and actions related to player-configured action groups... (see)
  • AJE Jet: engine The AJE Jet category provides an interface to engines using Modu... (see)
  • AJE Propellers: engine The AJE Propellers category provides an interface with engines u... (see)
  • Altitudes: fc Variables relating to the current vessel's altitude are found in... (see)
  • Atmosphere: fc Atmosphere and airflow variables are found in this category. (see)
  • Autopilot: fc The Autopilot region provides information about and control over... (see)
  • Body: fc Information about the Celestial Bodies may be fetched using the ... (see)
  • Brakes: fc Variables related to a vessel's brakes and air brakes are in thi... (see)
  • Cameras: fc The methods in this section are focused around controlling exter... (see)
  • Cargo Bay: fc The methods in this section provide information on cargo bays, i... (see)
  • Chatterer: chatterer The Chatterer category provides the interface with the Chatterer... (see)
  • Color Changer: fc The Color Changer category controls the ModuleColorChanger modul... (see)
  • CommNet: fc Functions related to CommNet connectivity are in this category, ... (see)
  • Control Input State: fc Variables and actions related to the controls (roll / pitch / ya... (see)
  • Control Point: fc This category allows the current IVA's control point to be chang... (see)
  • Crew: fc The Crew category provides information about the crew aboard the... (see)
  • Docking: fc Docking control and status are in the Docking category. Many o... (see)
  • Engine: fc Engine status and control methods are in the Engine category. (see)
  • Engine Group Management: engine The Engine Group Management category allows engines grouped toge... (see)
  • Flight Status: fc Flight status variables are in this category. (see)
  • Gear: fc Variables and control methods for the Gear action group are in t... (see)
  • General Navigation: nav The General Navigation section contains general-purpose navigati... (see)
  • Grapple: fc The Grapple category controls grappling nodes ("The Claw"). Li... (see)
  • Harvester: fc The Harvester section provides methods to query the state of a ... (see)
  • Intakes: engine The Intakes region allows management of resource intakes aboard ... (see)
  • KER Simulation: ke The KER Simulation category reports information from Kerbal Engi... (see)
  • Kerbal Alarm: kac The functions for interacting with the Kerbal Alarm Clock are li... (see)
  • Launch Site: nav The Launch Site category contains information about the vessel's... (see)
  • Lights: fc The Lights action group can be controlled and queried through th... (see)
  • Maneuver Node: fc Methods for querying and controlling maneuver nodes are in this ... (see)
  • Mass: fc Vessel mass may be queried with these methods. (see)
  • Math: fc Provides MAS-native methods for common math primitives. These m... (see)
  • MechJeb Ascent Autopilot and Guidance: mechjeb The Ascent Autopilot and Guidance methods provide an interface t... (see)
  • MechJeb Docking Autopilot: mechjeb Interface for the MechJeb Docking Autopilot. (see)
  • MechJeb General: mechjeb The General category provides some non-specific queries and act... (see)
  • MechJeb Landing Autopilot and Computer: mechjeb The Landing Autopilot and Computer methods provide an interface ... (see)
  • MechJeb Landing Sites: mechjeb The Landing Sites category provides a way to access landing site... (see)
  • MechJeb Maneuver Planner and Node Executor: mechjeb The Maneuver Planner and Node Executor section provides access t... (see)
  • MechJeb Performance: mechjeb The Performance section provides metrics of vessel performance a... (see)
  • MechJeb Rendezvous Autopilot: mechjeb The Rendezvous Autopilot category contains methods to interact w... (see)
  • MechJeb SASS: mechjeb MechJeb's SASS attitude control system can be queried and contro... (see)
  • Meta: fc Meta variables and functions are variables provide information a... (see)
  • Orbit Parameters: fc Information on the vessel's current orbit are available in this ... (see)
  • Orientation: fc Variables related to the vessel's orientation in space, relative... (see)
  • Periodic Variables: fc Periodic variables change value over time, based on a requested ... (see)
  • Persistent Vars: fc Persistent variables are the primary means of data storage in Av... (see)
  • Position: fc The Position category provides information about the vessel's po... (see)
  • Power Production: fc Queries and controls related to power production belong in this ... (see)
  • Procedural Fairings: fc This section contains the functions used to interact with the st... (see)
  • Radar: fc The Radar category provides the interface for controlling MASRad... (see)
  • Radio Navigation: nav The Radio Navigation section provides methods for emulating navi... (see)
  • Random: fc Random number generators are in this category. (see)
  • RCS: fc The RCS controls may be accessed in this category along with sta... (see)
  • Reaction Wheels: fc Methods for controlling and reporting information from reaction ... (see)
  • Resource Converter: fc The Resource Converter category allows an IVA creator to registe... (see)
  • Resources: fc The resource methods report the availability of various resource... (see)
  • SAS: fc The SAS section provides methods to control and query the state ... (see)
  • Science: fc The Science category provides interaction with science experimen... (see)
  • Speed, Velocity, and Acceleration: fc Variables related to the vessels speed, velocity, and accelerati... (see)
  • Staging: fc Controls for staging a vessel, and controlling the stage lock, a... (see)
  • Survival: fc Information related to the survivability of the current pod are ... (see)
  • Target and Rendezvous: fc The Target and Rendezvous section provides functions and methods... (see)
  • Thermal: fc The Thermal section contains temperature monitoring values. (see)
  • Thrust Reverser: engine The Thrust Reverser section controls thrust reversers attached t... (see)
  • Time: fc The Time section provides access to the various timers in MAS (a... (see)
  • Transfer Delta-V: transfer The Delta-V section provides information on the amount of veloci... (see)
  • Transfer Ejection Angle: transfer The Ejection Angle region provides information on the ejection a... (see)
  • Transfer Maneuver Planning: transfer The Maneuver Planning region provides functions that can be used... (see)
  • Transfer Oberth Effect: transfer The Oberth Effect region provides information specific to taking... (see)
  • Transfer Phase Angle: transfer The Phase Angle section provides measurements of the phase angle... (see)
  • Trim: fc The Trim section provides control over aircraft trim settings. (see)
  • Unassigned Region: fc Variables that have not been assigned to a different category ar... (see)
  • Vessel Info: fc The Vessel Info group contains non-flight information about the ... (see)
  • VTOL Air Park: vtol The VTOL Air Park category provides the interface to toggle and ... (see)
  • VTOL Capabilities: vtol The WBI VTOL Manager has several features that it controls. The... (see)
  • VTOL Crazy Mode: vtol The VTOL Crazy Mode category provides the interface with the WBI... (see)
  • VTOL Hover: vtol The VTOL Hover category provides the interface for controlling e... (see)
  • VTOL Rotation Controller: vtol The VTOL Rotation Controller category provides the interface for... (see)
  • VTOL Thrust Vector: vtol The VTOL Thrust Vector category provides methods to query and se... (see)
  • Waypoint Navigation: nav The Waypoint Navigation section provides methods used to interac... (see)

This documentation was automatically generated from source code at 12:36 UTC on 25/Aug/2020.