Mod Replacement Process - MLROOTC/MLR-OOTC GitHub Wiki

  1. Have the outgoing moderator announce their retirement in #announcements
  2. Create a ticket in main for the replacement process for current mods and LOMs to discuss
  3. Create an application form for their replacement (or reuse an old one?)
    1. An example can be found here:
    2. Questions that should be included:
      1. What is your name?
      2. How long have you been a member of MLR?
      3. What moderator experience do you have?
      4. Why do you want to be a mod?
      5. What times are you available (include time zones)?
    3. Other good questions to ask:
      1. Is this a real application or are you trolling?
      2. Explain a time you had to make a tough call as a moderator.
      3. Name something current league leadership has done well.
      4. Name something current league leadership has done poorly.
      5. What’s your idea for a good April Fools Day prank?
  4. Post the application in #announcements and publish to all servers. Leave applications open for at least a week
  5. Keep a running list of current applicants in #announcements
  6. Once the application window closes, determine if anyone feels interviews are necessary for the candidates
  7. Create a ranked choice ballot using Google forms.
    1. Use the Multiple Choice grid, put the candidates under the Columns side and ranks in the rows side
    2. Don’t forget to ask for the name of who is voting