Missing API Functionality - MLTSHP/mltshp GitHub Wiki
This is a list of functionality that someone trying to recreate MLTSHP using the API would not able to do.
- API requests fail if signature uses SSL (#567)
- can't see original poster in user shake (#589)
- can't un-like a post (#592)
- can't un-save a post (#593)
- to be fair, you can't do this on MLTSHP.com either, you have to go to the shake and click the "x" button, and that doesn't work on your user shake, only group shakes.
- can't save a file to multiple shakes (#594)
- can't display pagination info (#597)
- can't see all shakes an image belongs to (#680)
- can't share a video (#681)
- can't get user metadata (total views, saves, likes) (#682)
- can't get user full name (#683)
- can't get followers list (#684)
- can't get following list (#685)
- can't follow/unfollow a user/shake (#686)
- can't get a members list for a shake (#687)
- can't invite a user to a shake (#688)
- can't join/quit a shake (#689)
- can't get a user's announcements list (#690)
- can't search (#691)
- can't edit a shake (#692)
- can't edit authenticated user's profile (#693)
- can't create a shake (#694)
- can't get conversations list (#695)
- can't tell if a user is premium or not (to display the "+" icon) (#696)
- can't get a list of shakes you're a member of, only shakes you own (#697)
This is a list of features that were once missing and have now been added.
- load shake information by shake name
- load user shake information by user name