Mod Replacement Process - MLROOTC/MLR-OOTC GitHub Wiki
- Have the outgoing moderator announce their retirement in #announcements
- Create a ticket in main for the replacement process for current mods and LOMs to discuss
- Create an application form for their replacement (or reuse an old one?)
- An example can be found here:
- Questions that should be included:
- What is your name?
- How long have you been a member of MLR?
- What moderator experience do you have?
- Why do you want to be a mod?
- What times are you available (include time zones)?
- Other good questions to ask:
- Is this a real application or are you trolling?
- Explain a time you had to make a tough call as a moderator.
- Name something current league leadership has done well.
- Name something current league leadership has done poorly.
- What’s your idea for a good April Fools Day prank?
- Post the application in #announcements and publish to all servers. Leave applications open for at least a week
- Keep a running list of current applicants in #announcements
- Once the application window closes, determine if anyone feels interviews are necessary for the candidates
- Create a ranked choice ballot using Google forms.
- Use the Multiple Choice grid, put the candidates under the Columns side and ranks in the rows side
- Don’t forget to ask for the name of who is voting