Running the Draft - MLROOTC/MLR-OOTC GitHub Wiki

Disclaimer: this is just meant to be a document about procedure/precedent for future reference. In any case where something in the rule book differs from what is written here you should always defer to the rulebook.


  • Rosters are frozen at midnight EST/EDT the night before the draft
  • Players cannot be cut or traded at this point
  • Hiatus players DO count towards roster counts
  • In order for a pick to be valid, the team that owns the original pick must have at least one open roster spot, even if they are not the team using the pick

How to Run the Draft

  • Create a channel in The Big Office category in Main for draft picks (i.e., #s7-draft-picks)
  • Create a ticket in the LOM server for the draft
    • Ask GMs not to shitpost in the channel even though they will ignore the request
    • Turn on slow-mode
    • Give people running the draft stream view access to the channel
  • Verify that the team picking has the roster space to make the pick, or if it is a traded pick, that the team that held the original pick has the roster space to make the pick
  • When its time to pick, use yagpdb to create a reminder for the allotted time and ping the team role that picking
    • For the first round, the timer is 15 minutes
    • For all subsequent rounds, the timer is 12 hours
  • To process the pick
    • Update the player’s team in the backend roster sheet
    • Update the draft tab in the current season’s roster sheet with the player’s name
    • Generate the draft image using the .draft command with ump bot, publish it in the #draft-results in main, and publish the message to any servers following the channel
    • Remove the draftee role and add the team role to the player


  • Some GMs may DM draft picks to one of the LOMs before their timer starts.
  • Take a screenshot of the pick and post it in the ticket in the LOM server so there is a record of it and all LOMs can see the pick
  • It is very important that the draft pick not be shared anywhere besides the LOM server and not in main, as mods should not have access to this information
  • Obviously, do not spoil draft picks

Emergency Draft Pickers

  • GMs may designate people to pick on their behalf if they will not be available to make the pick
  • The player names for emergency pickers must be posted in #transaction-log in main prior to the start of the draft
  • There should be a clear priority order for emergency drafters if multiple have been given
  • If the timer runs out for the draft pick, emergency drafters should be given access to the draft picks channel in main to post the pick

Trading During the Draft

  • Trading picks has been allowed during the draft in the past
  • Players cannot be traded during the draft, as rosters have been frozen the night before the draft
  • PTBNL can not be traded, as this is seen as affecting roster caps
  • Traded picks are still subject to the roster cap rules outlined in the rule book/roster section of this wiki page
  • Things that have been allowed to be traded during the draft
    • Picks for the current draft
    • Scouting considerations
  • Things that have not been allowed to be traded during the draft
    • Players
    • PTBNL
    • Draft picks for future seasons