Commands - MFG38/colette GitHub Wiki



Launches an interactive prompt to add an entry to the todo list. The prompt will first ask for a description of the task, then a type, and finally its due date.

The description can be anything as long as it fits within 60 characters and does not contain a comma anywhere within it.

The type can be one of the following: fixed, daily, weekly, monthly. You can also enter only the initial of each type. Internally, the type string will be parsed into an integer as described:

  • 0 = fixed
  • 1 = daily
  • 2 = weekly
  • 3 = monthly

The due date can be provided as one of the following:

  • A full date in YYYY-MM-DD format (ex: 2024-12-31)
  • A month and day in MM-DD format (ex: 12-31)
  • A weekday either typed in full or abbreviated to its first 3 letters, optionally preceded by "next" (ex: Tuesday, Sat, next Friday)
  • "today" or "tomorrow"

The due date will be parsed based on its format and converted into a usable date internally. For tasks with non-fixed due dates, their due dates will get automatically updated upon launching Colette if the previous due date has passed.


Removes all fixed-deadline entries marked as completed or with expired due dates from the todo list.


Clears the entire todo list. Use with caution!


Marks a task as completed by its index. When printing the todo list with the list command, completed entries will be printed in green. If a completed task is of the fixed type, running the a(uto)rem(ove) command will remove it from the todo list.


Toggles debug mode. Colette's debug mode effectively acts like a verbose mode, printing additional messages in the terminal with extra information about what the program is doing internally.


Edits an entry in the todo list by its index. An interactive prompt will be launched where you will first be prompted for the index of the entry you wish to edit. You can then edit the description, type and due date of the entry. Specific parts of the editing prompt can be skipped by simply pressing Enter without typing anything - in this case, that part of the entry will be left unmodified.


Quits Colette.


Prints a help message with a description of Colette and a list of its commands.


Prints the todo list.


Removes an entry from the todo list by its index or description.

If you pass an integer (ex: 5) to the prompt, the command removes an entry from the todo list by its index.

If you pass a string (ex: pay rent) to the prompt, the command removes an entry from the todo list by its description. If the search returns multiple entries, the program will prompt you for the index of the entry to be removed. If you wish to remove multiple entries, type them into the prompt with their indexes separated by commas.


Searches the todo list for entries with the given description and prints all found entries.


Sorts the todo list by a given key. The key can be either desc(ription), type, deadline or status.


Toggles test mode. When test mode is on, any changes made to entries will remain strictly in memory and will not be written to the todo.clt file. Useful when you want to test Colette without messing up your todo.clt file.


Prints Colette's version information.