For IVA Makers - MOARdV/AvionicsSystems GitHub Wiki

MAS IVA creation is not substantially different than RPM IVA creation. The main difference is that you're going to use MAS-enabled props instead of RPM-enabled props. The props included in the MAS distribution all use the prefix "MAS_". However, to get the most out of a MAS IVA, you may want to use some of the MAS-related part modules.

Documentation of the hundreds of props is in progress, and it will be provided once it is complete.

While most of the gameplay experience with MAS takes place in the IVA, there are many part modules available. Some of these modules are used to enable features within the IVA, such as the MASIdEngine and MASIdEngineGroup. Some modules enhance gameplay even without using MAS IVAs, such as MASRadar.

Additionally, custom radio navigation beacons may be added using MAS_NAVAID config files, as described under Radio Navigation.

Avionics Systems Part Modules

  • MASCamera - This part module allows MFDs to show external camera views. It is similar to JSIExternalCameraSelector, but it has some key differences, such as support for multiple modes and shaders.
  • MASCameraMount - This part module rotates the part around specified axes in response to pan and tilt commands so that the part can visibly show where the camera is aimed.
  • MASIdEngine - Used to provide unique identifiers for engines; primarily for use with the engine Category.
  • MASIdEngineGroup - Used to group engines together, allowing them to be switched on or off independently of the master engine controls.
  • MASIdGeneric - The basis for the MAS Identification part modules. It should not be used directly.
  • MASDeployableCamera - This part module allows a MASCamera to be on an extendable boom or other animated part. Deployable cameras are subject to damage from excessive aerodynamic forces.
  • MASFlightComputer - This part module is required on all pods that use MAS-enabled IVAs.
  • MASRadar - This part module provides a simple automatic target selection feature. It has context menu controls, allowing it to be used without being in IVA.
  • MASThrustReverser - This part module is a simple module used to help MAS identify animations that behave as thrust reversers on engines that use them.