Guidelines for code checking in - MJB90/ConversationLabelling GitHub Wiki

Don't like to set up rigid rules, but we need to follow certain procedure for easy collaboration and make sure that we are not mess up the code base.

  1. fork the repo, and then work on the your own fork
  2. checkout the upstream develop branch, and then create a new branch for the new feature you are working on
  3. when it's done, commit your modification, write clear commit message about what it does.
  4. merge any changes from upstream develop branch
  5. make a merge request for merging into upstream develop branch, ask for a code review so other team members can suggest improvements or merge your code.

Both master and develop branches are protected, code can only be merged in after code review.

common git commands

git branch foo   //create a branch named "foo" off from the current branch. 
git checkout foo   // get into foo branch
git pull origin develop   // merge codes of the upstream develop branch into your current branch 
git status               // check the status of your current local branch 
git commit -m "blah blah"  // commit your code changes
git push fk foo         // assume your fork is named fk at your local machine,  this will push your foo branch to your fork on remote server