Fake College Baseball Setup - MLROOTC/MLR-OOTC GitHub Wiki

FCB GM Selection

  • Make an interest form and ask the following:
    • Player Name
    • What is your experience in MLR? (Focus on leadership, scouting, and other stuff that boosts your FCB GM resume up)
    • Would you be interested in being an Assistant Coach in FCB, if not selected as a Head Coach?
    • Do you have any interest in becoming an MLR GM or MiLR GM?
    • What college would you want your team to be?
  • Leave the form open for about a week.
  • Once the form closes, have Moderators + LOMs do approval voting on all candidates
  • If there are any ties, do a ranked choice vote for the affected candidates (i.e., for Season 8 we had 13 players get 7/8 OOTC members voting for approval)
  • Narrow down the list to a top 6 or 8 or however many teams you are planning on having.
  • Create a ticket and add the primary GMs to it, have them pick a team and co gm from the list of approved candidates (ex: anyone who got more than 50% or 75% on the initial approval vote depending on how many people that is, and said yes to being co-gm)