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Colette wiki

(This wiki is essentially just a copy of the documentation.)


Colette is a todo list manager that runs in the command line. It aims to be quick and simple to use while providing enough features to satisfy the needs of every command line lover.

Here's a list of Colette's main features:

  • Pure Python - Colette is written in pure Python with no dependencies other than Python itself.
  • Simple but powerful list management - Add, remove and edit entries, mark them as completed, sort your todo list etc.
  • Easy storage - Colette stores the todo list into a human-readable file that can be modified with a text editor if desired.


From the archive

  1. Download colette-*.zip from the Releases section of the GitHub repository.

  2. Unzip the entire contents of colette-*.zip to a folder of your choice.

  3. Add the following line to your shell configuration file:


Once you have performed the steps above, you can launch Colette by simply typing colette into the terminal.

From source

Refer to the instructions on the Building Colette page.


Colette is licensed under the MIT license.