Power On Button and Fan For Pi4 Without Code - MEHDIMYADI/PI-4 GitHub Wiki

Power On Button for turn on Pi4 and Fan For Pi4 no code required (Python).

Step 1: Parts Needed

For this project, we will use only a few components that are usually included in electronics kits for hobbyist that you can find on stores

  • Raspberry Pi 4.
  • 5V Fan.
  • NPN transistor that supports at least 300mA, like a 2N2222A.
  • 1K resistor.
  • 1 diode.
  • Micro Switch

Step 2: Electrical Connections

FAN_POWER_Pi4 Source

Step 3: Edit boot/config.txt

add enable_uart=1 to config.txt and reboot Pi4, Now The fan is always on if Pi 4 is turned on.

Final result

Power On Button and Fan For Pi4 Without Code Power On Button and Fan For Pi4 Without Code
